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  #2271 (permalink)  
Old 04-26-2010, 10:47 PM
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Re: *ROM* *4/21* *S3-ROM r12* *WM6.5(21901.5.0.92)* *HTC Sense 2.5*

i like this so far, but someone could tell me y my tethering not working. i had no problem wit the original sprint 6.5 version. is there any cab that fix this problem. not all computer has built in wifi. lol! call me old fashion. i tether wit my usb cord. help!!!!!!!!
  #2272 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2010, 02:00 AM
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Re: *ROM* *4/21* *S3-ROM r12* *WM6.5(21901.5.0.92)* *HTC Sense 2.5*

i am ready for the new s3 rom r13 21901
making a wish here
be able to pick the lock icon on the quick links plus be able to pick from all available programs on the rom fill most quick links lol
just making a wish here
  #2273 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2010, 02:37 AM
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Re: *ROM* *4/21* *S3-ROM r12* *WM6.5(21901.5.0.92)* *HTC Sense 2.5*

can someone here tell me how to turn off the data connection in automatic after i closed the internet opera browser i allways have to go to connection manager to turn off the data after i log off maybe a reg edit to closed as soon as i exit the browser ????
thank you anyone that can help me here
  #2274 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2010, 03:23 AM
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Re: *ROM* *4/21* *S3-ROM r12* *WM6.5(21901.5.0.92)* *HTC Sense 2.5*

Originally Posted by timetraveler View Post
can someone here tell me how to turn off the data connection in automatic after i closed the internet opera browser i allways have to go to connection manager to turn off the data after i log off maybe a reg edit to closed as soon as i exit the browser ????
thank you anyone that can help me here
theres cabs but most break other shit, do it manually in com manager.
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  #2275 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2010, 04:28 AM
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Re: *ROM* *4/21* *S3-ROM r12* *WM6.5(21901.5.0.92)* *HTC Sense 2.5*

Is there a cab out yet that will let the phone go to work for me as I don't want to work? lol man come on people lets not get crazy with stuff, if it's a legitimate error like the WiFi not working that's one thing but let's not go overboard.
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Last edited by KIOWA69; 04-27-2010 at 05:05 AM.
  #2276 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2010, 07:39 PM
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Re: *ROM* *4/21* *S3-ROM r12* *WM6.5(21901.5.0.92)* *HTC Sense 2.5*

I still get that messed up email icon in R12, where in landscape the icon comes to the middle of the page and the layers are screwed up.

Whats weird is its there no matter what rom I flash to - even Sprint's stock rom. Whats up with that?
  #2277 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2010, 08:30 PM
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Re: *ROM* *4/21* *S3-ROM r12* *WM6.5(21901.5.0.92)* *HTC Sense 2.5*

Originally Posted by unkellsam View Post
I still get that messed up email icon in R12, where in landscape the icon comes to the middle of the page and the layers are screwed up.

Whats weird is its there no matter what rom I flash to - even Sprint's stock rom. Whats up with that?
You installing something that might be causing that to happen? If you're installing cabs after you flash the rom I would try to narrow it down by installing one cab at a time until I found out which one was causing it. I would flash the rom and set-up email and then install one cab at a time.

If that's not the case I would flash back to stock rom and take the phone in as something's wrong with it if it even does it on the stock rom.
  #2278 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2010, 10:25 PM
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Re: *ROM* *4/21* *S3-ROM r12* *WM6.5(21901.5.0.92)* *HTC Sense 2.5*

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
theres cabs but most break other shit, do it manually in com manager.

that is what i do all the time just wish there was a reg edit to tell my browser to disconect after i log off is there a reg edit on the browser itself opera that i can tell it to turn it off ?????
  #2279 (permalink)  
Old 04-27-2010, 11:43 PM
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Re: *ROM* *4/21* *S3-ROM r12* *WM6.5(21901.5.0.92)* *HTC Sense 2.5*

Originally Posted by timetraveler View Post
that is what i do all the time just wish there was a reg edit to tell my browser to disconect after i log off is there a reg edit on the browser itself opera that i can tell it to turn it off ?????
opera is off when you dont miminize.
  #2280 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2010, 12:40 AM
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Re: *ROM* *4/21* *S3-ROM r12* *WM6.5(21901.5.0.92)* *HTC Sense 2.5*

yes i turn opera off but the data connection still goes on until i go to com mgr and turn it off manually
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