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8 APR 09 - UPD 25: Mods please lock this thread!
Update #24: SSKUsers.com is here! I created a support site for the ROM and kitchen. Look here: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...postcount=2834
Update #23: SSK 1.6 Rev A is HERE (again)! Added CE OS 21028 build 21028 along with two mathcing Bonus ROM's. A light ROM and a Loaded ROM. See change Log and Main post for more info. The files have been reuplaoded and all links are good. Please test as always and provide feedback on any glitches.... Thank you for all the feedback with 1.6!!! I cleaned up the core greatly and made even more selctions. I hopeyou enjoy!!!! Please leave feedback in the thread. Any questions about the ROM or flashing should be posted in this thread. ROM info is in THIS post. Kitchen info in post #3: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.php?p=697540&postcount=3 Screen Shots in post #4:: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.php?p=697542&postcount=4 -= ROM Selections =- Screen Shots in post #4 Preface: The ROM's are built as the kitchen progress. Just because a CE OS build is newer or older does not mean its better or worse. The ROM's are to give you an idea of what you YOU can produce in the Kitchen! I will be glad to answer any question from basic to advanced. Please feel free to ask in the thread. Please try to ask all questions in the thread. ** CE OS 21028 - Heavy HD ROM 12 Meg PP This ROM is loaded. Uses HD Manila. All HTC apps included. My typical assortment of apps. ** CE OS 21028 - Light FuzeBerry ROM 8 Meg PP This ROM is VERY light. Intended for those that want the most RAM possible on a VZW device with loosing all functionality. Uses WIndows Standard Dialer and Volume Control for even more space. No Opera, Only has Large Start Menu and scrolling. Latest Fuzeberry STANDARD Manila with additional TABs. **CE OS 21189 - WM 6.5 ROM ! No Manila Basic style ROM **CE OS 21042 - TP2 Clone ROM. Has TP2 Landscape Manila TP2 Start Menu. Fast CE OS. Nice ROM. For the normal start menu look here: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showpost.p...postcount=2105 Courtesy of reigndropz. Please look here for more info on the usage with TP2 Manila: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=61809 **CE OS 21042 - Basics ROM No fancy UI or special fetaures. This is a Basic OEM style ROM **CE OS 21018 Build 21038 - Basics ROM. No fancy UI or special fetaures. This is a Basic OEM style ROM CE OS 21015 - B2B ROM +Back to Black TF3DTheme - Similiar to R4R but no blue phone pad highlits +Built on CE OS 21015 with FPOS 21015 XIP - Very Fast and stable +Built With Rev C2 Kitchen +Fast and stable +9 Meg Page Pool +PIE 6 Beta With Flash 3.1 +Has "VZ Navigator GPS Drivers" in \My Documents\SSK\. Use them to use VZ Navigator on this ROM. Simply install and soft reset if requested You can uninstall at any time to go back to standard Windows GPS Drivers You can uninstall without limitiations to use it as a toggle. Hope to automate with a MSRC soon +4 Dialers on ROM. Defaults to Windows Mobile Standard with volume control. Go to Remove programs to remove that and you will get the standard HTC Dialer or; Now you can install Black or White S2A with curtain in the SSK Folder in My Documents. CE OS 21015 - R4R ROM R4R Bonus ROM built to debut new SSK R4R theme and CE OS 20764. This is the favorite ROM of most! WM 6.5 21159 ROM - BETA OS! Looks really pretty but not for everyday use. Enthusiast only! No Touch Flow Titanium UI Built with SSK 1.5M Rev B Thanks to the following, for with out them this would not be possible: JD, lllboredlll, GC, Conflipper, Caulkin, eRice, Juggalo X, cmonex, myself ;c) Download Links: http://www.scottcrosler.com/images/banner.png **You may use all of my work, all of it, in part or in whole, meaning anyting I have posted at any time ever, to do what you want. If you do produce another product from my work please give me a thanks in the post like I did for the people that helped me. Thats all I ask! Now show me some love with the Thanks button ;c) |
Re: -7 Feb 09 - **SSK 1.5 Final** – Multi Carrier Edition [CE OS 21109 build 211090]
-= SSK 1.5 Core Kitchen Info =- Updated 4 APR 09 at 21:00 Good, glad you made it here! The ROM's are to give you an idea of what you YOU can produce in the Kitchen! I will be glad to answer any question from basic to advanced. Please feel free to ask in the thread. The kitchen will be in two parts as follows: Part A. Core Kitchen. This will be the TOOLS, OEM, RUU Folders and Kitchen batch file inside of the kitchen folder. Part B. SYS File Packs. The individual SYS and ROM Folders. These are added to the kitchen folder. Basic Kitchen Installation / Upgrading: Download Part A, the core kitchen, then a SYS File Pack of your choosing from Part B. After downloading decompress to your desktop using the latest version of WinRAR. You unpack both files from Part A and Part B. You move the ROM and SYS folders over from the Part B -SYS File Pack Download in to the Kitchen Core Folder so it sits with the other three folders. From