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  #18531 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2009, 09:19 PM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Phone® 6.5] [Final]

Originally Posted by chronster View Post
Is there a cab that makes it 4 rows across ONLY in landscape?
Prolly might be, Shoot I forget what my Tp looked like now in landscape, Since im rocking the TP2 lol.!
  #18532 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2009, 09:29 PM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Phone® 6.5] [Final]

Where can I get all those awesome titanium themes?
  #18533 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2009, 09:41 PM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Phone® 6.5] [Final]

Originally Posted by Samip View Post
Where can I get all those awesome titanium themes?
Search www.mightyrom.com, Lilrico posted them up there somewhere.

EDIT: Found 'em

Last edited by oldpueblo; 09-13-2009 at 09:44 PM.
  #18534 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2009, 11:48 PM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Phone® 6.5] [Final]

Can someone help me with the registry, I accidentally renamed a folder:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows Live

What are the three folders named?

  #18535 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2009, 01:12 AM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Phone® 6.5] [Final]


Originally Posted by ryangruhn View Post
Can someone help me with the registry, I accidentally renamed a folder:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows Live

What are the three folders named?

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  #18536 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2009, 12:08 PM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Phone® 6.5] [Final]

I just flashed my touch pro with mightrom6 last friday and I have a few questions on the page pool I left it on default 16; but the walk through video said to change it to 24. I am able to do this on using advance configuration tool? and should I change it from 16 to 24? Also I noticed that the battery icon is missing sometimes from the taskbar and the data activity icon is always show data being transfered (right and left arrows are always highlighted) is their are way to fix both these issues?
  #18537 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2009, 01:37 PM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Phone® 6.5] [Final]

I seem to be having issues w/ sending emails. New ones show up in my inbox just fine, but it gives this error on sending:

"The message(s) could not be sent. Check that you have network coverage and that your account information is correct. Then try sending again."

I have verizon and wifi connections active. My email settings are the same as from the stock ROM.

I'm also seeing the same battery and radio issues as the previous poster.

Edit: Email seems to be working after another soft reset. radio icon is behaving normal now. still don't like the clock replacing the battery, but I'll try the cab below and see what happens. worst case all I have to do is uninstall it.

Last edited by ProfEngr; 09-14-2009 at 02:29 PM.
  #18538 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2009, 01:38 PM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Phone® 6.5] [Final]

Originally Posted by VeGeTa-X View Post
I just flashed my touch pro with mightrom6 last friday and I have a few questions on the page pool I left it on default 16; but the walk through video said to change it to 24. I am able to do this on using advance configuration tool? and should I change it from 16 to 24? Also I noticed that the battery icon is missing sometimes from the taskbar and the data activity icon is always show data being transfered (right and left arrows are always highlighted) is their are way to fix both these issues?
This was my first flash and I too watched the videos.

In regards to the 16mb pagepool vs the 24mb, it's all about multitasking (from what I understand.) The larger pagepool means better performance, but it cuts in to your ram. If you start to see programs closing themselves on more than a few occasions, lowering the pagepool is necessary. If you're like me, and only run 3-4 apps at a time, it shouldn't hurt to run 24mb.

In regards to changing that pagepool, it's something that's needed to be done prior to flashing. It's part of the rom code. A program like advance configuration won't do it. There's a pagepool editor program that comes with the rom, just drag and drop the rom file into the exe or open the exe and click the browse button and find the file, and you can select 24. Once it's selected, you have to click a button to set it. It's shown in the videos.

Now, on to the battery icon. The battery icon being switched with the clock is a known issue apparently. I installed Mystic_Systems_Persistent_Battery.cab and it forces the battery to remain visible. Some people reported not being able to see the clock at all after installing the file, but it seems to work perfectly on my device so I dunno. I'll attach the file for you.

To your last question about the data transfer icon, I have no clue, sorry lol.

  #18539 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2009, 01:54 PM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Phone® 6.5] [Final]

Any plans to recook with the native 6.5 kernel since it's out?
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  #18540 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2009, 02:47 PM
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Re: MightyROM6 -- www.MightyROM.com [Windows Phone® 6.5] [Final]

Originally Posted by chino331 View Post
Any plans to recook with the native 6.5 kernel since it's out?
(I'm new so excuse me.)

What sort of benefits does that have?
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