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  #7591 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2010, 12:05 PM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░ Update Available!

That seems very odd.

You should not need your SIM card in the phone to have any of those things you describe work.

Did you happen to reboot the phone after inserting the SIM and Prior to pulling it out?

That might have fixed your issue also.

Try this suggestion.

Go into your phone dial pad screen, then choose Menu and Options. Next choose the Network TAB and chanbe your Mode of Operation to CDMA only. Putting the phone in CDMA only will not hurt anything while your in the US, but will not allow the phone to work outside the US in GSM coverage areas.

Turn your phone off and then put your SIM card in the phone and power it back on. See if you have the same issues.

Originally Posted by DaveTN View Post
Re Quick GPS and Data
OK, this is kind of like a statement and a question at the same time.
When I got my TP2, the salesman took the simcard out and said I would not need it since I am in a CDMA area and not going out of the country. I thought "OK, thats fine" and left it in the box. The other day, I decided to put the simcard back in the phone and things like my push mail (gmail via activesync), browser (opera), QuickGPS, weather updates via HTC weather tab, and MyPhone would not connect and do what they are supposed to do. I also had difficulty getting GPS locks for google and bing. I decided to remove the simcard and soft reset and everything works fine again.
So, if you have your simcard in and don't need it, would removing it possibly fix your problems like I had above? Give it a try and see what happens.
Is the simcard required if I am staying in the country and should I leave it out or in?
Heres where it pertains to mightyrom: If I should leave it in, then is there something in the autoprovision that needs to run to make the simcard work with mightyrom? (I loaded MR without my simcard in the slot).
Just a few thoughts and ideas that may make a difference for people having problems with QuickGPS and some other updates.
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  #7592 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2010, 12:16 PM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░

Originally Posted by toddpedersen View Post
I am running SE and have the same Quick GPS issue as you descirbed. Once it expires, I have to manually download.
The latest official ROM seems to have fixed this because I had the previous issue with SE and previous OF. It wouldn't even update when you would plug it into the PC but the 5/24 OF updates every time I plug my phone into my PC. I'll have to give it a few days to see if it actually updates on its own but so far so good.
  #7593 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2010, 12:23 PM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░ Update Available!

Originally Posted by vin255764 View Post
3.You need to add radio in that folder (radio image should be named as ruu_signed.nbh).If you with sprint,then add latest sprint radio
or a bootscreen
Originally Posted by Exit24 View Post
So whats the difference between choosing Phone as Modem and Sprint?
pam = sprints 30 service that you pay for that legally allows you to tether
sprint = phones internet connection, which you share.
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Originally Posted by flyers2114 View Post
MordyT is right.
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  #7594 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2010, 12:39 PM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░ Update Available!

Originally Posted by DaveTN View Post
I have an airave too and autoprov worked fine for me. My only problem with MY airave is that weather updates (and more recently) push mail do not work when im connected to my airave.
a little off subject...apparently I have lots of neighbors with sprint and my broadband connection is crawling. I noticed that my airave is maxed with connections so its time to lock it down and allow only my 3 phones access. Sorry Sprint.
I have the same "weather" issue w/ my airrave. I dont think you need to aplogize to sprint. Its your neighbors that are going to be sorry that they are loosing good coverage by mooching off ur airrave. Haha. Sux for them

Originally Posted by dsgabriel View Post
I have this issue with FF too - my GPS stopped working the other day, I thought it was a hardware problem from me dropping my phone one too many times. Turned out when I went into QuickGPS it showed expired. I was able to manually update and then GPS functionality was fine. Doing manual updates isn't the end of the world, but it would be nice to have this little bug squashed.
Its starting to look like there are several of us that have this issue. I agree its not a deal breaker to have to manually update the gps, but it would be sweet to not have to worry about it anymore. Hopefully there is a solution floating around or the Mighty one himself can help us out.

