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  #2221 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2009, 06:03 PM
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Re: **31 Mar 09** UPD #20: SSK 1.6 Final Out NOW! 3 New OS: 21038, 21042, WM 6.5 2119

Originally Posted by RONMAC View Post
I used 21198 (6.5) in the kitchen and man is it smokin'!

It is fast and responsive as all hell! The panels move the way they are supposed to and the start menu scrolls insanely smooth.

I have also added the Titanium weather plugin so I now have weather forecasts as a today panel. It is not as cool as TF3D but it is pretty sweet.

If you are interested, I have attached the weather plugin for your pleasure (it is zip code based).

Thanks again Scott for an awesome kitchen and ROM.
Yeah, I gotta admit the 21189 has matured nicely. Very smooth now. Im gonna post a ROM for everyone to play with later tonight.

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  #2222 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2009, 06:04 PM
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Re: **31 Mar 09** UPD #20: SSK 1.6 Final Out NOW! 3 New OS: 21038, 21042, WM 6.5 2119

Originally Posted by oldman View Post
Scott, When the pagepool box comes up, it always has 6 "greyed out'. I have been assuming that your "default" pagepool is higher, and if i just CLOSED the box, I'd stay with what you have set as default for the particular OS. Am I correct, or is the "default" actually 6.

No you are correct.

You see six because that is what the app defaults to. Unless you load the NBH into the app it wont display anything. Its greyed for that reason.

You are indeed correct.
  #2223 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2009, 06:05 PM
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Re: **31 Mar 09** UPD #20: SSK 1.6 Final Out NOW! 3 New OS: 21038, 21042, WM 6.5 2119

Originally Posted by shad0w77 View Post
The new contact card doesn't work properly, sending text messages throws a sim error, the push pages on the internet tab dont save, some things like that. And yes I agree the calendar is awsome. Too bad it still brings you to the WM edit screen.

Also, I am using the sprint carrier (since I am on the Sprint network lol) and the ## codes don't work. Any recommendations? <--- IGNORE THIS
Edit: dialing ##775 then hitting send works. No more need for that last # sign.
You need to apply the specific fixes for those at the post of TP2 by XBoxmod. He has cab fixes for all of that.

Glad you got your ## working.

Thanks for taking the tome to give this detailed feedback!
  #2224 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2009, 06:07 PM
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Re: **31 Mar 09** UPD #20: SSK 1.6 Final Out NOW! 3 New OS: 21038, 21042, WM 6.5 2119

Originally Posted by redd214 View Post
apply the fixes for touch flo 2. with out these it really sux i know. after installing these there are still some bugs but this is the best we have so far. enjoy
Originally Posted by redd214 View Post

the manila file is for the all programs soft key bug. once the program tab is enabled, when u go to it and then go away from it, the left softkey stays as all programs. this manila file will fix that. just drop it in your windows folder

Thanks will link in OP

Originally Posted by oldman View Post
I think that before any numbers are changed, you have to 'browse' and show the specific ROM for which you want to change the pagepool.

  #2225 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2009, 06:09 PM
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Re: **31 Mar 09** UPD #20: SSK 1.6 Final Out NOW! 3 New OS: 21038, 21042, WM 6.5 2119

Originally Posted by impudent1 View Post
That's strange, when I OEM'd fuzeberry, MINE had everything but the stocks tab. I was thinking who gives a **** about the stock market anyway, every time I check my investments I want to go on a killing spree. I guess MINE is better than Scotts Just kidding Scott.

Has anyone had any slide out keyboard issues on 21042 yet? mine locks up every time I attempt to use it.
Dude, what are you doing to that keyboard!

Sliding the keyboard will nto cause a freeze. It has to be somthing elese. Does it do this on a ROM that I cook with NO customizations?

If so you have defective hardware. I can assure that my keyboard is 100% functional. I tested it ;c)
  #2226 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2009, 06:12 PM
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Re: **31 Mar 09** UPD #20: SSK 1.6 Final Out NOW! 3 New OS: 21038, 21042, WM 6.5 2119

Originally Posted by scrosler View Post
Dude, what are you doing to that keyboard!

Sliding the keyboard will nto cause a freeze. It has to be somthing elese. Does it do this on a ROM that I cook with NO customizations?

If so you have defective hardware. I can assure that my keyboard is 100% functional. I tested it ;c)
Prove it video tape yourself sliding the keyboard to see if it works while holding todays newspaper while lifting one leg and singing an american idol song with a canadian accent. Then we will believe you.

  #2227 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2009, 06:13 PM
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Re: **31 Mar 09** UPD #20: SSK 1.6 Final Out NOW! 3 New OS: 21038, 21042, WM 6.5 2119

Originally Posted by Despiser View Post
Should I let the customizations run after I flash to the Verizon version of SSK1.6 Final?

DOes this device XV6850 have a Ext2? Do we have a tool that lets us access it and remove the Verizon stuff and use the space for apps like we did with the xv6700?

Does anyone know of a all black theme for TP2? Something that goes with the Classic Black wm theme?

Will the fixes mentioned above be included in a future ROM?

Thanks for all the hard work. So far so good.
ALWAYS let my cusomtizations run!!! If not your ROM will not function as expected ;c(

There is not Ext2 partition with the new pohones. Thats old school and was left behind with the Titan. I beleive with the titan. The Vouge didint have one.

The theme included is black for TP2. I added no skins. ITs direct from XboxMod. Its the basic HTC style black. The same style they would have on stock GSM ROM's. Hope that helps.

Let us know how it goes if you take the plunge and thank you for your interest!
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  #2228 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2009, 06:15 PM
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Re: **31 Mar 09** UPD #20: SSK 1.6 Final Out NOW! 3 New OS: 21038, 21042, WM 6.5 2119

Originally Posted by Sancho View Post
I had a ton of issues before I removed the black ez type keyboard, since then I have no issues. Im thinknig I might re-try a flash to TP2 manilla this evening but currently the 21042 rom I gen'd in the kitchen is much faster than the 21015 rom I was running previously.
I told you all I thought it was a nice little build!
  #2229 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2009, 06:16 PM
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Re: **31 Mar 09** UPD #20: SSK 1.6 Final Out NOW! 3 New OS: 21038, 21042, WM 6.5 2119

Originally Posted by in99flames View Post
IM currently running 1.5 R4R....what rom do you think would be equivalent to what Ive currently got?
Damn, thats a great questions. Go with the Basic 21042. I dont have a tru equivelant .....
  #2230 (permalink)  
Old 04-01-2009, 06:18 PM
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Re: **31 Mar 09** UPD #20: SSK 1.6 Final Out NOW! 3 New OS: 21038, 21042, WM 6.5 2119

Originally Posted by aldojr80 View Post
Prove it video tape yourself sliding the keyboard to see if it works while holding todays newspaper while lifting one leg and singing an american idol song with a canadian accent. Then we will believe you.

THat was good, that was really good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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