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  #19311 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2010, 10:23 AM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Phone® 6.5] [Final]

I've loaded Voice Command, however I cannot get it to function properly. When I press the button on my bluetooth device, voice command never kicks in to receive the commands. I can't seem to get the button settings configured correctly for it. Anyone have any experience with configuring voice command on the mightyrom?
  #19312 (permalink)  
Old 04-28-2010, 11:00 PM
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Lightbulb Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Phone® 6.5] [Final]

Originally Posted by kanistic View Post
i looked over my text messages and i didn't even realize that some of my text messages were dated with the year 2016. I've searched the forum for the 2016 bug fix, and i still can't find it. I've found one thread related to the tp2, but not tp1, so if someone who has used this can give me a heads up on where to look, i'd really appreciate it. Btw i'm looking for one for vzw tp1.

I wasn't sure if mighty mike was talking about updating a link on the first page that pertained to the 2016 bug, if so i don't see it. I'll keep searching but if someone has a direct link or knows what thread page number it would really be helpful.

I also have another issue regarding the phone's radio, if i remember correctly there should be an update file for verizon's radio for the tp1, that i can utilize that will show me the correct signal, because i normally receive 1bar on my phone, when in reality when i'm in the city its functions as full bars.
go directly to the htc website. Click on support choose your device and the 2016 bug fix cab should be there. I had similar problems about only getting one bar it the city out side. while my other phone (pixi) has full bars in the same location. ive installed the mighty rom 6 and i have fair amounts of bars.

Last edited by lmvcorp; 04-28-2010 at 11:03 PM.
  #19313 (permalink)  
Old 04-29-2010, 02:56 PM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Phone® 6.5] [Final]

ok so I just spent the last little bit posting questions in the Tp2 not realizing it, so here I go now in the correct one since I have a Tp1.

ok so I haven't messed with this stuff in years it seems and have in the last week got back into it...i'm usually pretty good with stuff like this, but for some reason having a hard time pin pointing what exactly I'm doing wrong and what step I've missed.

I have a Touch Pro 1 and my goal was to get the HomeTab_1.7.1 on it where I can have more customization options along w/ the time/clock/fb app on my main screen. I now am seeing this is just for the Tp2 which brings me to my first question. It installed successful on my phone, but since it never worked now i'm having a very hard time uninstalling it. It will sit there and spin for 10-15min on the remove screen and nothing happens...I'm assumuing I may end up having to do a hard reset but would like some input on this before doing so as it took my so long last night getting my phone where it is now. Here is what I've done so far.

#1 I unlocked the phone. After this, I did the mightyrom update where it put it in 6.5 and on my main screen it just shows like "Music, phone, voicemail, etc" from top to bottom on the left side like you see in the screen shots on page 1.

As of right now, I just would like to change the home screen look like the one on the HomeTab so i'm not really sure where to go from here...I also wouldn't mind the sliding lock but the important thing I want is the live updated weather on the home screen with maybe a couple app icons.

Here's some specs on whats on my phone right now:

From the About icon:

Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional, Build 21840.5.0.60 Mighty

When i go to my remove programs list, this is what shows:

Co0kie's Home Tab
Microsoft Classic Blue
Microsoft Rock and Republic Black
MightMike & LilRico 6.5 MightyROM 2
MightMike & LilRico 6.5 SDY 2
MightMike & LilRico 6.5 SHR 2

I'm sure it's something simple I'm doing wrong here, but I've been reading through these threads for last couple hours and last new a couple hours, and I just can't pin point exactly the step i"m missing here.

Thanks for any assistance/pointers on what I've missed or doing wrong.


  #19314 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2010, 03:30 AM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Phone® 6.5] [Final]

Im sorry but everytime i try to download mightyrom6 and i just keep getting 404 file not found on all the files anyone else
  #19315 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2010, 09:31 AM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Phone® 6.5] [Final]

Originally Posted by mattlenderman View Post
ok so I just spent the last little bit posting questions in the Tp2 not realizing it, so here I go now in the correct one since I have a Tp1.

ok so I haven't messed with this stuff in years it seems and have in the last week got back into it...i'm usually pretty good with stuff like this, but for some reason having a hard time pin pointing what exactly I'm doing wrong and what step I've missed.

