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  #3961 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2009, 04:34 PM
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Re: (May 17, 2009) MERDIN'S WM6.5Pro 4.5 CE OS 5.2.21232(Build 21232 MerdinH)UC

Originally Posted by riironman View Post
how do i change the explorer and mcenter shortcuts to contacts and programs on the touch flo 3d home screen?
Diamond tweak makes this pretty easy.
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  #3962 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2009, 11:23 PM
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Re: (May 17, 2009) MERDIN'S WM6.5Pro 4.5 CE OS 5.2.21232(Build 21232 MerdinH)UC


Check your PayPal account. I just left something there for you

Love your work.

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  #3963 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2009, 12:50 AM
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Re: (May 17, 2009) MERDIN'S WM6.5Pro 4.5 CE OS 5.2.21232(Build 21232 MerdinH)UC

Thanks for all the hours you've put into this. I have tried alot of different roms & this is byfar the best. very stable & fast. the absolute best battery life of any of the roms. thank you. for as many times as I have flashed a new rom onto my TP, I still know very little. please help me out & I apologise if you have already heard these questions, I have searched this thread, but with almost 400 pages, I've missed it if it's there.
#1 can I get the battery indicator on the top?
#2 the Diamond tweaks app, I can't find it on my phone, do i have to add it from the very first page of this thread? How do I do that?
#3How do I add the blue theme add-on from the first page?

please be easy on me if this has already been discussed- I've gone crossed eyed from searching.lol.

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  #3964 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2009, 01:36 AM
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Re: (May 17, 2009) MERDIN'S WM6.5Pro 4.5 CE OS 5.2.21232(Build 21232 MerdinH)UC

Originally Posted by Flexplorer View Post
Thanks for all the hours you've put into this. I have tried alot of different roms & this is byfar the best. very stable & fast. the absolute best battery life of any of the roms. thank you. for as many times as I have flashed a new rom onto my TP, I still know very little. please help me out & I apologise if you have already heard these questions, I have searched this thread, but with almost 400 pages, I've missed it if it's there.
#1 can I get the battery indicator on the top?
#2 the Diamond tweaks app, I can't find it on my phone, do i have to add it from the very first page of this thread? How do I do that?
#3How do I add the blue theme add-on from the first page?

please be easy on me if this has already been discussed- I've gone crossed eyed from searching.lol.

#1 yes go to start menu>settings>and in there find the Clock setting, once your in there click on the More tab, and then uncheck both boxes and save.

#2 Diamond tweaks has to be installed i forgot to put it back into the ROM, just use the search above and you should have no problem finding the cab for it.
# 3 the blue theme is a cab file which youll have to download, place on your sd card, and then install it on your touch pro.
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  #3965 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2009, 01:37 AM
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Re: (May 17, 2009) MERDIN'S WM6.5Pro 4.5 CE OS 5.2.21232(Build 21232 MerdinH)UC

Originally Posted by CollegeKid View Post
Merdin, just asking again if you think the above reflects the 8mb pagepool or not. It seems like a pretty low amount of memory so I don't think it worked.
Nope seems like it did not work, ill have to make my next release a 16 mb pagepool so it will benefit both Verizon and the others.
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  #3966 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2009, 01:38 AM
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Re: (May 17, 2009) MERDIN'S WM6.5Pro 4.5 CE OS 5.2.21232(Build 21232 MerdinH)UC

Originally Posted by BFL555 View Post

Check your PayPal account. I just left something there for you

Love your work.

thanks alot, i appreciate it.
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  #3967 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2009, 01:40 AM
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Re: (May 17, 2009) MERDIN'S WM6.5Pro 4.5 CE OS 5.2.21232(Build 21232 MerdinH)UC

Sorry guys for the delay in releasing the new rom, i just been so busy.

I will post screen shots of current progress soon possibly later today. Currently i just have a few more things to edit and then beta test, so far its looking good. More info soon.
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  #3968 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2009, 09:50 AM
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Re: (May 17, 2009) MERDIN'S WM6.5Pro 4.5 CE OS 5.2.21232(Build 21232 MerdinH)UC

Originally Posted by Merdinh View Post
Sorry guys for the delay in releasing the new rom, i just been so busy.

