Originally Posted by DaveTN
I have an airave too and autoprov worked fine for me. My only problem with MY airave is that weather updates (and more recently) push mail do not work when im connected to my airave.
a little off subject...apparently I have lots of neighbors with sprint and my broadband connection is crawling. I noticed that my airave is maxed with connections so its time to lock it down and allow only my 3 phones access. Sorry Sprint.
I have the same "weather" issue w/ my airrave. I dont think you need to aplogize to sprint. Its your neighbors that are going to be sorry that they are loosing good coverage by mooching off ur airrave. Haha. Sux for them
Originally Posted by dsgabriel
I have this issue with FF too - my GPS stopped working the other day, I thought it was a hardware problem from me dropping my phone one too many times. Turned out when I went into QuickGPS it showed expired. I was able to manually update and then GPS functionality was fine. Doing manual updates isn't the end of the world, but it would be nice to have this little bug squashed.
Its starting to look like there are several of us that have this issue. I agree its not a deal breaker to have to manually update the gps, but it would be sweet to not have to worry about it anymore. Hopefully there is a solution floating around or the Mighty one himself can help us out.
Originally Posted by tjELITE
60-62% seems relatively high for boot up...I am generally in the 52-54%...guess it will take some time to break in...although maybe a reflash would work it out...
maybe he has quite a few cabs/ mods installed. I haven't looked at mine in a few weeks but i am pretty sure that I am at almost 60% after a soft reset. I know that I have quite a few cabs installed, so its not something that I worry about.
Originally Posted by Kane3162
since i wasnt the first to report this and I have an Airave, im relatively sure something is wrong, just for S&G (shits and giggles) i went back to 5-01, AutoProv worked perfectly, Task29 back to 5-24, had to run Provision Device...
I would like to see if more people have this issue, and if the other person who had the issue has an airave, it could be the timing was changed as in 5-01 it was fine for the Airave and 5-24 its off, its too much of a variable right now unless others chime in or test it out for them-self's (but still 3 times for me testing and 5-01 works but not 5-24, but again thats why i say relatively sure instead of 100% sure )
I have an airrave as well. I have not had any issues with the auto-prov working. it worked perfectly.