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  #2001 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2010, 10:54 PM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
You are right, I'm not an expert. Always learning something new everyday. Just didn't understand what combo to use. It was confusing since there are all the default tabs available. It looked at if you could leave out the manila 2.5 file and the select manila engine then select each ind. tab. I guess not, since it doesn't work. So why are all the default ind. tabs available if you cann't pick and choose. I not an expert and not saying I am. Just came here for some advice. I'll get, it take me some time, but I will get it. Thanks
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  #2002 (permalink)  
Old 05-25-2010, 11:35 PM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by captblaze View Post
21660 for Calkulin's Kitchen - http://www.mediafire.com/file/1zyzdy...ins_Kitchen.7z

sorted but no fixes or tweaks (link provided if you want them)

SYS Tweaks from 23569 - http://www.mediafire.com/?1wm3jz1zjjc


oh i forgot - WinCENLS_WWE included (discard if you dont use in kitchen)
Originally Posted by captblaze View Post
just a quick heads up...

boomer (DFT) posted 2 new builds - 21659 & 23658

d/l ing both... will post if interested
Progress Report:
Downloaded 21659 posted up earlier in the week here in the thread and just tried 21660 from tonight. Here are the results

on 21659 - in Settings/Personal - There was no Voice Command, so i tranported the sys package that's worked for every SYS, except this one. works with welropes sys and calkulins sys, im not sure what's different here..

on 21660 - same as above, Voice Command wont cook in, and Start/Settings/Personal/Input (keyboard config with manila style menu) is not there. Aswell i can't get Voicecommand to pull up even with a set to Long Send Key hold command. Anyone know how to get these options back?

Other than that, it seems pretty nice and clean
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  #2003 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 07:53 AM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by Deimoss View Post
Progress Report:
Downloaded 21659 posted up earlier in the week here in the thread and just tried 21660 from tonight. Here are the results

on 21659 - in Settings/Personal - There was no Voice Command, so i tranported the sys package that's worked for every SYS, except this one. works with welropes sys and calkulins sys, im not sure what's different here..

on 21660 - same as above, Voice Command wont cook in, and Start/Settings/Personal/Input (keyboard config with manila style menu) is not there. Aswell i can't get Voicecommand to pull up even with a set to Long Send Key hold command. Anyone know how to get these options back?

Other than that, it seems pretty nice and clean
"redirect" <--- remove that entry

as for voice command did you add this to shared/0409 ---> VoiceCommand_Lang_0409 as well as the main voice command package in shared/common?


i attached the voice command from 23568 (newest one i could find) it should drop right in. if you have any voice command packages in the sys remove them first. it is never recommended to overwrite anything in the sys

Attached Files
File Type: rar 23568 Voice Command Drop In.rar (2.08 MB, 10 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by captblaze; 05-26-2010 at 08:15 AM. Reason: added attachment
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  #2004 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 07:56 AM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by Timberwolf671 View Post
You are right, I'm not an expert. Always learning something new everyday. Just didn't understand what combo to use. It was confusing since there are all the default tabs available. It looked at if you could leave out the manila 2.5 file and the select manila engine then select each ind. tab. I guess not, since it doesn't work. So why are all the default ind. tabs available if you cann't pick and choose. I not an expert and not saying I am. Just came here for some advice. I'll get, it take me some time, but I will get it. Thanks
ok lets see if I can break it down for you. I know your not a noob but I am going to go as noobed down as I can...

Manila Engine: has all the individual tabs put into one folder (just standard stuff)
Manila: has all the actuall xxxxxxxx_manila files in one folder
Individual Tabs: has all the tabs and associated files left in original folders (this is how i set it up in my kitchen)

to achieve what you want, you need to do this:

Keep it simple, use the manila engine of your choice and matching manila files.

Take the additional tabs you want to add (ereader, doc, facebook, ect) and add those tabs as manila options - xxxxxxx folders

take the all tabs folder (only has the 26xxxxxx_manila file which controls the tabs in it) edit it based on which tabs u want to load & what position you want the tabs to load at ect..

cook and test out...


i know you get it, but sometimes it takes like a few different explinations for it to stick. i know indagroove had to break it down in dumb for me like 5 times along with the other chefs here for me to get it....
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  #2005 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 08:18 AM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by smiznith View Post
ok lets see if I can break it down for you. I know your not a noob but I am going to go as noobed down as I can...

Manila Engine: has all the individual tabs put into one folder (just standard stuff)
Manila: has all the actuall xxxxxxxx_manila files in one folder
Individual Tabs: has all the tabs and associated files left in original folders (this is how i set it up in my kitchen)

to achieve what you want, you need to do this:

Keep it simple, use the manila engine of your choice and matching manila files.

Take the additional tabs you want to add (ereader, doc, facebook, ect) and add those tabs as manila options - xxxxxxx folders

take the all tabs folder (only has the 26xxxxxx_manila file which controls the tabs in it) edit it based on which tabs u want to load & what position you want the tabs to load at ect..

cook and test out...


i know you get it, but sometimes it takes like a few different explinations for it to stick. i know indagroove had to break it down in dumb for me like 5 times along with the other chefs here for me to get it....
I have a question:

Has anyone actually gotten eReader, Documents, or footprints to actually work worth a crap on the TP2. I have seen ROMs that include the tabs but they never work very well. For example eReader is super slow turning pages vs. Barns & Nobles reader flips threw them. Footprints takes pictures but they never show up in the footprints tab. Last but not least documents tabs appears to work but locks up constantly. So I guess that only leaves facebook tab which is slow to load. Am I missing something? Why would anyone want to include this in their ROM?