Originally Posted by tjELITE View Post
60-62% seems relatively high for boot up...I am generally in the 52-54%...guess it will take some time to break in...although maybe a reflash would work it out...
maybe he has quite a few cabs/ mods installed. I haven't looked at mine in a few weeks but i am pretty sure that I am at almost 60% after a soft reset. I know that I have quite a few cabs installed, so its not something that I worry about.

Originally Posted by Kane3162 View Post
since i wasnt the first to report this and I have an Airave, im relatively sure something is wrong, just for S&G (shits and giggles) i went back to 5-01, AutoProv worked perfectly, Task29 back to 5-24, had to run Provision Device...

I would like to see if more people have this issue, and if the other person who had the issue has an airave, it could be the timing was changed as in 5-01 it was fine for the Airave and 5-24 its off, its too much of a variable right now unless others chime in or test it out for them-self's (but still 3 times for me testing and 5-01 works but not 5-24, but again thats why i say relatively sure instead of 100% sure )
I have an airrave as well. I have not had any issues with the auto-prov working. it worked perfectly.

Last edited by bdurst08; 05-25-2010 at 12:43 PM.
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  #7595 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2010, 12:49 PM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░ Update Available!

Sorry about the double post...i would have included this in my long multiquote but it wasnt up when i posted.
Originally Posted by jstn76rs View Post
The latest official ROM seems to have fixed this because I had the previous issue with SE and previous OF. It wouldn't even update when you would plug it into the PC but the 5/24 OF updates every time I plug my phone into my PC. I'll have to give it a few days to see if it actually updates on its own but so far so good.
That could be, but me personally I am running FF and there was no update for that. But good luck I hope it works for you.
  #7596 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2010, 01:08 PM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░ Update Available!

Originally Posted by toddpedersen View Post
That seems very odd.

You should not need your SIM card in the phone to have any of those things you describe work.

Did you happen to reboot the phone after inserting the SIM and Prior to pulling it out?

That might have fixed your issue also.

Try this suggestion.

Go into your phone dial pad screen, then choose Menu and Options. Next choose the Network TAB and chanbe your Mode of Operation to CDMA only. Putting the phone in CDMA only will not hurt anything while your in the US, but will not allow the phone to work outside the US in GSM coverage areas.

Turn your phone off and then put your SIM card in the phone and power it back on. See if you have the same issues.
Thanks Todd, I'll give that a try.

Of course, to insert and remove the sim, I have to shut down the phone which counts as a reboot, but I'll try it and SR. I'm also going to try your suggestion in the phone settings.


Todd, thank you for your suggestion and it may solve some of the problems that others are having with data and GPS.

When I shut down my phone and inserted the sim card and rebooted, my network settings were "World" and quickGPS would not download. So, I changed to CDMA only and did a SR and quickGPS downloaded data.
Therefore, it looks like if you insert the SIM, the phone will then automatically default to World mode and you will have issues with data. Setting it back to CDMA solved it.
Like I said earlier, this probably IS NOT and MR issue but since many of us only post in ths subforum, it seemed like the appropriate place to mention it.
If anyone else is having data issues, try the above suggestion and see if that helps...or, just remove the sim card if you plan to use your phone in CDMA areas only inside the US.


Last edited by DaveTN; 05-25-2010 at 01:20 PM.
  #7597 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2010, 01:21 PM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░ Update Available!

You mean you cannot slide out your SIM Card without removing the battery???????

Duh, I totally forgot about that!

Originally Posted by DaveTN View Post
Thanks Todd, I'll give that a try.

Of course, to insert and remove the sim, I have to shut down the phone which counts as a reboot, but I'll try it and SR. I'm also going to try your suggestion in the phone settings.


Todd, thank you for your suggestion and it may solve some of the problems that others are having with data and GPS.

When I shut down my phone and inserted the sim card and rebooted, my network settings were "World" and quickGPS would not download. So, I changed to CDMA only and did a SR and quickGPS downloaded data.
Therefore, it looks like if you insert the SIM, the phone will then automatically default to World mode and you will have issues with data. Setting it back to CDMA solved it.
Like I said earlier, this probably IS NOT and MR issue but since many of us only post in ths subforum, it seemed like the appropriate place to mention it.
If anyone else is having data issues, try the above suggestion and see if that helps...or, just remove the sim card if you plan to use your phone in CDMA areas only inside the US.