there you start cooking by double clicking SSK 1.6 Rev A Another aspect of this kitchen model is it will allow nearly identical selections from one build to the next. That will make comparing the builds much easier to do as you can build them identically. You can have alot of fun with this. Please do not send your wives after ;c) Just think about what mine just went through as I created this beast ;c) -= Kitchen Revisions / Change Log =- 1.6 Rev A Pro - 4 Apr 2009 - Rebased again I cored the Main kitchen again to fix some minor carrier issues. Genric carrier no longer has PRL and PRI icons in control panel. Only sprint built ROM's will have that. Added CE OS 21028 Build 21028 to the selections bringing the kitchen up to 12 CE OSs to cook with! Largest selction on the planet! Added a few more selctions called "Extra's" for ringtone, theme, and pic selections. Save up to 20 megs on a a ROM for more apps! 1.6 Pro - 31 March 2009 - Rebuilt the kitchen and upgraded all OEM's to latest at the time. More kitchen selections. Added CE OS 21038, 21042 and WM 6.5 build 21198. Added Genreic Carrier and reworked alot of carrier stuff. Diamond version almost complete. 1.5M Rev C1 - 20 Feb 09 *Added SYS Pack 21015 and SYS Pack 20954, Now 8 CE OS to Choose From! Largest single selection of CE OS's on the planet for the Touch Pro! *Added the ability for VZ Navigator users to use the ROM with VZ Navigator and Windows Intermediate GPS drivers. VZ Navigator users install the VZ Navigator Drivers cab in the SSK folder to use VZ Navigator! Uninstall the CAB to go back to standard windows drivers. Can be toggled as often as you want. Looking in to automating it even further in next rev ;c) *Updated SYS packs 20764, 20931 and 21109 to reflect proper selections in Build OS. You can now confidently select IE 6 Beta, Enterpsie Components, etc. They have been tested and verified working as far as being able to select and have them added or not added. Functionality shoudl be fine but please report any bugs. *Reset page pool back to 6 megs for all ROMS updated this revision. *Added Flash Lite 3.1 for use with IE 6 Beta. Must select IE Beta in the kitchen! Cab is in the SSK folder for you! +Minor tweaks 1.5M Rev C - 20 Feb 09 Removed due to file corruptions 1.5M Rev B - 15 Feb 09 *Added CE OS 21159 to SYS Pack Collection - Windows Mobile 6.5 Beta Build - Very Beta - Total of 6 CE OS's to choose from! *Added new Start Menu Icon selections from Windows Mobile 6.5 Beta ROM. Can be used on any ROM. Has Vista swirly, white start logo, and a larger OK and X Button. *Added HTC Task manager as an option now. Can be removed from Cooked ROM's now. * Other minor corrections / bug fix / enhancements 1.5M Rev A - 14 Feb 09 *Added CE OS 20931 to SYS Pack Collection - Total of 5 CE OS's to choose from! *Fixed AutoRun start (accidentally installing some remnants from 1.2) *Fixed Duplicate Contacts buttons on certain themes +Battery Icon Selection +Dialer Selection +Start Menu Selection +Minor tweaks -Removed Sensor apps for now. 1.5M - 10 Feb 09 * Became Multi OS Capable. Intro'ed with 3 OS's to choose from. - Removed Google Maps and Live Search CAB installers + Added Slide to Answer Black and White CAb to \My Documents\SSK\ 1.5 - 2 Feb 09 Multi Carrier Version of now defunt 1.2. *Built on CE OS 21109. 1.2 - First solid / fast kitchen and ROM of the SSK series -= CE OS SYS Packs Available for Kitchen =- 5.2.19974 Build 19972.1.2.7 Stock Build! Yes, thats right. This is the stock build with a tuned XIP. Runs great. 20764 Build 20764.1.43 Seems over all smooth. Never used in builds before this kitchen. Great reprts of speed and overall stabuility. This is the preffered SYS Kit at this time 20931 Build 20931.1.5 Seems over all smooth. Used in previous VZN Series builds with success. Ported over to meet SSK Kitchen protocal. Runs great! CE OS 20954 Nice Build. Somewhat untested at this time. Used FPOS XIP 4E so you can have encryption on your SD Card if you desire. CE OS 21015 Nice Build. Somewhat untested at this time. Used FPOS XIP so you can have encryption on your SD Card if you desire. Seems fast and responsive! 21109 Build 21109.1.5 Same build as VZN 1.2 and 1.5. Some concerns on legitamcy build numbers. Runs great. ** NEW! - 21042 Build 21042 - These sys files are preffered right now. They have JAVA included. Do not select in kitchen or you will get duplicate file errors. ** NEW! - 21018 build 21038 Windows Mobile 6.5 Beta Builds - For testing purposes only. Not for every day use! Windows Mobile 6.5, Build 21139 - BETA! Beta build used by conflipper but ported to SSK usage by me. Not very stable but somewhat fast. Ported to SSK. Camera does not work and device lock will require a hard reset. Other than that nice. Windows Mobile 6.5, Build 21159 - BETA! Beta build used by conflipper but ported to SSK usage by me. Not very fast but very pretty. Titanium Today screen plug in very nice. ** NEW - Windows Mobile 6.5, Build 21189 - BETA! The latest and greatest Beta to play with. For some reason pp canot be set. Download Links: http://www.scottcrosler.com/images/banner.png |
R4R Touch Pro Style!
