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  #1561 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 01:06 AM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

I'm trying to cook in Manila Navigation and I can't get it to work.

I did search for manila navigation and navigation but didn't come up with any useful posts here or anywhere else.

I cooked in the package but it wasn't there. I then adjusted my 26948339_manila file to reflect the navi tab at spot 14 just after my call history tab, and that made my sense unable to launch. I've gone over my edits to 26948339_manila and I'm pretty sure they are correct. I tried them on a stock ROM when after installing the call history tab the navi and TV tabs disappeared and my edits to 26948339_manila worked to bring them back.

What else do I need to do? Or can anyone provide a link to more info on getting the navi tab to work?

I'm using manila - 2.5.1324.optimized
Manila Engine - 2.5.1324.optimized

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Verizon HTC One M9

Last edited by Sharkie405; 05-15-2010 at 01:09 AM.
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  #1562 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 01:29 AM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by gadgetfreak View Post
Okay guys, here is my task bar. Just drop the files as is into your Shared Ext section of the kitchen.

Due to the rapidly changing nature of the HTC Volume Control, I did not include it. However, all you need to do is include this key in your volume control App.reg:

Does that reg key make the volume icon disappear from the new 6.5.3 Windows drop down taskbar that shows back light settings, data, etc.

If not do you know how to can get that off the task bar, it doesn't pull up the volume overlay when pressed

and i can't wait to cook and try the taskbar, will do so first thing tomorrow
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  #1563 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 01:42 AM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by meatgel View Post
I know there are a couple of Mobile Shell users in this thread besides me, so I was wondering if somebody would take a look at my ROM and see where I could improve. I don't think it's even close to good enough for a public release, but I feel like I need a little direction for it to be better ... like I hit a wall with what I can do alone.

Here's the link: http://www.mediafire.com/?1roqndeeimd

Be warned, it's pretty stripped and boring. My favorite thing is the caller ID for an unknown caller, though.
first download i did earlier 7zip couldn't open, gave me that it was archived. am downloading again.

got it downloaded, will try it in a bit and let you know.

played around with it for a bit. very snappy and responsive. everything worked that I could tell, tested google maps, youtube, opera mobile, messaging, email. didn't make a call (3am), bing, twikini.
no facebook???
starts with 75-85mb free, while mine starts at 105mb, but like I said, very fast scrolling and programs start opening right away.
the only thing I found was the before mentioned settings icons messed up if you access through mobile shell. but that can be worked around by using the windows hardbutton to get there.
overall a very nice ROM. really like the icons you used. I would consider some folders to navigate easier. I would release it and see what others think. you could get quite the cult following and make the ROM benchmark tests like smiznith.

Last edited by nrfitchett4; 05-15-2010 at 04:22 AM.
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  #1564 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 01:54 AM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by Deimoss View Post
Does that reg key make the volume icon disappear from the new 6.5.3 Windows drop down taskbar that shows back light settings, data, etc.

If not do you know how to can get that off the task bar, it doesn't pull up the volume overlay when pressed

and i can't wait to cook and try the taskbar, will do so first thing tomorrow
Honestly, Deimoss, I don't know. I've done so little with the 6.5.x taskbars I'm not sure I even feel qualified to answer that yet. I haven't reached out to Vin yet since he did the conversion to 6.5.x for his ROM and then posted it in his thread. Once I get a hold of him, I'll ask.

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  #1565 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 02:04 AM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

No, thank you Sir

Last edited by Deimoss; 05-17-2010 at 12:00 AM.
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  #1566 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 03:03 AM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by gadgetfreak View Post
Okay guys, here is my task bar. Just drop the files as is into your Shared Ext section of the kitchen.

Due to the rapidly changing nature of the HTC Volume Control, I did not include it. However, all you need to do is include this key in your volume control App.reg:

Thanks gadget I've wanted this for a long time. So much for going to bed...

Edit: 230 AM gadget's taskbar cooked in great no problem. Thanks gadget you are da man. GREAT WORK

Last edited by hthomas; 05-15-2010 at 03:55 AM.
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  #1567 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 03:37 AM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
I'm trying to cook in Manila Navigation and I can't get it to work.

I did search for manila navigation and navigation but didn't come up with any useful posts here or anywhere else.

I cooked in the package but it wasn't there. I then adjusted my 26948339_manila file to reflect the navi tab at spot 14 just after my call history tab, and that made my sense unable to launch. I've gone over my edits to 26948339_manila and I'm pretty sure they are correct. I tried them on a stock ROM when after installing the call history tab the navi and TV tabs disappeared and my edits to 26948339_manila worked to bring them back.

What else do I need to do? Or can anyone provide a link to more info on getting the navi tab to work?

I'm using manila - 2.5.1324.optimized
Manila Engine - 2.5.1324.optimized

install the nav after the first boot from cab it should work after that ... tv on the other hand...... mine dont work
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  #1568 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 03:39 AM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Two questions, I was gonna research and dig thru the kitchen, but what the heck ill just ask.
1. Is it possible to change the glow behind the start menu, or actually make it go away? Heck, everythings possible, guess I'm just being lazy and asking for a push.. That's all I really need.
2.Also, working with a buddy on the same rom, my version/his version. he wants to change the honeycomb start menu to grid. Possible?

I know way too much to get into trouble, just enough to get back out, but not enough to be satisfied!
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  #1569 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 07:07 AM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by gadgetfreak View Post
Very funny, very funny!

Quick question: i never made my taskbar that I used in my old Diamond ROM available for the kitchen. Especially since it was 6.1 or 6.5 only. Would anybody like my ext for the 6.5 version, and if I can, I'll get with vin255764, since he was kind enough to port it to 6.5.x to add to the kitchen?
I Would love that!
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  #1570 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 07:41 AM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

guys.........any help is great, but im thinkin i got to do a switch, my screen sometime wont come out of sleep, the buttons all work and light up but the screen will not come on at all unless i pull the battery, i did find out today if i plug it into the computer the screen comes on, i have gone to stock 6.1 and stock 6.5, and relocked and unlocked phone lol

edit: when i run droid screen turns on fine..........weird

Just hit the THANKS for me being........well, me...

Calkulin's Visual WVGA Kitchen v1.6 R3 Mirror

Last edited by boodaka; 05-15-2010 at 08:04 AM.
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