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  #31361 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2011, 10:29 PM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Apr 8| 21916|29017 * Sense 20

Originally Posted by rxb216 View Post
The week view can be view useful, just to see how one's week looks. I came from the last stock Sprint ROM and they had the appts show up in green color.

Also the "windows" calendar (not the HTC one) uses blue appts against a white background. The windows calendar also allows one to see a week view with either 5 day or 7 day, I have not found that option on the HTC calendar (including the last Sprint ROM).

Anyways I would be curious to know if the appt color can indeed be modified so one can see it, cause that view is not useful anymore.
Honestly, I rarely use the HTC or Windows calendar... I use Pocket Informant, which is now freeware BTW. The HTC stuff, eg, calendar is pretty limited in terms of easy customization or extensibility. Seems like changing Sense themes does not help make the week view in HTC calendar any better either. Not sure if I can help much short of say google around and see if someone found what possible files to edit to change the coloring of an appt in the weekly HTC cal. Maybe someone else can chime in... I'd offer to dig down more but my time is wrapped up in other items right now.

Originally Posted by ScottSNX View Post
Duh, I'm using the Mar30 Standard CHT 2.0 rom. Really got this one working dgreat, even my bluetooth issue, so I'll try the fix below first.

Thanks a lot. I think that was it. That key had GPRS_bye_if_device_off as a value, so I changed it to #777.
Originally Posted by blunij View Post
Originally Posted by blunij Yep, I have a feeling this is related to a lot of call issues and wonder if it relates to the BT issues???
The SuspendResume is a known issue, but it works for most of us already because Energy CDMA ROMs default to #777. The only time I have had this change on me without my doing was:
a. messing with Advanced Conf and accidentally saving the session changes
b. some app (usually one that changes dialer or network settings) that misbehaved and nuked that setting

This item does NOT address the BT hangup issue as most of us have this already set to #777 - again by default by almost all CDMA ROMs (stock or custom).

I'll try to remember to add this item to the wiki with Teradogs approval at some point soon as it seems to come up quite often these days.

Originally Posted by mariano3113 View Post
I was using 29017 .sencity Mar 29th Energy 2.0 CHT build while activated in Global mode but on Sprint.

I have not tried calling in CDMA only mode-as I almost always have my At&t or currently T-Mobile Sim card inserted. (Used mainly for when booting into Android and using my other number- Voice and Data simultaneously works wonders for Android)

I will be honest and say I don't use handsfree - mainly because I listen to music thru my Shure SE535s almost all day long and use Shure SE215s for my motorcycle jaunts. In my vehicles I prefer the AUX cable and MS Voice Command. SO I have never experencied the hang-up issues while using a headset.

However I have noticed that with the new April 8th/9th builds that I no longer have very important feature in the dialer and that is the Conference Calling or StraightTalk software seem to be MIA....so I'll be going back to the March 29th/30th builds for now.
Well you calling 911 with a Leo dialer seems to be fine then with that caveat you mentioned of not trying it directly in CDMA mode... appreciate the info. Guess that will help those that decide to continue using the Leo dialer mods in the USA.

As for the conference call item... Did not notice it this weekend as I usually do not make conf calls until my day job on weekdays. I can confirm it is not there, which is odd as I thought the Sprint MR1 dialer did have it. Guess I'll have to flash MR1 at some point to be sure.

Geez looks like this whole BT/dialer thing just keeps getting tricky. If we fix one thing, it nukes something else...

Originally Posted by alalor View Post
Has anybody had problems withe the microphone lately?
I have the problem that in most of my calls the other person can't hear me.
It is not a physical problem with the microphone because when I boot Android it works fine. Somehow it has gone to mute, even though it doesn't show it.
I wish I knew how to fix this...
I bypassed most of the March.2011 ROMs... but I tested March.30 for a bit and the mic seemed to be fine for me. Just tried Energy.RHODCDMA.29017.Sense2.5.Apr.08.7z with the mic (non BT) call and it was fine as well.
* Using: Energy.RHODCDMA|Leo.[6.5.3].Sense2.5+CHT185 (July.4.2011) | AmeriCanAndroid HD2 | MOAR GS3
+ Helping with: [XDA_UC][UC][SASHIMI][S4X] S4X_Auto (Updated: Jan.17.2011)
+ Energy ROM Script/XDA_UC Contributions: Auto Carrier Provisioning | Start Menu Layout
* Rhodium NRG Energy CDMA ROM Wiki - please read before posting a new question...
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  #31362 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2011, 10:36 PM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Apr 8| 21916|29017 * Sense 20

Originally Posted by NRGZ28 View Post
Very nice. Should I cook it in the ROM ?!
You are always more than welcome to use anything I put together if you like it, or if you think people might be interested.
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  #31363 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2011, 10:40 PM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Apr 8| 21916|29017 * Sense 20

Originally Posted by NinjaDuck View Post
Just thought I would share a package I put together with my favorite thread. It is an app that lets you manually toggle your backlight between a high and low setting of your choice.
Very nice! Thank/d. Gonna give it a whirl shortly. I use Lumos on my primary device, but I know a few times I would prefer direct control.

