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  #2451 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2009, 02:00 AM
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Re: |HERM|6.5|ROM|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Magic' (23001) ** || Build date 63009 ||

I searched and couldn't find this discussed but is there any way to turn off answering/ignoring phone calls by using the hardware keys? I checked Advanced Config and the feature is turned off, but for some reason when I get an incoming call I can answer/ignore it by using the hardware keys in addition to using the slider.

Oh, has the hanging up issue been resolved as well? To be more specific, where if you're talking to someone, close the dialer and use the end key and nothing occurs. I had that issue on the 6/12 build and it seems it still occurs on the newest 23001 build.

Last edited by smegma; 07-03-2009 at 02:43 AM.
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  #2452 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2009, 02:48 AM
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Re: |HERM|6.5|ROM|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Magic' (23001) ** || Build date 63009 ||

IMO it is absolutely a legitimate concern if a phone cannot keep the correct time, it's actually pretty absurd if it can't. (FYI my rom has the "worldclock fix" too so this is not at all a rom-specific critique) Is your confidence in the TP so low you just assume the clock or alarm won't work and always use a backup? The clock is one of the most frequently used "features" on my phone, I pull it out of my pocket countless times daily just to check the time. But coming down on someone for using their phone as an alarm? Weak. It's just too bad some people found out about the bug under less than ideal circumstances.

Sorry for the rant.

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  #2453 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2009, 03:48 AM
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Re: |HERM|6.5|ROM|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Magic' (23001) ** || Build date 63009 ||

Originally Posted by psyki View Post
IMO it is absolutely a legitimate concern if a phone cannot keep the correct time, it's actually pretty absurd if it can't. (FYI my rom has the "worldclock fix" too so this is not at all a rom-specific critique) Is your confidence in the TP so low you just assume the clock or alarm won't work and always use a backup? The clock is one of the most frequently used "features" on my phone, I pull it out of my pocket countless times daily just to check the time. But coming down on someone for using their phone as an alarm? Weak. It's just too bad some people found out about the bug under less than ideal circumstances.

Sorry for the rant.
don't be sorry for that, i'm sorry u had to read what those noobs posted. im not even gonna bother quoting them or respond and i'll just let it go. anyways i'll wait till theres a new build of this rom with all the fixes actually cooked in instead of being mentioned in the changelog yet not changed. i got a good look at what 6.5 can look like and i can't wait until the psyki6.5 comes out, i know its gonna conquer all these other rhodium roms as it has 6.1

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  #2454 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2009, 07:28 AM
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Re: |HERM|6.5|ROM|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Magic' (23001) ** || Build date 63009 ||

Originally Posted by Maxx134 View Post
wow great!
Can U plz post Ur radio version Ur using as well.
Roms and radios combinations are good 2 know, if in same area
I use the Telus v1.04.05V radio (I'm on Sprint, in North Carolina). I went to bed last night and was at 35%. I ended up charging it because I won't be anywhere near a charger all day. We'll see if it was just some crazy coincidence, or if it lasts that long again!
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  #2455 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2009, 07:30 AM
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Re: |HERM|6.5|ROM|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Magic' (23001) ** || Build date 63009 ||

Originally Posted by jmy72 View Post
ya know? this getting absolutely dumb. There was a time that people searched on this forum. there was a time that people worked to figure out their problems. Now it seems that a lot of people just want someone else to do all the work for them and then when something goes wrong you want to crucify the chef. enoughs enough. You didnt pay for the rom so you arent out anything. If being out your time is your problem then you shouldnt be playing with roms to begin with.

I even saw one person complaining that it was nrgz fault that he was late to work. While I hope you were kidding, but if you werent then yer dumb. Do you honestly expect people to believe that you can afford a touch pro, but not a watch? do you not have a microwave with a clock? what about the stereo in yer car, that has a clock, or the bus, I mean its down right silly. 28 posts almost right in a row about people not knowing how to search for the fix to the vibrating keyboard. If yer too stupid to use your computer properly, then pack it up and send it back for the return of your money.

My touch Pro works perfectly, sure, I had to make a couple of tweaks on my own but thats because of preference. Nrgz, I think your ROMS are by far, top notch. I have never been happier. They are smooth, fast, last long on the battery, and even pocketwit works again. I dont have clock issues, or freezes, or black screens. I am a firm believer that a computer is only as smart as its user. I downloaded the same ROM that the rest of you did, and Most of us have no problems. So I believe its user error, not chef error.

