Originally Posted by Despiser
Should I let the customizations run after I flash to the Verizon version of SSK1.6 Final?
DOes this device XV6850 have a Ext2? Do we have a tool that lets us access it and remove the Verizon stuff and use the space for apps like we did with the xv6700?
Does anyone know of a all black theme for TP2? Something that goes with the Classic Black wm theme?
Will the fixes mentioned above be included in a future ROM?
Thanks for all the hard work. So far so good.
ALWAYS let my cusomtizations run!!! If not your ROM will not function as expected ;c(
There is not Ext2 partition with the new pohones. Thats old school and was left behind with the Titan. I beleive with the titan. The Vouge didint have one.
The theme included is black for TP2. I added no skins. ITs direct from XboxMod. Its the basic HTC style black. The same style they would have on stock GSM ROM's. Hope that helps.
Let us know how it goes if you take the plunge and thank you for your interest!