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  #10351 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 04:40 AM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

Originally Posted by jbearamus View Post
from what i can see your rom on its own will not cause the ringer issue. i think it's some of the tweaks we've been applying. as far as i can tell with my expert diagnostic skills of the last few hours, the favorite contacts panel and the touchflo/titanium handoff program aren't to blame. next up with the weather panel and then opera favorites panel
pretty sure its not the weather panel while using the titanium_weather_v3.1 found on xda to install
next up chome_editor_v1.3

Last edited by jbearamus; 04-23-2009 at 04:42 AM.
  #10352 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 04:43 AM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

Originally Posted by beefcakeb0 View Post
it should haVe already, mine did, updating your win media player library might help

<3 .. wErkED
  #10353 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 04:50 AM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

Originally Posted by ClevelandWheeler
you have to re flash. hit the PP button select the rom to update, change the PP and close then flash.

PP refers to the pagepool, in order to change it there is a pagepool changer icon in the folder with your RUU that you use for flashing, run that program then run the RUU but yes you will have to reflash the whole shebang
Thanks for the explanation. I guess a higher PP gives better TF3D and OS performance? Are there any cons of a higher PP?

I'm still running 4.16 right now, but I've decided I'm gonna make the switch to MR5 tomorrow. So basically I'll have to..

1. Flash MR5
2. Hard Reset
3. Change PP, and flash MR5 again?
4. Hard Reset again?

On another note, I want to upgrade my radio. Could you direct me to an explanation of how to do that?
  #10354 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 04:59 AM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

Damn man, this thread is so large that you really have to bookmark every useful post that you find in here, or it gets lost in a matter of hours.
  #10355 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 05:00 AM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

Originally Posted by HotSauce View Post
Thanks for the explanation. I guess a higher PP gives better TF3D and OS performance? Are there any cons of a higher PP?

I'm still running 4.16 right now, but I've decided I'm gonna make the switch to MR5 tomorrow. So basically I'll have to..

1. Flash MR5
2. Hard Reset
3. Change PP, and flash MR5 again?
4. Hard Reset again?

On another note, I want to upgrade my radio. Could you direct me to an explanation of how to do that?
I haven't tinkered with PP too much so you may need to wait for someone with more experience to jump on but from what i know there is a balance just as with all things, yes more is better but its also a rule of diminishing returns, go too high and it won't help or worse will hinder.
no you don't have to flash twice, you can start with step 3 just change to PP then flash for the first time, its still recommended you do a clear storage/hard reset each time you flash just to work out the weird bugs. but also, be prepared to flash multiple times until you get the performance you want. to give you a start i think most of the guys on sprint were tinkering with a 24 PP but the guys on verizon were running a 9 (i think, i usually don't pay too much attention to what doesn't apply to me) i don't know what bell will need
as for the radio, i've only ever done a radio update once and that was 3 years ago when we had to do a radio update on the old 6700 (furtherest to the left on the website's device banner) when we upgraded it to WinMo 6. if i remember right, the process is that same as a rom flash but it doesn't actually flash the rom, check with someone that knows or search before you do it
I know i'm long winded but i hope i'm helpful
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  #10356 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 05:43 AM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

Originally Posted by jbearamus View Post
from what i can see your rom on its own will not cause the ringer issue. i think it's some of the tweaks we've been applying. as far as i can tell with my expert diagnostic skills of the last few hours, the favorite contacts panel and the touchflo/titanium handoff program aren't to blame. next up with the weather panel and then opera favorites panel
After my hard reset i gradually put all the pieces back together in an attempt to recreate the ringtone error. I'm back to where i started but i'm not currently having the ringtone error unless it is somehow a time release error.

here's a list of what i have installed both this go around and the last time when it errored
Calkulin Sprint TV Fix
PPCGeeks Facebook Athera App
Chome Editor_v1.3_Beta
Showaco opera v.2.cab
Microsoft myphone
Sprint 160 sms fix
Fdcsofttaskmgr + avian waves tfdetacher (for titanium/touchflo handoff)
Sprint arcsoft
Sprint navigation htc diamond 2.1.7
Exidler finger keyboard 2.1
AT Contacts

i'm running quite well for now but i'll report in if i have "corrupted ringtones" again
hope this is somewhat helpful
Goodnight, or probably morning in toronto(ish) by now