-= CE OS 21015 "B2B" Bonus ROM Hot!=- http://www.scottcrosler.com/B2B.jpg -= WM 6.5 Beta Build 21159 Bonus ROM =- -= R4R Bonus ROM built on CE OS 20764 =- |
Re: -7 Feb 09 - **SSK 1.5 Final** – Multi Carrier Edition [CE OS 21109 build 211090]
5 Attachment(s)
Cabs - Updated 24 Feb at 8:00 PM
I will keep Special request Cabs / OEM's Here; Once I get a spot on my page I will keep what I can posted there Or at least links to commonly requested apps and possibly an FAQ section. 1. Attached are the blue phone higlights as seen in the R4R ROM above. I also attached a red version. If you are using the black dialer do not waste your time. These are a differnt shape and will look horrible. I dont have time to test but they should be fine. If not let me know in the thread. 2. VZ navigator Drivers from SSK 1.5 Rev C series. This can be used on any older version of SSK 1.5 Rev C. Its higly doubtfult that these will work on any other ROM as they are a custom CAB by myself that is designed with the SSK 1.5 Core Kitchen Series only. 3. Kitchen OEM Update. Update is S2U2 1.50. MUST DELETE OLD OEM for FIRST! Uses same DSM and RGU!!!!!!!!! 4. My OEM Cab collection: www.scottcrosler.com/TouchPro/cabs Small but growing. If you have an OEM CAB that I missed please let me know.... Scott says: If you take dont forget to thank! |
Re: *20 Feb* UPD 14: See OP! - SSK 1.5M *7* OS Kitchen incl WM6.5 Build 21159 Beta RO
Rev C corrupted? I have been running with it today and so no real problems. I saw an out of memory error when I tried to get to Google Maps.
How in the world do you get GPS and Google together. Do I need to flash back to Rev B? How do I know if I have problems related to it? |
Re: *20 Feb* UPD 14: See OP! - SSK 1.5M *7* OS Kitchen incl WM6.5 Build 21159 Beta RO
Not all builds were affected.
Re: *20 Feb* UPD 14: See OP! - SSK 1.5M *7* OS Kitchen incl WM6.5 Build 21159 Beta RO
The issue was that if you used builds 20764 and 20931 it would cause the phone not to boot. The same SYS files tested out fine on Rev B Kitchen Core. I just pulled the link to the Rev C kitche core, not the SYS Files. If you are using 20954 or 21109 then you probably never saw any issue at all. those were the builds I last used and they worked great. I think something happned to the kitchen core when it was transfered from my Windows 7 machine to my website. Somewhere there along the way it broke for those two SYS file packs. I can fix it fairly easy this weekend. Just no more building kitchens on a Windows 7 machine. This is actually the second time it happened to me. The first time I caght it before I uploaded. Now I have had good builds on this same machien too so I am lost. I am goign back to old faithful, Windows Vista machine. Its not as nice as my machine with Windows 7 but it will get the job done. I love windows 7 too much to stop using it. EDIT: But yeah, I wouldnt flash back. that kitchen was my best yet. I just need to reassemble on another machine. I checked out the changes and moved them into the Rev B kitchen and they worked fine ;c) Wil work on Rev C2 in the AM. |
Re: *20 Feb* UPD 14: See OP! - SSK 1.5M *7* OS Kitchen incl WM6.5 Build 21159 Beta RO
Re: *20 Feb* UPD 14: See OP! - SSK 1.5M *7* OS Kitchen incl WM6.5 Build 21159 Beta RO
Bob |
Re: *20 Feb* UPD 14: See OP! - SSK 1.5M *7* OS Kitchen incl WM6.5 Build 21159 Beta RO
I am using 20954 and I am getting random pauses and I can't figure the GPS out. Followed the unlock GPS thread. Its tooo late and I am tooo tired... |
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