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  #7121 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2009, 12:04 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 8 - Build 090713 (21921.5.0.40) [UC]

Originally Posted by ahuskins View Post
Juicy, I have a solution for a common problem in these threads. Can you put a link on the first post when you drop a new ROM to the page in the thread where you released it. That way when someone (noob or just new to the thread or your ROMs) who doesn't understand your naming nomenclature ventures in they can easily got to the release post and read forward. Might help with all of the "if you just go back a few pages" replies we seem to have to post over and over again. It's your thread just a suggestion.
+1 on this, that's a pretty good idea.

I know that when I have missed a few days worth of postings and a new build has come out, there are like 20 pages of new postings since the build, lol, and it can be a pain to hunt down the start of the postings since that build. So, even if it doesn't cut down on the noob repeat questions, it should at least help those of us that *do* read back.

And if you put a little note right under the download link saying something about "link to current build, please read from here to present before posting questions" it should help cut down the repeat questions substantially.

Heck, you could even make the download link on the front page redirect you to the current release post, so that people *have* to go there first. And maybe, just *maybe* they might even start reading while they are waiting for the download...
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  #7122 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2009, 12:09 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 8 - Build 090713 (21921.5.0.40) [UC]

Originally Posted by bedlam247 View Post
Hello everyone,

Sorry if this was resolved or had a fix, I just could not find when searching thread....

Perhaps a DumbA$$ question, I noticed in three areas (so far), the "faves" tab, the contacts "filter" tab, and "Add a new push page" which goes to your internet favorites page.

What do all these pages have in common, well you cannot select the last few choices. You can swipe down to the bottom of the list, but within 1 second, it bounces back up...for example, under the "faves" let's say you have 6 contacts, you can swipe down to the 6th and last contact but it will not still there for you to select, it will scroll back up...same thing affects the "filters" you cannot select the last few outlook "categories" so you can view a small list of contacts. I use my phone for work, so I have filters see for a few vendor companies that I have lots of contacts from. It's difficult to remember all the names per vendor, so I filter by company_x to view the abreviated list, please help with fix....
I have never seen this problem, or seen anyone else ask about it, does it do this before you set up your filter categories? I tried the various tabs where you said it was happening, and nothing. I would have tried to set up my own filters, to test that as well, but I don't know where that option is, are you talking about in TF3D? or something only in outlook?

Last edited by MACE; 07-17-2009 at 12:12 PM.
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  #7123 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2009, 12:14 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 8 - Build 090713 (21921.5.0.40) [UC]

Originally Posted by ahuskins View Post
Juicy, I have a solution for a common problem in these threads. Can you put a link on the first post when you drop a new ROM to the page in the thread where you released it. That way when someone (noob or just new to the thread or your ROMs) who doesn't understand your naming nomenclature ventures in they can easily got to the release post and read forward. Might help with all of the "if you just go back a few pages" replies we seem to have to post over and over again. It's your thread just a suggestion.
Very good idea!

Originally Posted by MACE View Post
+1 on this, that's a pretty good idea.

I know that when I have missed a few days worth of postings and a new build has come out, there are like 20 pages of new postings since the build, lol, and it can be a pain to hunt down the start of the postings since that build. So, even if it doesn't cut down on the noob repeat questions, it should at least help those of us that *do* read back.
Personaly if I've been away from the forum for a few days and realize there is a new ROM, I'll simply search for all posts by Juicy and locate the one where he posts about the new ROM. I read on from there.

I really really hate to ask this because I may know the answer already but....why aren't new threads created for new ROMs? If we assume that a new ROM resolves most of the previous ROM's issues, there would be no need to search the thread prior to the post for the latest release anyway. For the most part right?

On the other hand, I guess it would be harder to tell which was the latest thread because you'll always have people posting to an earlier thread if that's the rev they're still using....making that older thread appear above the newer one in the main "CDMA HTC Touch Pro Upgrades" area. Did I just answer my own question

Could always do what software developers do....stop providing support for older revisions (don't hate me). The old thread could then be closed to new posts. Food for thought. I'm probably not realizing how others may use or depend upon the previous posts in the thread.
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Last edited by CovKid66; 07-17-2009 at 12:21 PM.
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  #7124 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2009, 12:20 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 8 - Build 090713 (21921.5.0.40) [UC]

Originally Posted by MACE View Post
I have never seen this problem, or seen anyone else ask about it, does it do this before you set up your filter categories? I tried the various tabs where you said it was happening, and nothing. I would have tried to set up my own filters, to test that as well, but I don't know where that option is, are you talking about in TF3D? or something only in outlook?
I was a bit confused as well, but it is indeed a problem. Add more than 5 contacts to your favorites. Click on all people in TF3D2 then click on the favorites tab. If you scroll to the last entry and release the list will scroll back to the top, hiding the last entry. The only way to select it through this tab is to use the D pad, but it goes below the bottom curtain and you can't tell what is selected.
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  #7125 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2009, 12:31 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 8 - Build 090713 (21921.5.0.40) [UC]

Originally Posted by covkid66 View Post
Very good idea!

