Re: 6/11/10 V9.3.1 (23563) CHT1.8 *7 Color Themes with Matching Dialer,XDA_UC
Everything is running great so far on this rom (sprint). Just thought I'd let ya know. Nice work. =D>
Originally Posted by Timberwolf671
P.S - just got the PM from dinik, and we are a go for using his glass themes in my rom. Now I don't plan on making major changes to the rom to the point that it would be a expressyourcell clone.
1. Edit the dialer to get rid of the green buttons. (I hate med. green buttons) and the med. blue.
2. Provide a cab for programs icons that would replace my dusk icons.
3. Edit the taskbar battery icons to show bigger % numbers without the green battery.
This may take a some time, just hang in there