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  #7598 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2010, 01:47 PM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░ Update Available!

Originally Posted by Summit View Post
I am flashed back to 050110 and restored via SPB Backup restore for now. Think I'll wait for MM to address some reported issues with 052410, like auto-provisioning (which did work for me however) and WiFi.
What bugs?

WiFi works for me...

Auto-provisioning works by locating a registry key which basically tells it what to provision...there are a few times where it doesn't work and that is why we see some out there having the issue...which is easily taken care of with the provisioning program in the start menu if it doesn't go through...

To be honest if peeps are nervous about it they can always get the nostalgia of flashing one of Mike's older ROMs before the auto-prov. and most times it will say that its been installed already thus indicating its ready...but I know I will hear a complaint from a dear friend saying that it should work no matter what but I will wait for him to respond...

Originally Posted by bdurst08 View Post
I have the same "weather" issue w/ my airrave. I dont think you need to aplogize to sprint. Its your neighbors that are going to be sorry that they are loosing good coverage by mooching off ur airrave. Haha. Sux for them

Its starting to look like there are several of us that have this issue. I agree its not a deal breaker to have to manually update the gps, but it would be sweet to not have to worry about it anymore. Hopefully there is a solution floating around or the Mighty one himself can help us out.

maybe he has quite a few cabs/ mods installed. I haven't looked at mine in a few weeks but i am pretty sure that I am at almost 60% after a soft reset. I know that I have quite a few cabs installed, so its not something that I worry about.

I have an airrave as well. I have not had any issues with the auto-prov working. it worked perfectly.
I have quite a few cabs installed myself...including cht and The New Blackout theme...and the most I have been up to at reboot is maybe 56%...I guess its just where you install your cabs and what cabs you install...
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  #7599 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2010, 01:50 PM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░ Update Available!

I have quite a few cabs installed myself...including cht and The New Blackout theme...and the most I have been up to at reboot is maybe 56%...I guess its just where you install your cabs and what cabs you install...
Is some of this 'problem' due to people confusing memory with storage space?
  #7600 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2010, 01:58 PM
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Re: ░░░░ MightyROM.com ░░░░ Windows Phone® ░░░░ Update Available!

Hey TJ,

In my experience I have found that the available memory has no real direct correlation with whether you install CABS to the phone storage or the storage card.

When you install a CAB to the storage card, there is a small amount of Program memory that gets used just like if you were to install that same CAB to the Phone Storage.

Maybe I am way off base here, but I used to focus on putting all my CABS on my Storage Card, only to find that my phones available memory was still pretty low after a day or two use. 35MB to 40MB Free or 75% to 85%.

I then chose to put all my CABS in the XDA_US folder on the storage card and just install them all to the phone storage.

Low and behold, I experienced the same low memory as when I used to put them all on the storage card.

I think it boils down to how many CABS a person has installed and not so much whether they are installed to the SC or the Phone Storage.



With 90% of my 33 CABS installed to the Phone Storage, on a softreset, my free memory is 60% or 75MB.

Originally Posted by tjELITE View Post
What bugs?

WiFi works for me...

Auto-provisioning works by locating a registry key which basically tells it what to provision...there are a few times where it doesn't work and that is why we see some out there having the issue...which is easily taken care of with the provisioning program in the start menu if it doesn't go through...

To be honest if peeps are nervous about it they can always get the nostalgia of flashing one of Mike's older ROMs before the auto-prov. and most times it will say that its been installed already thus indicating its ready...but I know I will hear a complaint from a dear friend saying that it should work no matter what but I will wait for him to respond...

I have quite a few cabs installed myself...including cht and The New Blackout theme...and the most I have been up to at reboot is maybe 56%...I guess its just where you install your cabs and what cabs you install...

Last edited by toddpedersen; 05-25-2010 at 02:08 PM.
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