Personaly if I've been away from the forum for a few days and realize there is a new ROM, I'll simply search for all posts by Juicy and locate the one where he posts about the new ROM. I read on from there.

I really really hate to ask this because I may know the answer already but....why aren't new threads created for new ROMs? If we assume that a new ROM resolves most of the previous ROM's issues, there would be no need to search the thread prior to the post for the latest release anyway. For the most part right?

On the other hand, I guess it would be harder to tell which was the latest thread because you'll always have people posting to an earlier thread if that's the rev they're still using....making that older thread appear above the newer one in the main "CDMA HTC Touch Pro Upgrades" area. Did I just answer my own question

Could always do what software developers do....stop providing support for older revisions (don't hate me). The old thread could then be closed to new posts. Food for thought. I'm probably not realizing how others may use or depend upon the previous posts in the thread.
Cov - this is the eternal crux. If you really take time to think about it you will come up as you probably did, that the way it is - is probably best. I think linking inside the thread may be a good compromise. A little description of why/what the link is for and bam, you're good to go.
Once again, just my 2 cents.
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  #7126 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2009, 12:52 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 8 - Build 090713 (21921.5.0.40) [UC]

Originally Posted by ahuskins View Post
I was a bit confused as well, but it is indeed a problem. Add more than 5 contacts to your favorites. Click on all people in TF3D2 then click on the favorites tab. If you scroll to the last entry and release the list will scroll back to the top, hiding the last entry. The only way to select it through this tab is to use the D pad, but it goes below the bottom curtain and you can't tell what is selected.
Yeah, I see what you are talking about now, I never use the favorites tab in all people, cause its a pain to add all your contacts back to favorites after a flash, restore. (There is probably a way to automate this, but I have never cared enough to look into it, lol)
It actually does not go all the way back to the top, just scrolls the bottom of the list back to the bottom of the screen, the WVGA (800x480) screen that is. Its a bug with the TF3D2 port, they must have missed that tab when they were resizing everything to 640x480, I have seen it a couple other places in the past, but its never been in a place where it really mattered for me tbh.
It is not occurring for me in the push internet list page on the internet tab, or the regular contacts page either however. Also, there is no filter tab in contacts in this version, which is something I don't like TBH. I think he must be using an older version.

Which version are you on bedlam?

Last edited by MACE; 07-17-2009 at 01:13 PM.
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  #7127 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2009, 12:55 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 8 - Build 090713 (21921.5.0.40) [UC]

Every chef does their own thing, there aren't any forum standards. Juicy likes doing one big thread, there are others that start a new thread for every release.
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  #7128 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2009, 01:04 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 8 - Build 090713 (21921.5.0.40) [UC]

Originally Posted by ahuskins View Post
Cov - this is the eternal crux. If you really take time to think about it you will come up as you probably did, that the way it is - is probably best. I think linking inside the thread may be a good compromise. A little description of why/what the link is for and bam, you're good to go.
Once again, just my 2 cents.
I agree, I think linking within the thread is a good compromise as well.

I also think that having the DL link on the main page send you to the current build post rather than fileshare is a pretty good idea, kills two birds with one stone, makes it easy to find current built post in the ginormous thread, as well as sending noobies to the right place to begin reading while they are waiting for the download.
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  #7129 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2009, 01:11 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 8 - Build 090713 (21921.5.0.40) [UC]

On another topic, does anyone have any idea how to add voice command to the current build? I was just waiting for the next version, with the fix, but it seems that this whole NRGz immaturity thing has thrown a monkey wrench into the works.

I use voice command *alot* so, its kind of a big deal for me. Is there perhaps a cab to install it somewhere? Or can I just try dumping the files (presumably in the J7 kitchen) into the windows directory or something?
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  #7130 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2009, 01:35 PM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ KITCHEN ] JUICY 8 - Build 090713 (21921.5.0.40) [UC]

Originally Posted by MACE View Post
On another topic, does anyone have any idea how to add voice command to the current build? I was just waiting for the next version, with the fix, but it seems that this whole NRGz immaturity thing has thrown a monkey wrench into the works.

I use voice command *alot* so, its kind of a big deal for me. Is there perhaps a cab to install it somewhere? Or can I just try dumping the files (presumably in the J7 kitchen) into the windows directory or something?
I have a cab I found in the past from times I too needed it when earlier or other ROMs did not include it. You will find it on web if you look for it. Some will frown upon that, but I look at it this way....I do buy all of my software, and in this case the phone came with MSVC, so if I can find a copy 'out there', I'll use it. I'm PM'ing you where I found an updated copy, and you'll laugh at the irony of where given you're post.
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