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  #391 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2010, 10:35 PM
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Re: Update[8-15-10]★SharkieROM★-Generic\Sprint-[23563][Sense only (2016)][CHT\Standar

Originally Posted by bobbyblack View Post
Naw... I have no problems with that, I have notice when I use my keyb. it goes into portrait and I have to open and close it a couple of times to get it to back into landscape. Nothing serious (no biggy) But my connections NO PROBLEMS. Great ROM, I'm feeling it. THANKS
I have found the solution to this.

In Start Menu>System Tools you will find Flip_It. I think it's a great app and can be very useful, but it takes some playing around with it to make it specific user friendly and not annoying e.g. switching back to portrait when the keyboard is open. If you open Flip_It you will see this screen.

Uncheck 0° and that will fix your issue. Then when your keyboard is open it will always stay in landscape no matter what you're doing. You won't have to open and close your keyboard to get it to switch to landscape. You can also play around with the programs I already have set to rotate to certain angles or simply remove some of them and/or change what angles they are allowed to rotate to.

0° is portrait
90° is rotate to the right, I believe
180° is rotate upside down portrait
270° is rotate to the left, I believe

Checking a box means that you are telling it to allow rotation to that angle. If you want any programs to not rotate at all, uncheck all the angle boxes.

Again, it's a great tool, but it can be in the way if you don't take the time to learn and play with it.
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Last edited by Sharkie405; 08-16-2010 at 07:14 AM.
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  #392 (permalink)  
Old 08-15-2010, 11:01 PM
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Re: Update[8-15-10]★SharkieROM★-Generic\Sprint-[23563][Sense only (2016)][CHT\Standar

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
Good to see you again Cory! Thanks as always for the kind words. I appreciate all of you as well Good to hear things are good on the data front too!

To everyone,

All 4 ROMs are now uploaded to VBNFiles, the new file hosting server. Let me know if any of you run into any issues with it.

I won't be on much more tonight and probably not much tomorrow either. I got another 16 hr. work day tomorrow. I'll be peeking my head in once in a while to see what's up, but forgive me if questions and concerns go unanswered for longer than usual.

9 min. dl so a its a + from me,thank you for cooking up a new rom and letting me know its posted,soon as i get off the phone i will flash and report shortly,off work tonight so i got all night to play with the rom!!


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  #393 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 12:42 AM
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Re: Update[8-15-10]★SharkieROM★-Generic\Sprint-[23563][Sense only (2016)][CHT\Standar

sweet dl speeds op, went threw and used all my thanx up. thanx for the work.
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  #394 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 01:12 AM
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Re: Update[8-15-10]★SharkieROM★-Generic\Sprint-[23563][Sense only (2016)][CHT\Standar

On Sprint Non-CHT... Havent had any real problems besides the graphical and rotation problems already mentioned after about 14 hours with a couple calls, text messaging, and good amount of browsing, I have 48 percent of battery left. It has been smooth, decent amount of ram available.

One problem I did have (but unsure if it was from the overclock) while I was on a call, I received another call but my screen wouldn't come back on to show who was calling or to switch over. Could be the overclock script acting crazy though.

You and Vin should get together.
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  #395 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 04:08 AM
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Re: Update[8-15-10]★SharkieROM★-Generic\Sprint-[23563][Sense only (2016)][CHT\Standar

very nice rom. so far this is in my top 3 roms. thans for making it possible.
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  #396 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 05:11 AM
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Re: Update[8-15-10]★SharkieROM★-Generic\Sprint-[23563][Sense only (2016)][CHT\Standar

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
sweet dl speeds op, went threw and used all my thanx up. thanx for the work.
Awesome! Good to hear the new hosting site seems better for everyone! Thanks for the feedback and the thanx
Originally Posted by jae18708 View Post
On Sprint Non-CHT... Havent had any real problems besides the graphical and rotation problems already mentioned after about 14 hours with a couple calls, text messaging, and good amount of browsing, I have 48 percent of battery left. It has been smooth, decent amount of ram available.

One problem I did have (but unsure if it was from the overclock) while I was on a call, I received another call but my screen wouldn't come back on to show who was calling or to switch over. Could be the overclock script acting crazy though.