Originally Posted by NRGZ28 View Post
Very nice. Should I cook it in the ROM ?!
Problem is you would have to bake in JMLSenseMenu which is a requirement for ND's cool tool... and that app is always getting updated.

BTW, any chance folks have been asking for MortScript 4.3b15 to be baked in? The current one is 4.2b6 I believe... dunno if 4.3 breaks enough stuff on the ROMs or other scripts?

I write enough mortscripts that I have to package in 4.3b15 in to my cab files because I never know what version of MS folks put into their custom ROMs these days.
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  #31364 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2011, 10:58 PM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Apr 8| 21916|29017 * Sense 20

Originally Posted by powinmo View Post
Problem is you would have to bake in JMLSenseMenu which is a requirement for ND's cool tool... and that app is always getting updated.
That is true and I am not attached to having it in, but the ROMs do come out frequently.

Originally Posted by powinmo View Post
BTW, any chance folks have been asking for MortScript 4.3b15 to be baked in? The current one is 4.2b6 I believe... dunno if 4.3 breaks enough stuff on the ROMs or other scripts?
I vote yes.

BTW - The script does not change the setting for auto backlight, you need to unset it before it will work.
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  #31365 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2011, 11:02 PM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Apr 8| 21916|29017 * Sense 20

Originally Posted by alalor View Post
Has anybody had problems withe the microphone lately?
I have the problem that in most of my calls the other person can't hear me.
It is not a physical problem with the microphone because when I boot Android it works fine. Somehow it has gone to mute, even though it doesn't show it.
I wish I knew how to fix this...
I am having the same problem in the last 2 builds.

After about 5 minutes on a call, the mic cuts out. The build 1 version ago, if i switched to speakerphone,muted and then unmuted it would reset it. In the latest version, that workaround doesnt seem to work anymore, i cant get it to unmute.

I am Verizon running the latest 20917 .sencity build.

Is there an archive of prior builds? I can load an older build to see if this still occurs.

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  #31366 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2011, 11:22 PM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Apr 8| 21916|29017 * Sense 20

The SuspendResume is a known issue, but it works for most of us already because Energy CDMA ROMs default to #777. The only time I have had this change on me without my doing was:
a. messing with Advanced Conf and accidentally saving the session changes
b. some app (usually one that changes dialer or network settings) that misbehaved and nuked that setting

This item does NOT address the BT hangup issue as most of us have this already set to #777 - again by default by almost all CDMA ROMs (stock or custom).

I'll try to remember to add this item to the wiki with Teradogs approval at some point soon as it seems to come up quite often these days.
I had this problem on my cdma Sprint phone and my son's. Both were on different date Energy ROMs. Neither of us used Advanced Config or any app that changes dialer or Network settings.
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  #31367 (permalink)  
Old 04-09-2011, 11:49 PM
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Re: Back to the Dialer

Originally Posted by NRGZ28 View Post
...Why would u want to come back to the dialer anyway? I think that once you're in Contacts you'd want to call somebody right?...
I have a reason why. Every 6 weeks, I call a restaurant survey and usually forget the store ID # it asks me to input. Well, that ID # is saved in my Contact notes, so I pull up Contacts to retrieve the ID # and push Back to get to the dialer. But noooooo... it takes me Home, so I have to push the Phone hardware button :/
Currently: T-Mo myTouch4g running 0.0's CM10 JellyBean Desire S port
Formerly: Sprint HTC TP2 - ROM: Energy.RhodCdma.21916.Titanium.Apr.26 - Radio: 2.32.00WU - OC'd @ 729 mHz
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  #31368 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2011, 01:12 AM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Apr 8| 21916|29017 * Sense 20

Not to be a pest but currently using:
Energy.RHODCDMA.29017.Sense2.5.Cookie.2.0.GTX.Apr. 08.7z

The graphics on the dialer seems to be really off for the buttons under the numbers such as answer/end. It's there but the images don't match up.

Last edited by Topher916; 04-10-2011 at 03:35 AM.
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  #31369 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2011, 04:46 AM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Apr 8| 21916|29017 * Sense 20

Originally Posted by NRGZ28 View Post
Good stuff.Maybe I'll make these changes in the kitchen from now on.
I updated that post with more info and new cabs FYI.

Originally Posted by powinmo View Post
The SuspendResume is a known issue, but it works for most of us already because Energy CDMA ROMs default to #777. The only time I have had this change on me without my doing was:
a. messing with Advanced Conf and accidentally saving the session changes
b. some app (usually one that changes dialer or network settings) that misbehaved and nuked that setting

This item does NOT address the BT hangup issue as most of us have this already set to #777 - again by default by almost all CDMA ROMs (stock or custom).
And as I mentioned, BT was working fine for me, even before I changed the reg setting to the correct #777 value. Seems to have worked for me.
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  #31370 (permalink)  
Old 04-10-2011, 05:01 AM
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Re: |RHODIUM CDMA|.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ * |Apr 8| 21916|29017 * Sense 20

does anyone know if all the updates posted in the changelog are done to the Energy Reference Rom as well ?
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