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View Poll Results: Which Windows Mobile Version of BigMaxSense ROM Do You Use?
Windows Mobile 6.5 (21***) 88 26.99%
Windows Mobile 6.5.(x) (23***) 242 74.23%
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  #1911 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2010, 03:38 PM
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Re: {BigMaxSense ROM}☼15 New Widgets☼23563☼21899 ☼ Quickest, Most Customizable Manila

Hey Bignadad, here is the GolfLogix app. I appreciate u looking at it. Thanks.
Attached Files
File Type: cab GolfLogixWM-TP2.cab (3.07 MB, 12 views) Click for barcode!
  #1912 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2010, 03:39 PM
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Re: {BigMaxSense ROM}☼15 New Widgets☼23563☼21899 ☼ Quickest, Most Customizable Manila

First of all, I'm NO chef, so take what I say in stride, but like anything else in life, sometimes another set of eyes on it <after you've been staring right at it for so long> helps. Based on the 'typical' comradery around here, would another chef's eyes help? I honestly think you are on to something pretty huge here and if I were a chef would love to be part of the production thereof. Don't know if that helps or not...

Originally Posted by bignadad View Post
Got bad bad news.. After few hours of using this dreaded corrupt ring tone problem started happening again!!!

Sorry to keep going back and forth on the thread here, jut trying to keep everyone abreast of the situation...

Because of this ringtone problem and the lengths i am having to through to fix it i will have to do some further testing AND let my beta testers try it out before it goes public..
I have tried many fresh SYS packages, XIP Packages, task29, clear storage, different dialer and the problem still exist...

The strange this is that nothing really changed in the kitchen for this to happen.. And even stranger is that i have had this same error happen in previous ROMs i created in the past, but never caused a problem or either it went away...

So with some advice from XDA i am removing my Lockstream DRM package and trying again...

Again, sorry for all the back and forth but will make sure its 100% for everyone waiting patiently...

Again the 6-21 ROM's should be perfectly fine to use and run until i release the updated ROM... Just add your own ringer or select one of the alarm at the top of the list...

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  #1913 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2010, 04:13 PM
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Re: {BigMaxSense ROM}☼15 New Widgets☼23563☼21899 ☼ Quickest, Most Customizable Manila

Originally Posted by georgepink View Post
First of all, I'm NO chef, so take what I say in stride, but like anything else in life, sometimes another set of eyes on it <after you've been staring right at it for so long> helps. Based on the 'typical' comradery around here, would another chef's eyes help? I honestly think you are on to something pretty huge here and if I were a chef would love to be part of the production thereof. Don't know if that helps or not...
I beleive Big is already in contact with at least one or two other chefs that also cook Maxsense into their Roms. The thread over at XDA gets feedback from both Big and another Chef. I like your idea, the more working on this issue the better.
  #1914 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2010, 04:24 PM
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Re: {BigMaxSense ROM}☼15 New Widgets☼23563☼21899 ☼ Quickest, Most Customizable Manila

Had something strange happen (a few times now actually), when I first flash this ROM (have done it about 5 times so far) I can get a ringtone to work without an issue then after I use Windows Live to get my email it no longer works...I know you are working on the system based ringtone issues, but is it possible that Windows LIVE is somehow corrupting the registry? I tried downloading the most recent Windows LIVE from Marketplace and it froze the UI so I am trying a fresh install and then DLing the latest LIVE to see if it happens again....Anyways, I am probably just rambling but am trying to help in whatever way I can....
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  #1915 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2010, 04:27 PM
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Re: {BigMaxSense ROM}☼15 New Widgets☼23563☼21899 ☼ Quickest, Most Customizable Manila

So i did this in regards to the ringtone issues...

I copied all the WMA files into Sony Soundforge and batch converted them into WAV files. I then copied the WAV files back into the ring folder in the Windows folder of the TP2. I then reassigned the tones and I am up and running for now.. hope that helps..
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  #1916 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2010, 04:44 PM
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Re: {BigMaxSense ROM}☼15 New Widgets☼23563☼21899 ☼ Quickest, Most Customizable Manila

Originally Posted by newkidd View Post
hey big,

turn the phone sounds (picture is a speaker with sound lines next to it) button on (green)
push volume up till volume is completely turned up (including the system tab)
check for message alerts.


can someone please try this? im running the original 6/21 version, i have flashed this particular rom 3 times and not touched a single thing and did what i quoted above and the ringtones all worked. and message tones. everything. the minute i go into sounds and notifications to change something then i get the corrupted file and they stop working. hard reset and do the quoted above and everything works as big has preset.

i think its weird and i want someone to tell me its not just me. thanks.
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  #1917 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2010, 05:09 PM
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Re: {BigMaxSense ROM}☼15 New Widgets☼23563☼21899 ☼ Quickest, Most Customizable Manila

I think this is the culprit
System - LockstreamDRM 1.2.091113.O9.01

i thought i had removed all of it earlier, but only removed from the SYS and not EXT...anyways, im cooking now and if it works i will know exactly what the problem is...crossing fingers

EDIT:: Nope!

Last edited by bignadad; 06-24-2010 at 05:19 PM.
  #1918 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2010, 05:21 PM
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Re: {BigMaxSense ROM}☼15 New Widgets☼23563☼21899 ☼ Quickest, Most Customizable Manila

Good luck with that!
  #1919 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2010, 07:50 PM
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Re: {BigMaxSense ROM}☼15 New Widgets☼23563☼21899 ☼ Quickest, Most Customizable Manila

Back on Track!

Beta 23563 is with beta testers now...Ringtone issue is gone

will post other changes soon...
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  #1920 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2010, 07:56 PM
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Re: {BigMaxSense ROM}☼15 New Widgets☼23563☼21899 ☼ Quickest, Most Customizable Manila

Originally Posted by bignadad View Post
Back on Track!

Beta 23563 is with beta testers now...Ringtone issue is gone

will post other changes soon...

BIG is there any way I can have this theme?

or tell me how I can add those icons that are at the bottom? I'm not having any of the issues that are being referenced......
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