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  #14601 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2009, 01:05 AM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 06.09.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21731 ] MightyROM5

Originally Posted by LilRico View Post
No it doesn't because Opera 9.7 Beta installs itself in \Program Files, while the 9.5 version of Opera resides in \Windows. I could get the files so that when it installs itself it installs in the 9.7 directory as well, but I don't want to add extra files that not everyone will use, if you know what I mean...
Would they be the same files though? I really don't mind modifying the cab myself to try it out, I wouldn't expect you to do it if it's something out of the ordinary (which it would be if it's in a different directory).
  #14602 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2009, 01:06 AM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 06.09.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21731 ] MightyROM5

Originally Posted by banzaiwolfe View Post
Would they be the same files though? I really don't mind modifying the cab myself to try it out, I wouldn't expect you to do it if it's something out of the ordinary (which it would be if it's in a different directory).
They could be, and I think they are, but I'm not too sure.. I'll take a look at them and see..
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  #14603 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2009, 01:09 AM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 06.09.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21731 ] MightyROM5

Originally Posted by mightymike View Post
Me and Rico are doing server maintenance.

Links might be down for a few minutes, as will images, etc.

Thank you!
Hey, just don't pull an XBox Live and be down for 24 hours
  #14604 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2009, 01:38 AM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 06.09.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21731 ] MightyROM5

First off, amazing work Mike and Rico. I love the rom and custom work you guys do for the community.

I had a question / issue though. I am using S2U2. It seems sometimes when receiving calls, sometimes the bottom half of S2A (with stock rom, i have it disabled in S2U2) doesn't show up. For instance, my S2U2 background will take over the bottom half of the screen where the slide to answer / ignore are until i press somewhere down there. I'm not sure if this is a video issue, S2U2 issue, or possibly a rom issue. Any advice would be helpful and keep up the great work!

I have to head to sleep so if there is an answer please PM me or I'll try to check back on this tommorrow during work.
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  #14605 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2009, 01:48 AM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 06.09.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21731 ] MightyROM5

Mike i kno u probly heard this a thousand times but im lovin this 6.5 rom im running the 06_09_09L i feel that u should (for ur lovin fans) make a loaded titanium build without TF3D and LiL Rico ur themes are looking awesome hopefully there is more for titanium to come oh and i cant wsit till ur next masterpieces reach completion
{$}i'M a HoOD$taR BaBy!!!{$}

Last edited by rhyme187; 06-18-2009 at 01:51 AM.
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  #14606 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2009, 02:26 AM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 06.09.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21731 ] MightyROM5

Originally Posted by techboss View Post
A TCP window the amount of outstanding (unacknowledged by the recipient) data a sender can send on a particular connection before it gets an acknowledgment back from the receiver that it has gotten some of it.

For example if a pair of hosts are talking over a TCP connection that has a TCP window size of 64 KB (kilobytes), the sender can only send 64 KB of data and then it must stop and wait for an acknowledgment from the receiver that some or all of the data has been received. If the receiver acknowledges that all the data has been received then the sender is free to send another 64 KB. If the sender gets back an acknowledgment from the receiver that it received the first 32 KB (which could happen if the second 32 KB was still in transit or it could happen if the second 32 KB got lost), then the sender could only send another 32 KB since it can't have more than 64 KB of unacknowledged data outstanding (the second 32 KB of data plus the third).


Very interesting. Mike has it set much higher than what the Pandora fix dictates. We Pandora users must be shorting ourselves somehow when we reduce that window to 98304... care to chime in Mighty?

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  #14607 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2009, 02:53 AM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 06.09.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21731 ] MightyROM5

Originally Posted by NinjaPenguin View Post
First off, amazing work Mike and Rico. I love the rom and custom work you guys do for the community.

I had a question / issue though. I am using S2U2. It seems sometimes when receiving calls, sometimes the bottom half of S2A (with stock rom, i have it disabled in S2U2) doesn't show up. For instance, my S2U2 background will take over the bottom half of the screen where the slide to answer / ignore are until i press somewhere down there. I'm not sure if this is a video issue, S2U2 issue, or possibly a rom issue. Any advice would be helpful and keep up the great work!

I have to head to sleep so if there is an answer please PM me or I'll try to check back on this tommorrow during work.
That's a S2U2 issue and I already talked to A_C about it. I'm hoping the next release will fix that...
  #14608 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2009, 03:22 AM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 06.09.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21731 ] MightyROM5

Had to flash back to mighty rom could not stand the other roms i will not mention any names.... but I am back ........ quick question and I already asked but I cant find an answer. On juicys rom the calendar tab had selectable dates and showed when you had appointments. Can I get that on mighty rom?
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  #14609 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2009, 09:52 AM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 06.09.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21731 ] MightyROM5

Quick question: what's the proper/best way to try out the new Opera Mobile 9.7 beta on this ROM? Do I just do a straight install? Will I end up with two versions? How will it effect things?

I'm just in love with this ROM and not wanting to screw it up, but... the allure of the new beta is too much to take.

I searched but didn't see anything specific about this... perhaps because it's so simple.

  #14610 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2009, 10:49 AM
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Re: [ ROM ] [ CDMA ] [ HERMAN ] [ 06.09.09 ] [ Windows® Build 21731 ] MightyROM5

Does anyone have a problem with the phone freezing on them for 10-60s when using SMS?
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