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  #2006 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 08:30 AM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by zone23 View Post
I have a question:

Has anyone actually gotten eReader, Documents, or footprints to actually work worth a crap on the TP2. I have seen ROMs that include the tabs but they never work very well. For example eReader is super slow turning pages vs. Barns & Nobles reader flips threw them. Footprints takes pictures but they never show up in the footprints tab. Last but not least documents tabs appears to work but locks up constantly. So I guess that only leaves facebook tab which is slow to load. Am I missing something? Why would anyone want to include this in their ROM?
i agree that those features would be nice to have, but since they dont work well they are not worth the effort. i do believe part of the problem has to do with the TP2 and its lack of processing power. htc doesnt care much for development on older (and yes the TP2 fits in this category) devices and thus means that the old TP2 has reached the wall.

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  #2007 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 08:33 AM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by smiznith View Post
ok lets see if I can break it down for you. I know your not a noob but I am going to go as noobed down as I can...

Manila Engine: has all the individual tabs put into one folder (just standard stuff)
Manila: has all the actuall xxxxxxxx_manila files in one folder
Individual Tabs: has all the tabs and associated files left in original folders (this is how i set it up in my kitchen)

to achieve what you want, you need to do this:

Keep it simple, use the manila engine of your choice and matching manila files.

Take the additional tabs you want to add (ereader, doc, facebook, ect) and add those tabs as manila options - xxxxxxx folders

take the all tabs folder (only has the 26xxxxxx_manila file which controls the tabs in it) edit it based on which tabs u want to load & what position you want the tabs to load at ect..

cook and test out...


i know you get it, but sometimes it takes like a few different explinations for it to stick. i know indagroove had to break it down in dumb for me like 5 times along with the other chefs here for me to get it....
Side Note: Couple other issues you might run into with having seperate EXTs to add tabs is 1) You need to add that tab to 26948339_manila, then say you want to add the e-reader tab plus the documents tab but you still want the option to just add one or the other, you have to have another EXT to make that possible along with the other two. 2) If you swap out the Manila core and Sense won't boot it could be almost any of the other manila packages causing it. 3) StartIconLoader has to be the version that came with the Manila Core you use.
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  #2008 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 08:36 AM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by zone23 View Post
I have a question:

Has anyone actually gotten eReader, Documents, or footprints to actually work worth a crap on the TP2. I have seen ROMs that include the tabs but they never work very well. For example eReader is super slow turning pages vs. Barns & Nobles reader flips threw them. Footprints takes pictures but they never show up in the footprints tab. Last but not least documents tabs appears to work but locks up constantly. So I guess that only leaves facebook tab which is slow to load. Am I missing something? Why would anyone want to include this in their ROM?
honestly for the sake of saying those features are in the ROM truthfully most of the extra tabs were not design for our phones and thats the reason they run slow to prove this take a version of the weather tab from a leo ROM and watch the tremendous slow down with the sense home tab
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  #2009 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 09:35 AM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by zone23 View Post
I have a question:

Has anyone actually gotten eReader, Documents, or footprints to actually work worth a crap on the TP2. I have seen ROMs that include the tabs but they never work very well. For example eReader is super slow turning pages vs. Barns & Nobles reader flips threw them. Footprints takes pictures but they never show up in the footprints tab. Last but not least documents tabs appears to work but locks up constantly. So I guess that only leaves facebook tab which is slow to load. Am I missing something? Why would anyone want to include this in their ROM?
Originally Posted by captblaze View Post
i agree that those features would be nice to have, but since they dont work well they are not worth the effort. i do believe part of the problem has to do with the TP2 and its lack of processing power. htc doesnt care much for development on older (and yes the TP2 fits in this category) devices and thus means that the old TP2 has reached the wall.

Originally Posted by jakdillard View Post
honestly for the sake of saying those features are in the ROM truthfully most of the extra tabs were not design for our phones and thats the reason they run slow to prove this take a version of the weather tab from a leo ROM and watch the tremendous slow down with the sense home tab
This is all very true. I use the document tab and it doesnt slow down anything... facebook tab sucks so i have it but dont use it. I have the external ereader installed in my rom so it doesnt mess with manila and i could careless about footprints (cool concept but wont amount to nothing)
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  #2010 (permalink)  
Old 05-26-2010, 09:40 AM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by smiznith View Post
This is all very true. I use the document tab and it doesnt slow down anything... facebook tab sucks so i have it but dont use it. I have the external ereader installed in my rom so it doesnt mess with manila and i could careless about footprints (cool concept but wont amount to nothing)
I agree with you 100% I have the facebook tab, but rarely use it. I have the documents tab, but I don't really have the need for it, but it has come in handy a couple of times. I always disable footprints, and I have the B&N reader, but honestly I have a Nook so I don't really use my phone for ebook reading very much, but I do like that the B&N reader is connected to my account so I can read all of the books that I have on my Nook on my phone when I am out somewhere and need to kill some time and don't want to carry my Nook with me
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