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  #17821 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 10:36 AM
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Re: [July 18th, 2009] MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com

When you say you deleted an app, do you mean you uninstalled it? If that is the case, I will go on a limb here and say that the process or expectation is the same as a regular pc, if uninstalled, you need to reinstall to get it back (not go in the trash). Then again are you asking where do deleted files and items go. If the latter, then this link should help: http://www.ehow.com/how_5022627_rest...ws-mobile.html

Last edited by zay1967; 08-11-2009 at 10:53 AM.
  #17822 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 11:24 AM
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Re: [July 18th, 2009] MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com

How do I get picture mail working? If I take a photo I have an option to email it but not picture mail thingy you can do with sprint.

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  #17823 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 11:33 AM
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Re: [July 18th, 2009] MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com

Is the sprint navigation, and the world card still a part of this rom? It say that specific sprint services are still there, the nav and world card are the most important to me. I especially need the nav to integrate with the contacts so that the contacts menu gives the option to drive to. If it is not there, has anyone figured out a way to link nav to contacts or some other alternative?
  #17824 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 11:40 AM
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Worldcard mobile is still included with the rom, although sprint nav is not. you can easily download sprint nav here in the forums and load it up. Click the files icon beside my thread name, or goto the essentials post on page one.
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  #17825 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 12:10 PM
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Re: [July 18th, 2009] MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com

Mighty came back to the Touch Pro thread. Wow.....

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  #17826 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 12:45 PM
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Re: [July 18th, 2009] MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com

Originally Posted by mightymike View Post
Worldcard mobile is still included with the rom, although sprint nav is not. you can easily download sprint nav here in the forums and load it up. Click the files icon beside my thread name, or goto the essentials post on page one.
Once again,thanks for such a great rom. I did install the nav, but that dioes not solve my issue The issue is that in this rom the contacts does not link to the nav. Bascally when I open a contact, I can usually press the menu key, and there would be an option to select "drive to". Once I select that option, nav automatcally launches. Is there an altenative contact app that has the drive to option, or will you be putting that option for the contacts in a future rom? I guess another option (if I could find it) is manually install the original contacts as an individual cab file. I will keep looking for another contact app. I saw an app called funcontact 3x, not sure if it has that drive to option, but I will install and test. Thanks again for your patience. I know it can get frustrating with all these complaints and requests. I am in IT as well, so I feel your pain. That is why the love of doing this is what keeps us going.
  #17827 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 12:49 PM
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Re: [July 18th, 2009] MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com

since touch pro 2 release, i havent seen any updates! cant afford another $500.00 phone so i guess we touch pro's are now SOL, kewl!
  #17828 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 01:26 PM
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Re: [July 18th, 2009] MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com

[QUOTE=Cochoz;1082278]The multiple text issue has to do with either using PIM backup or because you did not clear storage after you flashed your MR6. Remember to flash to stock, flash MR6, and then clear storage for maximum results.

Will the phone have to be re-activated after doing this? Verizon has since locked out adding Sprint TP's and I'm afraid that I'll be screwed if it gets de-activated.
  #17829 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 01:39 PM
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Re: [July 18th, 2009] MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com

Is ICR working straight out of the box on mighty 6 for diamond? (I mean.. is it recording both sides of conversation, loud and clear, and not only from mic)
  #17830 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 03:15 PM
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Re: [July 18th, 2009] MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com

Mike, is there going to be a final of this ROM released? Or have you stopped development for the TP since you now have your TP2?
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