I have a Touch Pro 1 and my goal was to get the HomeTab_1.7.1 on it where I can have more customization options along w/ the time/clock/fb app on my main screen. I now am seeing this is just for the Tp2 which brings me to my first question. It installed successful on my phone, but since it never worked now i'm having a very hard time uninstalling it. It will sit there and spin for 10-15min on the remove screen and nothing happens...I'm assumuing I may end up having to do a hard reset but would like some input on this before doing so as it took my so long last night getting my phone where it is now. Here is what I've done so far.

#1 I unlocked the phone. After this, I did the mightyrom update where it put it in 6.5 and on my main screen it just shows like "Music, phone, voicemail, etc" from top to bottom on the left side like you see in the screen shots on page 1.

As of right now, I just would like to change the home screen look like the one on the HomeTab so i'm not really sure where to go from here...I also wouldn't mind the sliding lock but the important thing I want is the live updated weather on the home screen with maybe a couple app icons.

Here's some specs on whats on my phone right now:

From the About icon:

Windows Mobile 6.5 Professional, Build 21840.5.0.60 Mighty

When i go to my remove programs list, this is what shows:

Co0kie's Home Tab
Microsoft Classic Blue
Microsoft Rock and Republic Black
MightMike & LilRico 6.5 MightyROM 2
MightMike & LilRico 6.5 SDY 2
MightMike & LilRico 6.5 SHR 2

I'm sure it's something simple I'm doing wrong here, but I've been reading through these threads for last couple hours and last new a couple hours, and I just can't pin point exactly the step i"m missing here.

Thanks for any assistance/pointers on what I've missed or doing wrong.


Hey matt,

So i think that your problem is that cookies from what ive seen only works w 2.5 roms.. i believe mightys is touchflo. Second the whole thing w deleting files is try downloading an app called "clean ram" that should help you out a lil... I STRONGLY suggest you going to download the energy rom or the rootroom as these roms are up to date and are alot ove fun to play w.. itll give you tha ability to change the homescreen n clocks n the quicklinks

Flash on my brotha flash on
  #19316 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2010, 10:15 AM
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Thumbs up Tethering with MightyROM6!

Not quite a MR6 comment, but I tethered for the first time today with Mighty and the HTC(?) modem update. Works great!

In reading the Energy and other ROM threads, seems like there a a lot of fixes and general instability.

Can anyone comment who has used both?
  #19317 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2010, 10:25 AM
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Re: Tethering with MightyROM6!

Originally Posted by maxnix View Post
Not quite a MR6 comment, but I tethered for the first time today with Mighty and the HTC(?) modem update. Works great!

In reading the Energy and other ROM threads, seems like there a a lot of fixes and general instability.

Can anyone comment who has used both?
Ive used mighty, energy, and root.
In my own opinion energy is by far the best rom out rite now, constant updates for roms.. Id suggest u go w that one if ud like to, mightys rom is wayyyyyy outdated so it still has that 2016 problem and lack ove other updated programs. And last but not least root rom this rom is very slick in its own ways especially if u get the darkroot one VERY VERY Awsome looking.

Have fun man
  #19318 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2010, 02:23 PM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Phone® 6.5] [Final]

The download link on mightyrom.com is not working anymore. Does anyone have a mirror?
  #19319 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2010, 03:05 PM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Phone® 6.5] [Final]

i need someone's help here...

rico has closed his server, therefore the roms cannot be downloaded.

can someone please upload :




Thank you!
  #19320 (permalink)  
Old 05-04-2010, 04:37 PM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Phone® 6.5] [Final]

Originally Posted by MightyMike View Post
i need someone's help here...

rico has closed his server, therefore the roms cannot be downloaded.

can someone please upload :




Thank you!
I have one of the files...

Where can I upload MR6 too?
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