Originally Posted by appzattak
Well, not that it really matters to me, because I never knew it did anything anyway....byt the Menu button on the Music tab does nada for me...on the 729 rom....fyi
Yeah I noticed that as well. I'll have to look into that :/
Originally Posted by rezn
Thats the win build that does that.. dont think a cab can make that happen.
Oooo you'll be surprised. I will upload a cab shortly
Originally Posted by EvgeniX
So I think its should be some regedit for this....
Nah... shell32.exe is responsible for it. I would have left it in but I wanted other themes to be compatible with the ROM so I cooked in an older one.. we'll see...
Originally Posted by sprintnerd
I would just like to say this Rom kicks A**
Originally Posted by rezn
Dont think so, if that was the case.. then every ROM builder using the other builds would have the regedit cabbed and posted everywhere. It does not exist.
It does on my hard drive.. lol
Originally Posted by itsachirpthing
All hats off again, I beleive you have out done yourself this time and I appreciate your work. The ROM's are so nice, I find it hard to find things that are broken or out of place. This should come standard on a TP! Thanks again.
No grips about your work, but I noticed that the weather widget link goes to the twitter link. The app is cooked in, but incorrectly linked (very small incorrection I must add). This is a very easy fix, just edit the link and change the parameter to "4" instead of "3". "3" is for the twitter app. This is tested and working 100% for me. Hope this helps anyone who uses the weather app. BTW, I use SK Tools for editing my links, but others will work as well.
Great JOB NRG!!!!
Yeap.. a few people noticed that in the 8 threads I posted with the 29 update.. hehe
Originally Posted by jdm627
The 7/28 had longer battery 29 less.
Umm.. the builds are completely identical except graphics updates.
Originally Posted by askwhy
I don't think anything [in particular to fix the time sync] is changed on the new build(s), but you are describing what is always the basic correct process for making sure you don't have problems. All you should ever have to do anymore is make sure the World Clock and System clock timezones and times are both set correctly before you sync in your appointments, in other words:
1. Go to World Clock (click the clock) and confirm your time/zone there.
2. Go to Start>Settings>Clocks to set the timezone and time there.
Glad to hear it's working fine for you. With nothing more than that it should be working for basically everyone anymore...
It's possible it's "fixed". To add all the extra tabs to the world clock I modified the coresponding Manila file from a 2.1 Manila...
Originally Posted by OrionSX
Hey guys, is there anyway to enable the Phone Keypad function of EzInput on this ROM? I can't seem to figure it out. I've tried installing an EzInput 2.1 Cab from XDA-Dev, but it removed all of my other SIPs except "Touch Input," the standard EzInput QWERTY Keyboard, and I still can't use the Phone Keypad-atyle or the Compact QWERTY either. Any ideas?
Also, is there a way to enable the larger WM6.5 popup menus instead of the huge finger menus? I disabled the finger menus but now the menus are small, WM6.1 style. I was hoping for the medium-sized, themed menus like in Calkulin's 6.5 ROMs. Thanks for all the help and the awesome ROM!!!
If you switch themes you can get the 6.5 menus to show up.
Originally Posted by brushrop03
What does zooming do?
Really ? What does zooming usually do ? Zoom ? lol
p.s. No this isn't a mazda commecial... haha
Originally Posted by NIKKG
I think this ROM can be improved if you cut down on all the clutter and the many subfolders in the start menu.
Only 4 subfolders are needed, Games, Office Mobile, Settings, and MISC and put various subfolders inside the MISC. Put all the important frequently used stuff in the main program section and the rarely used stuff in the MISC folder. Just keep it simple.
The main programs that should be included in the main should be:
Internet Explorer, File Explorer, Camera, Album, Opera, Google Maps, Comm Manager, You Tube, Contacts, Notes, Windows Media.
Those are probably the most common things people use. I personally prefer the regular File Explorer over Total Commander, and I always move TC to the Misc folder.
Other than those, your ROMS are very good. Just take your time and make them as stable as possible and everything should be good. Thanks!
Purely subjective opinion. File explorer blows compared to total commander.. windows media blows compares to pocket tunes.. etc etc... I happen to like it the way it is.
Originally Posted by askwhy
Those are not really 'the most common things people use' -- those are the most common things some people use. For example, I don't think I am that abnormal (ok that may be debatable) but I never touch IE, file explorer, or windows media, and for people who use TF3D the camera/album/opera/contacts/comm are already handy. We all like different things, and where right now you have to add things you like, if they were all defaults many of us would be deleting things we didn't.
I feel like the top level of the Start Menu is kinda sacred -- it should be lean, mean, and clean! The way it is now is a great base. NRGZ knows exactly what he is doing here...
Originally Posted by dman9821
Its a good thing I flashed your rom when it first came out, because I've been re-flashing ever since and it is the most complete rom, all the custom icons look amazing, it runs fast, it is just all around the best rom out and it just keeps getting better with every update, thanks for the hard work
Originally Posted by brushrop03
I somewhat agree with you
but I don't like the setup of the start menu either. I would rather have my apps right there in the start menu, and TF3D can be a pain to scroll thru sometimes.
And i'm more of a 6.1 start menu guy myself....
But saying all that, I don't think Energy should have to change it. I have no problem with it. If I want something there i'll just do it myself. Nice ROM
Originally Posted by Vertech
I am having an issue with the 29th release. The start menu is very dim when its turned on. the soft keys on the same screen are fine as well as the task bar.
Anybody else know about this and how to fix it perhaps? I have tried all the brightness controls and nothing seems to work.
Oh BTW This rom kicks freaking a$$
There are no "brightness controls" in this ROM

Can u post a screenshot maybe ?