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  #2571 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2011, 02:16 AM
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Re: 2-21-11★SharkieROM v4.1.5★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

Originally Posted by hellphir View Post
...The second thing is more of just my own taste but in the contacts, is there a way to change the text color and or the gray tab caption area behind the Call Home, Send Text, send e-mail, etc...? It's just a little hard to see black text over a gray background. Any help on both of these things would be appreciated.

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
I also hate the background in MS Contacts. It's a build specific thing and not something that many people know how to change, believe me I've asked around. I did have a couple ideas on how I might get rid of it. I'll keep you posted on how that goes.

BAM!! Got that sh*t!

I've been wanting to figure that out for a long time! I'll probably upload a 6.5.X Generic v4.1.5.1 (or something like that) tomorrow with this new MS Contacts for those of you that also think the softkey buttons behind the contact options are fugly!

This was one of the big reasons I loved 23563. Now I can have it with any build! Sweetness!
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  #2572 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2011, 03:02 AM
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Re: 2-21-11★SharkieROM v4.1.5★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

Looks great!
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  #2573 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2011, 10:21 AM
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Re: 2-21-11★SharkieROM v4.1.5★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
lol at the battery settings. I've tried them every which way I know how, but for some reason those won't stick. I haven't tried lately to find the culprit, but thanks for always reminding me.

Interesting on the security policies. I guess as long as you're able to manually change it then no biggie. I can't check my edit now to make sure that it's right cuz I'm cooking, but as soon as it's done I'll check and make sure the mistake is not just me mistyping.

Thanks for the feedback!
Yeah - I can manually change. I guess I may be the only one sync'ing with an Exchange 2010 server. Maybe something to do with the updated Sense mail package maybe causing the issue?

Not sure why but this version seems much more quick. I am giving CHT a shot for a bit as I am not seeing much of a lag. Nice work.
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  #2574 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2011, 10:24 AM
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Re: 2-21-11★SharkieROM v4.1.5★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

I noticed everyone states they are restarting their phones each morning. I may start doing that as I just let it go for several days (sometimes weeks). Question Sharkie - can you think of a way to schedule a task to restart the phone say at 5:00 AM each morning automatically?
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  #2575 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2011, 11:01 AM
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Re: 2-21-11★SharkieROM v4.1.5★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

Originally Posted by slthomas00 View Post
I noticed everyone states they are restarting their phones each morning. I may start doing that as I just let it go for several days (sometimes weeks). Question Sharkie - can you think of a way to schedule a task to restart the phone say at 5:00 AM each morning automatically?
Not off of the top of my head. CHT Scheduler may be able to do that, but I've not really played with it a whole lot. I know kjhadfield has used it a lot, he may know... Maybe he'll chime in...
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  #2576 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2011, 11:42 AM
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Re: 2-21-11★SharkieROM v4.1.5★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

I made a few changes to the SharkieBooster skin and I put it in a .cab. Also cabbed up the mail mod.


Last edited by mcluvntheboss; 02-26-2011 at 07:31 PM.
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  #2577 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2011, 08:14 PM
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Re: 2-21-11★SharkieROM v4.1.5★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

Aight, so I'm going to be upload just a 6.5.X Generic version with the afore mentioned MS Contacts softkey buttons graphics removed, and these new settings icons from XDA (I'll post a link later), plus my own Settings subtab icons (the second two screenies) and I've finally fixed the flip flopped backlight settings.

I plan on making all the Settings subtab icons to match the ones I've started, it will just take some time.

6.5.X Generic v4.1.6 will be up in a couple of hours...

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  #2578 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2011, 08:51 PM
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Re: 2-21-11★SharkieROM v4.1.5★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

Originally Posted by slthomas00 View Post
I noticed everyone states they are restarting their phones each morning. I may start doing that as I just let it go for several days (sometimes weeks). Question Sharkie - can you think of a way to schedule a task to restart the phone say at 5:00 AM each morning automatically?
CleanRam will automatically restart your phone at a certain time. You just choose the scheduler option in the menu and 'soft reset'. You might also be able to use fdc task manager and add it to a notification or task somehow.

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  #2579 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2011, 09:04 PM
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Re: 2-21-11★SharkieROM v4.1.5★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

Any chance of making a backlight action link. I only ask because I have it dimmed most of the time, and it would be convenient just pushing one button to brighten when outside.

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  #2580 (permalink)  
Old 02-26-2011, 09:08 PM
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Re: 2-21-11★SharkieROM v4.1.5★Generic\Sprint★29007\21916★Sense2021

I'll look around and see what I can come up with.

@ everyone,
nevermind dropping a ROM tonight, I'm going to work on a few more things first...
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