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  #821 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2010, 03:58 PM
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Re: 6/11/10 V9.3.1 (23563) CHT1.8 *7 Color Themes with Matching Dialer,XDA_UC

Originally Posted by hunter7773 View Post
i tried the genric the us cell but the uscell that comes on the phone fails all the time. so i use the us cell cab u gave me and it runs and resets. but when u goto messages no us cellular there cant send or receive. i reflashed and went to stock and flashed again. still cant get us cellular to work on 9.3.1. but works great on all ur other roms.
Did a rebuild of the 28236 rom with the correct Arcsoft SMS/MMS for All Carrier. Uploading now, so please pray to my dog for mediafire to take the upload without any errors.
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  #822 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2010, 03:59 PM
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Re: 6/11/10 V9.3.1 (23563) CHT1.8 *7 Color Themes with Matching Dialer,XDA_UC

Everything is running great so far on this rom (sprint). Just thought I'd let ya know. Nice work. =D>
Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
P.S - just got the PM from dinik, and we are a go for using his glass themes in my rom. Now I don't plan on making major changes to the rom to the point that it would be a expressyourcell clone.

1. Edit the dialer to get rid of the green buttons. (I hate med. green buttons) and the med. blue.

2. Provide a cab for programs icons that would replace my dusk icons.

3. Edit the taskbar battery icons to show bigger % numbers without the green battery.

This may take a some time, just hang in there
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  #823 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2010, 04:14 PM
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Re: 6/11/10 V9.3.1 (23563) CHT1.8 *7 Color Themes with Matching Dialer,XDA_UC

Just finished with Dinik's Taskbar icon mod and the dialer. Everything is golden with the camera not having memory problems because of the dialer.

Here's a few picture of what's coming! Going to see if I can make the battery number standout more.

Last edited by Timberwolf671; 06-12-2010 at 04:32 PM.
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  #824 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2010, 04:43 PM
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Talking Re: 6/11/10 V9.3.1 (23563) CHT1.8 *7 Color Themes with Matching Dialer,XDA_UC

Looking SWEEEEEET Timber.....really sweeeeet! Can't wait for the Rom to come out. Thank you so much dude!!!
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  #825 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2010, 05:01 PM
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Re: 6/11/10 V9.3.1 (23563) CHT1.8 *7 Color Themes with Matching Dialer,XDA_UC

Originally Posted by hunter7773 View Post
i tried the genric the us cell but the uscell that comes on the phone fails all the time. so i use the us cell cab u gave me and it runs and resets. but when u goto messages no us cellular there cant send or receive. i reflashed and went to stock and flashed again. still cant get us cellular to work on 9.3.1. but works great on all ur other roms.
Ok hunter7773 you are good to go with this rom. Anybody else who wants to try this rom. I want to say this is the fastest rom to date. It also has the new Dinik taskbar with larger battery numbers. And better looking CHT1.8 toggle switches. Sorry no dialer yet, want to test for a bit. So no new rom with the dialer today, maybe tomorrow.

Download link for 28236 All Carrier:

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  #826 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2010, 06:54 PM
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Re: 6/11/10 V9.3.1 (23563) CHT1.8 *7 Color Themes with Matching Dialer,XDA_UC

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
Ok hunter7773 you are good to go with this rom. Anybody else who wants to try this rom. I want to say this is the fastest rom to date. It also has the new Dinik taskbar with larger battery numbers. And better looking CHT1.8 toggle switches. Sorry no dialer yet, want to test for a bit. So no new rom with the dialer today, maybe tomorrow.

Download link for 28236 All Carrier:


ty jstine. didnt think ud jump right on it. but ty. downloadin now will let u know
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  #827 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2010, 07:05 PM
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Re: 6/11/10 V9.3.1 (23563) CHT1.8 *7 Color Themes with Matching Dialer,XDA_UC

Well since you asked, the major difference in size is due to imnuts cab installing libraries for 240X320, 320X320, and 480X640 mms resolution. I don't know why tjelite does not (maybe it's redundant??). Everything else did not add a lot of size but I also came up closer to 2 meg difference than 4 meg. Imnuts also installs the Utah picture and an example mp4. There was no attempt to provision the keyboard or favorites key in imnuts (or the original tjelite for that matter). These are basically cabs to provision mms.

I found another issue with the calculator skin. The top display does not make sense. Check it out, it pretty much makes the calculator unusable.

With that I think I'll try the 28xxx version. Can't let Hunter have all the fun!

Might reach 80 today in the great NW. Currently 70 degrees! I'm sure people are walking on the shady side of the street. This seems like a heat wave. (been in the 50's all week)

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
So the imnuts verizon cab doesn't do the keyboard provisioning. Then why is the cab about 2 mb bigger. Was waiting on Dinik to give permission to use his themes. Got the ok this morning, so I am working on the dialer, taskbar (Bigger Numbers!). They will be in rom by default on flash. Folder and programs will be an option for the user to install over the dusk icons.
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  #828 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2010, 07:08 PM
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Re: 6/11/10 V9.3.1 (23563) CHT1.8 *7 Color Themes with Matching Dialer,XDA_UC

Working on the Dinik Glas icons:

Here's preview pics. Have stop for today, need some rest my back is killing me. Will have to roll my own for the folder icons. Keep those payments coming, daddy needs a new pair of shoes!

Last edited by Timberwolf671; 06-12-2010 at 07:17 PM.
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  #829 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2010, 07:21 PM
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Re: 6/11/10 V9.3.1 (23563) CHT1.8 *7 Color Themes with Matching Dialer,XDA_UC

A few more

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  #830 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2010, 07:27 PM
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Re: 6/11/10 V9.3.1 (23563) CHT1.8 *7 Color Themes with Matching Dialer,XDA_UC

So I'm sitting here flashing my phone and it gets to the xda_uc. I hit the go forward button and I'm noticing that the clock is doing it's 1:02 backflip pretty frequently. My question (because I didn't start counting at the begining) is, is the clock flipping representative of a new program being loaded from the xda_uc directory? hmmm... It's almost like a progress line!

Edit: Oh and great work on the graphics jstine!

Last edited by suntopper; 06-12-2010 at 07:30 PM.
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