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Old 06-12-2010, 07:27 PM
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Re: 6/11/10 V9.3.1 (23563) CHT1.8 *7 Color Themes with Matching Dialer,XDA_UC

So I'm sitting here flashing my phone and it gets to the xda_uc. I hit the go forward button and I'm noticing that the clock is doing it's 1:02 backflip pretty frequently. My question (because I didn't start counting at the begining) is, is the clock flipping representative of a new program being loaded from the xda_uc directory? hmmm... It's almost like a progress line!

Edit: Oh and great work on the graphics jstine!

Last edited by suntopper; 06-12-2010 at 07:30 PM.
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