In closing before I step off of my soapbox, I shall say, if you want a rom that has 0 flaws, then I guess you need to stick with a stock ROM for a while. mayb then you will realize that those are even worse. which means , if you look at it, NRGZ is doing a better job that the companies you bought your phone from. if your kids acted like people do in here, you would send them to their room. All though i have a feeling that most of the whiners in here ARE kids, whos mommies and daddies spoiled them.

Couldn`t agree with you more! My brother works for Sprint and he always tells me about some of the most stunning, ridiculous and unfounded complaints from customers using the TP. Not only those users have no sense of responsibility and human curiosity, but they don`t even bother to read through the user manual and figure out anything for themselves. These folks have no business owning a smart phone. To them it is all about the look and expects the phone to sort out itself and want to be enabled. Here we have these characters joining these forums clueless about anything what so ever regarding the performance of this device, impatient, rude in their request and expect somebody to do all the reading and searching, while they take care of the complaining.

Don`t take me wrong, this forum is very useful and if people weren`t addressing issues on here, then there wouldn`t be any need for this forum in the first place. However, I take issues with the perpetual enablers and whiners. I believe one of somebody’s life first responsibility is to evaluate oneself and knows his limitations and definitely go after things he can manage or capable of taking the time to explore and understand. Any other way is just being like a clueless child who simply wants something because it looks good or because a friend has it and he does too.

We can make this thread more progressive and constructive, by taking the time to read many times over your silly comments and ridiculous complaints before posting them and I guarantee you that you`ll end up slapping yourself for being so senseless. I read the above posts and couldn`t believe someone will actually be late for work in this economy and blame it on a phone. Does an unanimated peace of hard plastic have that much control over you? Wow, that sounds like a more serious problem. That is OCD man and this is the wrong forum for you. Because here we talk electronics, not psychiatry! You need to be mentally evaluated.

Many issues that are raised against NRGZ`s latest ROM versions are users caused issues and pickyness, but not rom related. I am an extensive user of my phone and I took the time to compare the battery life on this ROM against the Stock rom and the difference isn`t that significant. There are many alternatives to that issue and to me it`s called wall, car and emergency charger operating on a AA battery. The timzone issue, Another one stated not being able to see the ignore/answer call button, Vibrating hardkey which by the way has been tallked about so many times, etc... The chef has put together a fantastic ROM and this is as close to perfection you are going to get.

May be you are just not cut out for this! You perhaps might need to take your beautiful phone back to wherever you got it from, get your money back or exchange it for something more suitable. There is no shame in admitting this is not your thing. I got my mom the Mogul tow years ago for her birth day and she had the honesty to tell me it`s too complicated. I need something plain and simple she told me. May be you should Consider making that move and that will spare yourself the frustration and aggravation your smart phone is causing you.

Remain on course NRGZ, YOUR ROM RULES!
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  #2456 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2009, 09:01 AM
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Re: |HERM|6.5|ROM|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Magic' (23001) ** || Build date 63009 ||

Here's a new one...and its a refreshing item, because it's not a whiney post about missing work.

When you use the wired headphone adapter and regular headphones...you get notification that bluetooth is on...when it's actually not. Take it out, notification goes away. Not critical by any sort, but it's interesting nonetheless.
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  #2457 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2009, 09:32 AM
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Re: |HERM|6.5|ROM|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Magic' (23001) ** || Build date 63009 ||

My phone automatically dials the last person i talked to when listening to music thru headphones in manila. I have to erase the call log to get it to stop. Does anyone know of a fix?
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  #2458 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2009, 09:46 AM
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Re: |HERM|6.5|ROM|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Magic' (23001) ** || Build date 63009 ||

Originally Posted by kski71 View Post
My phone automatically dials the last person i talked to when listening to music thru headphones in manila. I have to erase the call log to get it to stop. Does anyone know of a fix?
i had the same issue but a hard reset took care of it. Hope this helps.
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  #2459 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2009, 09:47 AM
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Re: |HERM|6.5|ROM|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Magic' (23001) ** || Build date 63009 ||

Nice Nice Nice, can't thank you enough bro... Pimp release.
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  #2460 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2009, 10:11 AM
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Re: |HERM|6.5|ROM|WWE| ** EnergyROM 'Magic' (23001) ** || Build date 63009 ||

i love it. never use another rom this is the best one
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