Re: [DISCONTINUED]01-13[KITCHEN]6.5 NK-23518-TF2.1/2.5 & Titanium [UC/Sashimi]
23541 XIP: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=NQ6AW7X3
23541 SYS: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=4BCPDKF5 I have attached my edited phcanimages.dll in a rar. its 2.5 megs. much better than 12.9 megs. I removed some extraneous landscape images since landscape didnt work anyway. |
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Re: [DISCONTINUED]01-13[KITCHEN]6.5 NK-23518-TF2.1/2.5 & Titanium [UC/Sashimi]
I'm using the pyrorob leo dialer right now (which does have landscape)...how would i go about reducing the size of phcanimages.dll in it too? Thanks for all your great work rz =)
HTC Touch Pro: raidzero 23569 kitchen custom rom [LatROM], sense 2.5.2016, 16mb pp
Replaced by an HTC Desire: DeFroST 5.x w/ HAVS kernel, 1113MHz ondemand |
Re: [DISCONTINUED]01-13[KITCHEN]6.5 NK-23518-TF2.1/2.5 & Titanium [UC/Sashimi]
+1, Thanks for the build and continued support. And extra extra thanks should you decide to release one more kitchen
![]() hhmm...
Current Device:
Verizon HTC One M9 Last edited by Sharkie405; 03-03-2010 at 04:58 PM. |
Re: [DISCONTINUED]01-13[KITCHEN]6.5 NK-23518-TF2.1/2.5 & Titanium [UC/Sashimi]
del packages.txt echo Removing _Skip Files... for /F "tokens=*" %%A in ('dir /s /b %localpath%\%sortedfolder% _skip') do del %%A cls echo All done! nah, wheres the fun in that?! edit: that code does not work .. I never thought of including the skipfile deletion.. but I will, and revision2 will be born. Last edited by raidzero; 03-03-2010 at 05:11 PM. |
Re: [DISCONTINUED]01-13[KITCHEN]6.5 NK-23518-TF2.1/2.5 & Titanium [UC/Sashimi]
PE Explorer, or other resource editor open up the dll in pe explorer, delete the images that you dont want (if any) save the dll, then save all resources from it as images. then edit each image with GIMP or photoshop and convert the mode to indexed, make sure you auto generate the color palette (indexing discards all information about colors that are not present in the image, thus saving space). if you have photoshop CS2, I have already created droplets to convert bmp's and png's to indexed mode. I will attach them if anyone is following what I am saying. after the images have been edited (they will now be much more lightweight) replace all the images in the dll and save, then use the dll in an EXT as normal. if all the editing sounds scary, its pretty simple to just remove resources from a DLL. with PE explorer, all you do is right click it, and click remove resource. then say yes to the warning when you save the file so it can recalculate the size of the dll. |
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Re: [DISCONTINUED]01-13[KITCHEN]6.5 NK-23518-TF2.1/2.5 & Titanium [UC/Sashimi]
here is a working way to not have skipfiles copied:
echo Now extracting the following packages... echo _skip > skipfiles for /F "usebackq delims=" %%A in ("packages_sorted.txt") do ( echo D|xcopy /D /H /E /C /Y /Q /EXCLUDE:skipfiles %%A %sortedfolder%\%%A >NUL echo %%A ) |
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Re: [DISCONTINUED]01-13[KITCHEN]6.5 NK-23518-TF2.1/2.5 & Titanium [UC/Sashimi]
Thanks Raid,
Downloaded your XIP and SYS. Compared them to mine and they where identicial. Deleted mine, pasted yours TP is booting. Like I said earlier my rollup must have gotten corupt or something. Funny CE OS 5.2.23533(Build 23541.5.5.0) ![]() Thanks, Brad YouTube is working fine. Last edited by Jbradthomas; 03-03-2010 at 05:46 PM. |
Re: [DISCONTINUED]01-13[KITCHEN]6.5 NK-23518-TF2.1/2.5 & Titanium [UC/Sashimi]
![]() just erase 23533 and replace it with 23541, then save the dsm and exit ![]() obviously this is just a quick hack to maintain consistency, this does nothing that actually updates the kernel haha strange that youtube works for you. there are things I do not understand in the world of cooking... |
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Re: [DISCONTINUED]01-13[KITCHEN]6.5 NK-23518-TF2.1/2.5 & Titanium [UC/Sashimi]
well the time has come for me to go home, it was fun today, posting like a madman like old times.. lol. see you all around!
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