Last edited by jbearamus; 04-23-2009 at 01:38 PM.
  #10357 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 06:07 AM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

Im at work still and do not have access to a pc. I havent even reloaded my contacts. All i have on here is
Verizon arcsoft MMS
titanium weather v3a
At contacts
Ms Voice Command

What happens is the notifications sounds work the 1st time after a reset. Then on the second message or email you hear nothing and no vibration either. When you go to settings/sounds/notifications you see it working and then when the screen loads you click on say the phone ringer, it pauses then says file is corrupt. please select another. It does this for every sound file in all notification categories. Soft reset and the files come back and work again for 1 to a few times and does it again. Oh and one other thing. When the notification sounds stop working, the ringtone will always play when you get a call. the ringtone always sounds. But the other notifications wont. You can then go to notifications as I described above and bam. corruption! Its gotta be something with titanium or would having a pagepool at 8 cause an issue?

Also for anyone needing info and directions on the pagepool please click on the link in my signature. It explains everything and has explicit instructions.

Billy a.k.a. LordShadowz
Verizon HTC Touch Pro
Running Mighty Rom 5 (5/8/09)
Running Telus Radio 1.04.05v

My Custom R3BORN/MR5 TF3D mods- [HERE]
My MR5 Review

VERIZON TOUCH PRO USERS, go [HERE] for Help Installing and tweaking MIGHTY ROM4 R3BORN AND MIGHTY ROM 5 with ADDED RAM, NATIVE VzW apps, Tips, Bugs with fixes, GPS Issues and essential apps attached! Updated regularly with new Info. Last Update 5/13/09

Last edited by lordshadowz; 04-23-2009 at 06:30 AM.
  #10358 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 06:48 AM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

Originally Posted by HotSauce View Post
Thanks for the explanation. I guess a higher PP gives better TF3D and OS performance? Are there any cons of a higher PP?

I'm still running 4.16 right now, but I've decided I'm gonna make the switch to MR5 tomorrow. So basically I'll have to..

1. Flash MR5
2. Hard Reset
3. Change PP, and flash MR5 again?
4. Hard Reset again?

On another note, I want to upgrade my radio. Could you direct me to an explanation of how to do that?

Download the Radio of your choice. I suggest Telus or the Sprint V1.11. Open folder, run RomUpdateUtility.exe(RUU.exe) and let it do its magic.
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  #10359 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 06:50 AM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® 21501 Build 21501

Originally Posted by combatstang View Post
lol i just came to ask some stuff, u just covered it <3
sweet. glad it cld help.

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  #10360 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2009, 07:15 AM
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Re: [April 21st, 2009] (((((MightyROM5))))) Windows Phone® Build 21501

Originally Posted by mightymike View Post
I removed it because i don't really use it, although it will be included for the next release.

Didn't know everyone would go bezerk over it roflmao!

it will be in the next release... on that note don't ask when the next release is coming, im relaxing

Hey MIke, here is the post that I attached the files,


Attached FilesStartMenu 4 6.cab (3.7 KB, 46 views)TitaniumWeather_v3a.cab (964.2 KB, 38 views)

voice command is kinda low in my bluetooth.. but it works...

Guys stop install the taskbar icons... some of them will mess up and corrupt ur files... causing lock ups...

use the default alarm... alarm dawn.....
when copper came out, it had that problem.. its just a little bug.. leave that alarm and u wont have any problems...

my phone has been working since day one... no problems.. remember before 12am release... thanks lilrico...
OMJ's HTC EVO 2.3.3 Custom ROMs

Sprint Touch Pro and TPro 2 Flashed to MetroPCS = Guide for MetroPCS

Dont forget to hit Thanks, if I helped.

Last edited by mdiaz33685; 04-23-2009 at 10:33 PM.
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