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  #1571 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 08:52 AM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by steveo70 View Post
Two questions, I was gonna research and dig thru the kitchen, but what the heck ill just ask.
1. Is it possible to change the glow behind the start menu, or actually make it go away? Heck, everythings possible, guess I'm just being lazy and asking for a push.. That's all I really need.
2.Also, working with a buddy on the same rom, my version/his version. he wants to change the honeycomb start menu to grid. Possible?

I know way too much to get into trouble, just enough to get back out, but not enough to be satisfied!
The file you want to change for the glow is StartMenu_Selection.png, located in the BASE_DPI_192 file in the SYS. You can replace the PNG with a totally transparent image to make it go away.

As far as the honeycomb goes, to the best of my knowledge, no you can't turn it into a grid. You can modifiy the look a bit, even take it down to just one row (search for the Awesome Start Menu at XDA) but you can't change the basic functionality.

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  #1572 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 09:49 AM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by LinearBurn View Post
install the nav after the first boot from cab it should work after that ... tv on the other hand...... mine dont work
I want to cook it in. That's part of the fun of it! Someone must be cooking the navi tab in. Anyone?
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  #1573 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 11:18 AM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
I want to cook it in. That's part of the fun of it! Someone must be cooking the navi tab in. Anyone?
Did you try dumping stock MR1 ROM, and try to cook it to see if it works?

I am guessing you need entries from initflashfiles.dat. But I might be wrong..
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  #1574 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 11:23 AM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

I tried but I wasn't sure what to do with the payload file. I'll have to research that more and then try what you suggest.
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  #1575 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 11:45 AM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Trying to cook in 28236 last nite...and ran into "found a fake module without file....delet it...?" on quite a few items the ROM was cooking.

I'm sure this is user error (ME)...but I'm not sure what I did wrong. The .rar had 4 folders in it... 28236-Icons-threaded; Oldstyle-dialer; ROM; SYS. Inside the 28236-Icons-threaded folder was another set of folders Oldstyle dialer; ROM; SYS.

When I cooked...I dropped the contents of the SECOND set of ROM/SYS folders where they're supposed to go...but I left the contents int eh Oldstyle folder alone...I wasn't sure where to put that?

I'm not quite sure how to mix and match build parts...so some guidance would be much appreciated.

Last edited by amw1972; 05-15-2010 at 11:50 AM.
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  #1576 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 01:15 PM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by gadgetfreak View Post
The file you want to change for the glow is StartMenu_Selection.png, located in the BASE_DPI_192 file in the SYS. You can replace the PNG with a totally transparent image to make it go away.

As far as the honeycomb goes, to the best of my knowledge, no you can't turn it into a grid. You can modifiy the look a bit, even take it down to just one row (search for the Awesome Start Menu at XDA) but you can't change the basic functionality.
Thanks! Was able to get a flash in before work. Looks like its gonna be a good day!
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  #1577 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 01:31 PM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by steveo70 View Post
Two questions, I was gonna research and dig thru the kitchen, but what the heck ill just ask.
1. Is it possible to change the glow behind the start menu, or actually make it go away? Heck, everythings possible, guess I'm just being lazy and asking for a push.. That's all I really need.
2.Also, working with a buddy on the same rom, my version/his version. he wants to change the honeycomb start menu to grid. Possible?

I know way too much to get into trouble, just enough to get back out, but not enough to be satisfied!
2. No, it's not configurable (even though StartMenuCust_480x800.cpr has an entry "HexagonGrid=TRUE". The basic hexagonal structure is embedded in a dll.
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  #1578 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 02:13 PM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by Sharkie405 View Post
I tried but I wasn't sure what to do with the payload file. I'll have to research that more and then try what you suggest.
You know I can't stand to see a fellow chief struggle. So here are the EXTs that I use in my ROM. I had issues as well cooking them in then I edited the app.dat or app.reg and got them working. Hope they work for you as well.

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  #1579 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 03:44 PM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Originally Posted by Formula84 View Post
Any chance you could post looks great, Any idea how you messaging font is the size it is? I use a RaidZero's Kitchen and My font for messaging is huge... I know about adjusting in the menu Small-Large but that only effects the message body and not the list of conversations in the Inbox.... I am Using 235xx builds not sure if thats what your using...
Use calculins tweaks. Its one of those provxml files he has, and it gives small fonts like that.
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  #1580 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2010, 04:14 PM
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Re: [Kitchen] WVGA Touch Pro 2 Collaboration

Does anyont know what makes sense go completly black when it wakes up from sleep? going into the start menu then back always brings it back.
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