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  #781 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2009, 01:01 AM
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Re: PsykiROM v1.0 - Rhodium Manila VERY FAST! - [21042] [TP2] [UC]

Originally Posted by petermg View Post
NICE.... but um... how do you do that? I mean, if I run into this problem on another rom (not that I would ever thing of going to another rom! ), but just hypothetically speaking... if I have this problem on another rom how could I replace drivers? Is there anything else I can replace drivers for? I suspect the camera going dark is a video driver issue... what do you think?
If that problem is cooked into a ROM I don't think there's a way you can fix it on the fly... I'd suggest to the chef that they update their kitchen with the correct drivers for their SYS Personally I assumed that 21042 drivers would work fine in 21043 seeing as how the SYS is very similar but I was wrong *shrug*

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  #782 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2009, 01:02 AM
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Re: PsykiROM v1.0 - Rhodium Manila VERY FAST! - [21042] [TP2] [UC]

Originally Posted by p0ww0ww0w View Post
I am having trouble synchronizing my contacts and stuff?! has anyone else had the same problem. it is only with this rom that it happens i have flashed my phone iwht other roms and it syncs fine.. is there any way to fix it cus i really like this rom.
I have not had a single problem syncing anything, using Activesync, PIM Backup, or even google/exchange calendar synchronization. Do you get any errors in activesync? Can you browse the phone with the activesync explorer?
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  #783 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2009, 01:04 AM
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Thumbs up Re: PsykiROM v1.0 - Rhodium Manila VERY FAST! - [21042] [TP2] [UC]

Originally Posted by psyki View Post
I think it's a little too late in my testing process to start looking at this utility but I'll keep it bookmarked. I think the rest of these guys would kill me if I delayed this release any longer Thanks for the tip though!

Really? I was actually very surprised that you didn't include it in the original release. The problem is taht the default way windows looks for files... say you want to open for example a PDF fie by opening Adobe Reader, then FILE, then OPEN, windows first scans your ENTIRE system, ALL FILES and THEN displays what PDFs it's found. This entails a LOT of waiting. Adding this to your ROM would actually help it's legendary "fastness"

No big if you don't include it because it can be added afterward.. but I personally don't find it acceptable to wait for windows to scan my ENTIRE filesystem before I can pick a file to open. If you can't tell I'm really trying to encourage you to test it out on your own system and see what I mean. I know if you do.. you would add it. I think it entails placing a dll in the windows dir, then a shortcut in the startup folder. That's it.
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  #784 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2009, 01:23 AM
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Re: PsykiROM v1.0 - Rhodium Manila VERY FAST! - [21042] [TP2] [UC]

Originally Posted by psyki View Post
Well, advanced config is good for a lot of things but it doesn't play 100% nicely with Rhodium. When you slide to the settings tab in Rhodium you should see 'Customize Tabs'. There you should have the ability to change the order of tabs or hide/unhide them.
Wow, well don't I feel dumb.

Thanks so much.
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  #785 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2009, 01:23 AM
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Re: PsykiROM v1.0 - Rhodium Manila VERY FAST! - [21042] [TP2] [UC]

Originally Posted by petermg View Post
Really? I was actually very surprised that you didn't include it in the original release. The problem is taht the default way windows looks for files... say you want to open for example a PDF fie by opening Adobe Reader, then FILE, then OPEN, windows first scans your ENTIRE system, ALL FILES and THEN displays what PDFs it's found. This entails a LOT of waiting. Adding this to your ROM would actually help it's legendary "fastness"

No big if you don't include it because it can be added afterward.. but I personally don't find it acceptable to wait for windows to scan my ENTIRE filesystem before I can pick a file to open. If you can't tell I'm really trying to encourage you to test it out on your own system and see what I mean. I know if you do.. you would add it. I think it entails placing a dll in the windows dir, then a shortcut in the startup folder. That's it.
I've never used it and have never had a problem opening files. If I have a .pdf file I just tap on it and Adobe Reader opens it automatically. Worst case scenario with Resco I tap and hold, select "Open with" and choose the program. I'm just too busy at the moment chasing down other bugs to test it and be fully confident it will work in all programs, that's all.

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  #786 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2009, 08:01 AM
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Re: PsykiROM v1.0 - Rhodium Manila VERY FAST! - [21042] [TP2] [UC]

First off, I really love this rom! =D> I am so glad I made the leap of faith to Psyki's rom from stock. So far I've had no issues, but I haven't tested everything--just the stuff I use.

Question, is there any value to installing the video drivers that are floating around on xda forums or does this already have improved drivers cooked in?

I was under the impression that HTC optimized drivers for the Rhodium so it would actually perform the way it should. Has anyone been able to lift those drivers and cook them into Rhodium roms (since it's the same hardware essentially)?

This rom really cooks and I was wondering if that was part of the reason--Rhodium drivers and optimizations.
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  #787 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2009, 10:09 AM
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Re: PsykiROM v1.0 - Rhodium Manila VERY FAST! - [21042] [TP2] [UC]

Originally Posted by psyki View Post
I have not had a single problem syncing anything, using Activesync, PIM Backup, or even google/exchange calendar synchronization. Do you get any errors in activesync? Can you browse the phone with the activesync explorer?

I've ran into it a few times. It seems to happen when you try to synch TOO much stuff...like...every Email and attachment you have. Try deleting your device from active sync, then select to sync about a weeks worth of half your folders. After it syncs add a little more folders. That usually how I have to get everything I want sync'd up. Kind of tricky sometimes.

The sure fire way I do it is just sync the entire message, text only (no attachments) and only do the folders I really truly need.
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  #788 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2009, 10:10 AM
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Re: PsykiROM v1.0 - Rhodium Manila VERY FAST! - [21042] [TP2] [UC]

Originally Posted by Beefstew83 View Post
First off, I really love this rom! =D> I am so glad I made the leap of faith to Psyki's rom from stock. So far I've had no issues, but I haven't tested everything--just the stuff I use.

Question, is there any value to installing the video drivers that are floating around on xda forums or does this already have improved drivers cooked in?

I was under the impression that HTC optimized drivers for the Rhodium so it would actually perform the way it should. Has anyone been able to lift those drivers and cook them into Rhodium roms (since it's the same hardware essentially)?

This rom really cooks and I was wondering if that was part of the reason--Rhodium drivers and optimizations.

Why would you need to???
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  #789 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2009, 10:11 AM
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Re: PsykiROM v1.0 - Rhodium Manila VERY FAST! - [21042] [TP2] [UC]

Just made a huge breakthrough tracking down bugs! Of course it was one tiny little setting buried in random setup script I should have seen a long time ago. You guys have no idea how much that has pissed me off for DAYS now, ugh. Now time for sleep so I can finish this sucker once and for all zzZZzzzzz
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  #790 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2009, 10:44 AM
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Re: PsykiROM v1.0 - Rhodium Manila VERY FAST! - [21042] [TP2] [UC]

Originally Posted by psyki View Post
Just made a huge breakthrough tracking down bugs! Of course it was one tiny little setting buried in random setup script I should have seen a long time ago. You guys have no idea how much that has pissed me off for DAYS now, ugh. Now time for sleep so I can finish this sucker once and for all zzZZzzzzz
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