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  #331 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 01:42 AM
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Re: *ROM* *12/29* *SsS-ROM r2* *WM6.5(21887.5.0.86)* *LEO Sense 2.5 with LANDSCAPE*

Here is a cab to fix the 2016 SMS bug.

NOTE: You must soft reset after installation AND delete all SMS threads which contain the incorrect 2016 date.
Attached Files
File Type: cab Ziggy 2016 Fix.cab (1.3 KB, 55 views) Click for barcode!
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  #332 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 05:08 AM
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Re: *ROM* *12/29* *SsS-ROM r2* *WM6.5(21887.5.0.86)* *LEO Sense 2.5 with LANDSCAPE*

Originally Posted by mkc90 View Post
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.7 (WindowsMobile; PPC; Opera Mobi/35267; U; en; Presto/2.1.1))

can somebody please tell me how to this ..so i can fix my mms please ???

To fix the mms server for sprint (to fix recieving, still working on sending even tho it will say successful).

"MMSCURL"="http://mms.sprintpcs.com/servlets/mms?X-SPRINT-MDN=<your phone # here>"
i know this thread is growing but if you look a few pages back youll find the answer,,, but to make it simple, the mms does not work for sprint yet, there were roomers of ppl who managed to send/recieve or both, but no 100% solution was found yet. theyre still working hard, and alot of ppl including myself are still testing different ways and settings to see if anything works out. but for not, nothing is 100% for sprint mms

however to set up the above setting, if youd like of course..

Server name ( Sprint )
IP Address ( Blank )
Port Number ( 80 )
Server - http://mms.sprintpcs.com/servlets/MMS?X-SPRINT-MDN="ENTER YOUR MSID NUMBER"

(So if your fone number is 312-555-6666 it will be: http://mms.sprintpcs.com/servlets/MM...MDN=3125556666)

If I help... please hit the "thanks" , I know I always do!

Last edited by spidrweb; 01-02-2010 at 05:15 AM.
  #333 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 08:53 AM
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Lightbulb Re: *ROM* *12/29* *SsS-ROM r2* *WM6.5(21887.5.0.86)* *LEO Sense 2.5 with LANDSCAPE*

Did some searching through the forums... and what had initially started as an idea to reverse engineer the stock arcsoft mms software from the stock Sprint cab - lead to a 'temporary' fix..

Entertained the idea to do some redirecting and integrate the two (arcsoft mms + HTC SMS)

However, I don't know sufficient to dig in head first.

Perhaps this will be a great start? -

- Link below -

http ://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.php?p=1406931&postcount=65

And props to 2K4Mach. Surely someone can continue from here forward.

ok mms on sprint.

1st get your favorite reg editor.

HKLM>system>inbox>externalaccounts> rename "SMS" to SMS.htc

install arcsoft > soft reset.

now start>productivity>email and select SMS and then navigate to your pic/videos options.

CDMA servers we should all know the sprint settings but
port: 80
http ://mms.sprintpcs.com/servlets/mms
connect via sprint

GSM servers i just changed the connect via to sprint.

now to send, just go to the nativ app and click new>picture message and you all should know the rest.

recieving you need to view it in the native app as well.

basically you can use htc messaging for your sms and the wm native app for mms.
  #334 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 08:53 AM
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Re: *ROM* *12/29* *SsS-ROM r2* *WM6.5(21887.5.0.86)* *LEO Sense 2.5 with LANDSCAPE*

Anyone know how to enable long press end key? I have sprint TP2 and can't find a way to enable it with this ROM. I know I can press start>lock, but I like the other method.
  #335 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 09:16 AM
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Re: *ROM* *12/29* *SsS-ROM r2* *WM6.5(21887.5.0.86)* *LEO Sense 2.5 with LANDSCAPE*

Also - in addition remove the HTC SMS/MMS cab - using

Zenyee Disable HTC Messaging 1.2.CAB

http ://forum.ppcgeeks.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=53802&d=1262144635 -

and it patches right up. - feels and works as stable as the stock sprint TP2 SMS/MMS.

(personally i prefer it this way... its smoother, faster, and reliable.. HTCMessaging lags too much)
  #336 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 12:25 PM
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Re: *ROM* *12/29* *SsS-ROM r2* *WM6.5(21887.5.0.86)* *LEO Sense 2.5 with LANDSCAPE*

I can't open espt in this rom. I've tried ##778, ##778# and going to espt thru file explorer.
  #337 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 02:03 PM
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Re: *ROM* *12/29* *SsS-ROM r2* *WM6.5(21887.5.0.86)* *LEO Sense 2.5 with LANDSCAPE*


Server name ( Sprint )
IP Address ( Blank )
Port Number ( 80 )
Server - http://mms.sprintpcs.com/servlets/MMS?X-SPRINT-MDN="ENTER YOUR MSID NUMBER"

(So if your fone number is 312-555-6666 it will be: http://mms.sprintpcs.com/servlets/MM...MDN=3125556666)

I followed the instructions and I can receive a notification of an mms but it says "Unable to download message" Is anybody having this same issue?
If someone helps you don't forget to click Thanks!
  #338 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 03:06 PM
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Re: *ROM* *12/29* *SsS-ROM r2* *WM6.5(21887.5.0.86)* *LEO Sense 2.5 with LANDSCAPE*

Great ROM, really enjoying the first few days with it, especialy after I disabled HTC Text Messaging (It was crashing my phone left and right and generaly slow).

Two Issues:
1. Bluetooth Performance - a couple tests with my headset and sound quality on both ends (incoming and outgoing to the caller) is awful. Anyone else have any issues? Any upgraded Bluetooth Radios out there I should be using?

2. Facebook - Anyway to get Facebook to auto associate all contacts by name match? The old ROM used to do this, I don't really want to have to go in and link each person individualy.
  #339 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 04:23 PM
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Re: *ROM* *12/29* *SsS-ROM r2* *WM6.5(21887.5.0.86)* *LEO Sense 2.5 with LANDSCAPE*

Originally Posted by theponce View Post
Did some searching through the forums... and what had initially started as an idea to reverse engineer the stock arcsoft mms software from the stock Sprint cab - lead to a 'temporary' fix..

Entertained the idea to do some redirecting and integrate the two (arcsoft mms + HTC SMS)

However, I don't know sufficient to dig in head first.

Perhaps this will be a great start? -

- Link below -

http ://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.php?p=1406931&postcount=65

And props to 2K4Mach. Surely someone can continue from here forward.

ok mms on sprint.

1st get your favorite reg editor.

HKLM>system>inbox>externalaccounts> rename "SMS" to SMS.htc

install arcsoft > soft reset.

now start>productivity>email and select SMS and then navigate to your pic/videos options.

CDMA servers we should all know the sprint settings but
port: 80
http ://mms.sprintpcs.com/servlets/mms
connect via sprint

GSM servers i just changed the connect via to sprint.

now to send, just go to the nativ app and click new>picture message and you all should know the rest.

recieving you need to view it in the native app as well.

basically you can use htc messaging for your sms and the wm native app for mms.
this was the first option i tried on this rom snce i descovered it on jiucymand no can do,,, i cannot find the arcsoft internal file to be able to open and send/recieve
  #340 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2010, 04:25 PM
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Re: *ROM* *12/29* *SsS-ROM r2* *WM6.5(21887.5.0.86)* *LEO Sense 2.5 with LANDSCAPE*

Originally Posted by qper View Post
I followed the instructions and I can receive a notification of an mms but it says "Unable to download message" Is anybody having this same issue?
yes, almost everyone on sprint has the same issue, and its really frustrating!!! but hey, thats the only downfall to this rom so far
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