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  #751 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2010, 10:20 PM
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Re: Update[8-29-10-Hybrid v2.0]★SharkieROM★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016

Thanks alot Shark! DL Now
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  #752 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2010, 10:22 PM
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Re: Update[8-23-10]★SharkieROM-Hybrid★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

Originally Posted by kdjameson View Post
I'm apparently one of the few users of your new 6.5 ROM (No CTH). It runs great on my TP2. I've only changed a few of your core settings (changed vibration to 20 ms, making typing and the Sense slider much quicker; changed the vertical scrollbar width to default 13 pixels). I added Dinik CHT 1.8.5. And I love your selection of wallpapers! I also like the style of the softkeys.

There are 2 things missing that I'd love to see added back from the basic Sense 2.5 setup: 1.) Comm Manager is not in the Programs listing. 2.) In the Settings tab, I miss the Location page.

One more thing: I tried to install the Dinik Anastasia taskbar, bit it didn't take. Is it possible to overwrite your taskbar? (Not that it's a bad taskbar ... I just like more color.)

Overall, 6.5 is a great ROM. Energy better look out.
I haven't played much with program links, but I decided to wade in and see what I could do. I found a link for Comm Manager in "Windows\AppButtons", so I simply copied it to the" Windows\Start Menu\Programs" folder. Now it shows up in the Programs listing.

Thanks for the tip about SDKCerts. However, I've never needed to run that program in my TP2. I simply tried again to install the Dinik Anastasia taskbar, and it worked the 2nd time. Not sure why it didn't work the first time. Most likely user error.

I'm very happy with your 6.5 ROM! I really hope you continue to maintain it. I'm not having any problems with it at all. Though I sure wouldn't mind if you made a version of it with Dinik Anastasia cooked in.
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  #753 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2010, 10:37 PM
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Re: Update[8-23-10]★SharkieROM-Hybrid★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016]

Originally Posted by kdjameson View Post
I haven't played much with program links, but I decided to wade in and see what I could do. I found a link for Comm Manager in "Windows\AppButtons", so I simply copied it to the" Windows\Start Menu\Programs" folder. Now it shows up in the Programs listing.

Thanks for the tip about SDKCerts. However, I've never needed to run that program in my TP2. I simply tried again to install the Dinik Anastasia taskbar, and it worked the 2nd time. Not sure why it didn't work the first time. Most likely user error.

I'm very happy with your 6.5 ROM! I really hope you continue to maintain it. I'm not having any problems with it at all. Though I sure wouldn't mind if you made a version of it with Dinik Anastasia cooked in.
I thought about your quoted post today and just didn't have time to hunt around for it. I'm sure you noticed by now in my Hybrid post that all the ROMs from here on out have a comm manager link in the programs list. Thanks for the suggestion!

Yeah, there should be no problems with taskbars. I'm glad you it working.

I fully intend to keep at the 6.5 ROMs. Once I've fixed the 6.5.X problems (memory) then I will have learned new things that I then can quickly and easily apply to the 6.5 ROMs.

Thanks so much for letting me know that you've been running the ROM and everything's cool! Along those same lines... Here's a quote from a PM I sent someone who inquired as to why I don't have a donate button:
"I don't have a donate button because I just don't feel that it's deserved. I love making ROMs and it brings me great joy in life.

I've made no original programs like you have or anything along those lines. All the stuff I've used and learn has been free. I just feel that I can't attain all that I've attained in my ROM for free and then turn around and accept money for it, even if it is a simple thank you for my work.

Just knowing that people like my ROM, and getting my thanks button hit is plenty for me "
Point being...

I'm sitting at a little over 500 downloads since v1.1s were released and I get very little feedback by comparison. Either this means that people try it, think it sucks and move on without saying a word or that people try it, use it (perhaps love it) and don't say a word. I'm grateful for the hand full of seasoned vets that are regulars here and provide invaluable feedback, but what about everyone else? Where are the 500 +/- people who downloaded my ROM?

It's nice to here from the less frequent posters as well, so I know that people are in fact rockin' my work! Thank you for letting me know!

Oh, and I have thought about making an Anastasia ROM. Thanks for the suggestion. Skinning a ROM is usually pretty easy, so after I work on the bugs, I should be able to make an Anastasia ROM rather quickly. I already have all the .cabs and stuff too. So... I'll probably make one... Love the screen shot by the way. I don't see that wallpaper in screenies often, but ever since I came across it, it's been one of my favs.
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Last edited by Sharkie405; 08-29-2010 at 11:02 PM.
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  #754 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2010, 10:51 PM
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Re: Update[8-29-10-Hybrid v2.0]★SharkieROM★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016

Okay Sharkie... I'm about 2 flash now, I'll give feed back in the morning while I'm at work. Thanks again. Shark
Something wrong with the link, I'm getting No Archives when I extract the flies

Last edited by bobbyblack; 08-29-2010 at 10:58 PM.
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  #755 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2010, 10:57 PM
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Re: Update[8-29-10-Hybrid v2.0]★SharkieROM★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016

Keep rockin it Sharkie!!!

And IDK whats going on with VBN... I've been using it for KD-Font and haven't had any problems... You might try emailing Sanjeev and see what the problem is. He's really good about getting back to you and solving problems.

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  #756 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2010, 10:57 PM
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Re: Update[8-29-10-Hybrid v2.0]★SharkieROM★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016

Originally Posted by bobbyblack View Post
Okay Sharkie... I'm about 2 flash now, I'll give feed back in the morning while I'm at work. Thanks again. Shark
Cool, I look forward to it.
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  #757 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 12:48 AM
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Re: Update[8-29-10-Hybrid v2.0]★SharkieROM★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016

So i flashed the latest rom and it soft reseted like it should after installing. i then restarted later after picking the sprint provision to have it again lock on htc screen at bootup. if this helps, when i went into bootloader to install the rom again, it showed that i had NO rom on my phone to begin with. I noticed this everytime you rom locks on my phone and i go to install a rom again.
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  #758 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 04:24 AM
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Re: Update[8-29-10-Hybrid v2.0]★SharkieROM★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016

where is the stand alone sun cab? TIA Daps!!

Originally Posted by dapbmonkey4u View Post
That is s2w's Sun graphic. there is a separate cab for it.

Great work so far!
downloading now and waiting on mediafire.............VBN still down lol

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  #759 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 12:01 PM
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Re: Update[8-29-10-Hybrid v2.0]★SharkieROM★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016

I think I figured out my email acct. disappearing issue. I think it happens when I set up my email acct. before I run the provisioning .cab and then soft reset after that. I sometimes don't run provisioning till a while after having flashed, but I always set up email soon after having flashed. I just made the connection between the two this morning and have tested and out and that's what's going on. So nevermind about the ROM having the email issue, just be sure to run provisioning before you set up your email. Most probably do that anyway!

one less bug to worry about... whew!
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  #760 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 12:03 PM
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Re: Update[8-29-10-Hybrid v2.0]★SharkieROM★Generic\Sprint[23563\21911 BETA][Sense2016

Originally Posted by bobbyblack View Post
Okay Sharkie... I'm about 2 flash now, I'll give feed back in the morning while I'm at work. Thanks again. Shark
Something wrong with the link, I'm getting No Archives when I extract the flies
Sorry, just noticed this. Did you ever get it? Which link, mediafire or VBN (the 1st link)? I'll reupload them, if need be when I get home from work today. Let me know.

Anyone else having issues with a no archive message?
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