You and Vin should get together.
I don't think I've ever gotten a call while I was on the phone already, as odd as that seems. I'll look into that today or tomorrow and see what's up. The big post of mine above yours should take care of the rotation issue, shouldn't it? Did you try it? Thanks for trying out my ROM and the feedback. I'm glad you like it!

Originally Posted by l21matt View Post
very nice rom. so far this is in my top 3 roms. thans for making it possible.
Big compliment! I appreciate that a lot, thank you

Last edited by Sharkie405; 08-16-2010 at 07:17 AM.
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  #397 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 05:59 AM
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Re: Update[8-15-10]★SharkieROM★-Generic\Sprint-[23563][Sense only (2016)][CHT\Standar

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
Does Resco File Explorer open up when you tap on it?

StraightUp27, You seem to be right about that ROM. It's unstable. I'm building a new one now, assuming it's all good, I'll upload it to the new site. Should be ready to go in about 2 hours. Sorry bout that!

Pulling the ROM from MediaFire as well.
thank you for fixing the issue!! im running strong and everything is fine,no issues thus far,love the rom,the ease of use,the layout and setup,the apps,and everything else about as well!! couldn't agree more with the users saying your becoming one of their top chefs!! cause i told you the same while it was a beta rom,outstanding work bro!!! i salute you and all your work!!!

edit: ah snap!! i didn't see that i hit enable second hand in cht settings lol,damn ruined my screenie lol
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  #398 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 06:05 AM
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Re: Update[8-15-10]★SharkieROM★-Generic\Sprint-[23563][Sense only (2016)][CHT\Standar

Originally Posted by Straitup27 View Post
thank you for fixing the issue!! im running strong and everything is fine,no issues thus far,love the rom,the ease of use,the layout and setup,the apps,and everything else about as well!! couldn't agree more with the users saying your becoming one of their top chefs!! cause i told you the same while it was a beta rom,outstanding work bro!!! i salute you and all your work!!!
Awesome! I was hoping to hear from you as far as how this one worked out. Glad that it did!
Originally Posted by Straitup27 View Post
edit: ah snap!! i didn't see that i hit enable second hand in cht settings lol,damn ruined my screenie lol
I don't think it ruined the screenie since that's the second hand that I made . But yeah, the blue doesn't really match the rest of it. Looks tight! Like all your screenies do! Thanks for everything man!

Last edited by Sharkie405; 08-16-2010 at 07:18 AM.
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  #399 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 07:54 AM
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Re: Update[8-15-10]★SharkieROM★-Generic\Sprint-[23563][Sense only (2016)][CHT\Standar

Hi sharkie, thanks again for this rom. i'm liking it so far and everything works However, i was very hesitant to try your rom due 2o 1 thing. Im afraid of sharks. lol. which brings me to this noob question. Is there a way to change the sharck image on bootup?
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  #400 (permalink)  
Old 08-16-2010, 08:11 AM
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Re: Update[8-15-10]★SharkieROM★-Generic\Sprint-[23563][Sense only (2016)][CHT\Standar

Originally Posted by l21matt View Post
Hi sharkie, thanks again for this rom. i'm liking it so far and everything works However, i was very hesitant to try your rom due 2o 1 thing. Im afraid of sharks. lol. which brings me to this noob question. Is there a way to change the sharck image on bootup?
Sorry, but I gotta LMAO on that one! Well, the first step is facing your fears, which you have by trying out my ROM You're on the path to getting rid of your Shark-phobia!

Now to your question, uumm... seeing as how it's Windows Mobile and with WM all things are possible, I'm sure that there is. I only know how to cook one in, but I've never tried changing a boot screen after the fact. I will look around for you and let you know if I find anything. It probably won't be today. Gotta work all day. Mabye some one else here can link you up sooner.

Edit: Now that I think about it, you may just be able to replace that file. It is called " welcomehead.192 ". I've never tried it so I'm not sure it would work, but you could give it a go. Obviously, it needs to be 480x800 and named welcomehead.192 . It also needs to be in .jpg format. A .png will definitely not work. I'm curious to know if that works. Let me know, if you try it.

I'm glad you're liking it so far!

Last edited by Sharkie405; 08-16-2010 at 08:34 AM.
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