I will post screen shots of current progress soon possibly later today. Currently i just have a few more things to edit and then beta test, so far its looking good. More info soon.

Ya, hurry up and come out with something new, I need something to complain about, its boring not having anything to complain about lol
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  #3969 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2009, 11:50 AM
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Talking Re: (May 17, 2009) MERDIN'S WM6.5Pro 4.5 CE OS 5.2.21232(Build 21232 MerdinH)UC

A YouTube Live DeskTop Version that works like a charm with Merdinh 6.5 TF3D/2D.... This is the only Free YouTube Live DeskTop version that you can login to your YouTube account and play your favorite videos that you have saved to your YouTube favorites account....

You can get the TCPMP InvarTech1. cab and the TCPMP InvarTech1.HQHD.cab, both video players are YouTube Live DeskTop Version Enabled, you can get them here in post #1 and Post #3 http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=59820 .... No more URL problems and both player plays just about all video formats... The video resolution quality is picture pixel crystal clear... NOTE: With some 6.5 ROM'S the PIE 6.0/6.1 Toggle software maybe required, located in post #1 at the above link....

Another Super TV video site that works just awesome with Merdinh 6.5 ROM TF3D/2D is http://beta.sling.com , via SkyFire latest new web browser, NO SLINGBOX REQUIRED... This video site has more TV than you can imagine, just search for your favorite TV programs and you are good to go, it's ON...!

One more thing worth mentioning with Merdinh new 6.5 ROM TF3D/3D, ALL the video and music apps, GPS, Notifications, Plus THE ULTIMATE SUPER LONG BATTERY LIFE, EVERYTHING that comes with the TP works right out of the box.. The SprintTV may require the "CalTV Fix 7004" on some TP'S... I know this is good news and music to the ears of ALL NFL FANS, MERDINH'S ROM RULE, enjoy....
Yet To Be Technology....!

Last edited by Technology1; 06-08-2009 at 01:08 PM.
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  #3970 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2009, 01:51 PM
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Talking Re: (May 17, 2009) MERDIN'S WM6.5Pro 4.5 CE OS 5.2.21232(Build 21232 MerdinH)UC

A lot of people have question me about validity of the Tp "TriPod or Quad Pod Modes", actually with Merdinh new TF3D/2D 5/17/09 ROM, I could do a Penta Mode adding the Spb mobile Shell... Instead, I'm using SpbOnline, because it's a total entertainment package, plus I dig TF3D more than the Spb mobile Shell... I will show several photos of the Quad Pod mode that I'm using on one of my TP'S... Again a lot of people still think that this cannot be done.....

This is the Quad Pod Mode set up that I'm using with the new 6.5 TF3D/2D Merdinh ROM 5/17/09 version... The above photo is the start up screen, notice "TouchFlo" in the lower right corner, by tapping on it, it takes me to the photo below, the "TF3D" screen....

From this screen, I have a choice to go to the *Data Master* screen, which is the photo below or to the "Windows Default" screen, which is the first photo.... The *Data Master* screen is the "Master Blaster Global Data Network Access Screen" via the SkyFire Super Web Browser, Via vTap All Web Videos, the Global worldwide news scroll bar, that is auto updated every hour on the hour and the most advance weather apps are also on this *Data Master* screen...

Below is my Spb Online Entertainment center, it's really just one of several entertainment set ups on this TP.... What I like most of all about the Spb Online Entertainment set up is the vast world TV set up in enhanced video resolution quality.... I cannot have this type of set up, the "Quad Pod Mode" with all 6.5 TF3D/2D ROM, because they are not all full functional TF3D/2D 6.5 ROM'S like they claim to be, it's always something that will not work with them... I don't have this problem with merdinh 6.5 TF3D/2D ROM .....

Last edited by Technology1; 06-08-2009 at 05:46 PM.
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