Originally Posted by info[]box1
modd bb..No way..I'm on the verge of order my sprint bb tour any day now.. and I love to hear you talk like..!O!
ps.i very doubt u juicy..
Info I have collected thus far (various online sources):
ALX files are a proprietary file format used by RIM; they are modified JAR files.
Files with the extension .ALX are associated with 'Application Loader' an XML file and mini application used on BlackBerries.
The .ALX file is used within 'BlackBerry Desktop Manager' and communicates the location of the application to be installed.
You can usually find an application's .ALX file in the folder where you installed the application on your PC.
COD files are a proprietary file format developed by RIM; they are modified JAD files.
A codfile contains four sections:
1) Header
2) Code Segment
3) Data Segment
4) Tail.
A header structure is quite simple:
typedef struct { // codfh
int flashid;
uint section_number; //always 0
uint vtable_pointer; //always 0
time_t timestamp;
uint user_version;
uint fieldref_pointer;
ushort maxtype_list_size;
short reserved; //always 0xFF
int data_section; //always 0xFFFF
int module_info; //always 0xFFFF
ushort version;
ushort code_size;
ushort data_size;
ushort flags;
The next section is a code segment it starts from offset 0×2C and has length from Code segment size field, then goes a data
segment with size from field Data segment size and then a tail.
Format of information in Code and Data segments still requires some work.
it appears system files can be updated via desktop manager - there is no equivalent to boot launcher.
Anyways enough of that. Most WM users are not interested, and this is offtopic for the thread