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  #2461 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2009, 02:57 AM
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Re: (March 29, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.1*Manila 2* CE OS 5.2.21042(Build 21042 MerdinH

I loved this rom... so much, but god if it wasn't for the few bugs, ahh this would be an amazing rom..

It was stable and fast, but man those bugs killed it.. unfortunately i use weather a lot since i travel and there were a few more that kept me from keeping this.

It sucks b/c I had to flash to Mighty's (which I will add is very good), but its just not loaded with all the cool features your's is. Some people don't like that, but I love it. Hopefully the bugs will be fixed and i'll be back on board Great rom and please for this community keep working at it. I only wish I had the will power to do what you and many other cooks have done.
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  #2462 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2009, 07:23 AM
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Re: (March 29, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.1*Manila 2* CE OS 5.2.21042(Build 21042 MerdinH

Originally Posted by flipper2008 View Post
Where is the TP2 keyboard? I dont see it?
i've posted the one i'm using.
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  #2463 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2009, 07:25 AM
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Re: (March 29, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.1*Manila 2* CE OS 5.2.21042(Build 21042 MerdinH

so now after all the sillyness with the keyboard, my alarm stopped working again. instead of sounding, it switching screens back to the alarm page and just sits there. it's crazy.

anyone else seen this?

Edit. ok. so i accessed alarms through touchflo (yeah i knew it would mess up the clock) and reset the the clock and alarm from there. then i want back into settings and reset the clock to correct the one hour off and for some reason, it wouldn't readjust. so then, i went into phone/menu/options/services/time sync and selected it. that fixed the one hour timing issue. then i waited for the alarm to go off, and it did.

now. i have NO idea what the hell fixed my alarm. it's just the damndest thing i've ever seen. but at least for now, it's all working.

Last edited by DarkLord; 04-02-2009 at 08:54 AM. Reason: Edit
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  #2464 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2009, 08:48 AM
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Re: (March 29, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.1*Manila 2* CE OS 5.2.21042(Build 21042 MerdinH

I installed the 6.5 beta, but when I go to Start, Today settings and deselect touchflo, I don't see the new 6.5 interface.
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  #2465 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2009, 09:29 AM
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Re: (March 29, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.1*Manila 2* CE OS 5.2.21042(Build 21042 MerdinH

Has anyone gotten TCPMP to work with this Rom?

I'm using version TCPMP-5HD.

Do I also need to install the flashbundle??

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  #2466 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2009, 09:31 AM
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Re: (March 29, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.1*Manila 2* CE OS 5.2.21042(Build 21042 MerdinH

Originally Posted by tntsniper View Post
I loved this rom... so much, but god if it wasn't for the few bugs, ahh this would be an amazing rom..

It was stable and fast, but man those bugs killed it.. unfortunately i use weather a lot since i travel and there were a few more that kept me from keeping this.

It sucks b/c I had to flash to Mighty's (which I will add is very good), but its just not loaded with all the cool features your's is. Some people don't like that, but I love it. Hopefully the bugs will be fixed and i'll be back on board Great rom and please for this community keep working at it. I only wish I had the will power to do what you and many other cooks have done.
there is a custom weather program for this version of manila out now. the weather shouldn't be an issue anymore really. i have several custom cities set up with no problem (even though it was a little wierd to set up)
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  #2467 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2009, 10:22 AM
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Re: (March 29, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.1*Manila 2* CE OS 5.2.21042(Build 21042 MerdinH

The only problem I'm having is the volume control. I turn it down in the office and then when I got to turn it back up (either selecting the speaker on the screen or the side buttons) I just get a window that pops up that says "Do your volume control". Then I have to go into Diamond Tweek and change the volume crontrol from WM Bubble to HTC because some reason it reverted back to WM Bubble and then soft reset before I can change the volume level again. Sucks. I'm able to change my volume only ONCE before I have to go thru the motions again.

Other than that I love the rom.
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  #2468 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2009, 10:39 AM
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Talking Re: (March 29, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.1*Manila 2* CE OS 5.2.21042(Build 21042 MerdinH

Originally Posted by tntsniper View Post
I loved this rom... so much, but god if it wasn't for the few bugs, ahh this would be an amazing rom..

It was stable and fast, but man those bugs killed it.. unfortunately i use weather a lot since i travel and there were a few more that kept me from keeping this.

It sucks b/c I had to flash to Mighty's (which I will add is very good), but its just not loaded with all the cool features your's is. Some people don't like that, but I love it. Hopefully the bugs will be fixed and i'll be back on board Great rom and please for this community keep working at it. I only wish I had the will power to do what you and many other cooks have done.
Dude, why I'm not having the problems that you are having, their is something strange about what you are saying... Maybe my TP's were made by HTC and your was made by Samsung... To me on my devices, this 4.1 ROM is almost perfect... I had to fix few things, but nothing major... Speaking of the weather, the weather works like a charm on my TP's...

What I like most about this 4.1 ROM, I have a "TON Of Multi Media Video Apps" on my TP's as you all might know, still the speed is beyond UFO fast, you know what I mean...{lol}... If you have found bugs, why you did not say what the bugs are, so that Merdinh can fix them... This is what is so very strange to me, you did not mention what the bugs are...

Maybe it just me, but I'm thinking that you are player hating this ROM... Let me say this, don't hate the player, hate game, hate the referee, but don't hate the player... I just love all of those new next generation features that Merdinh has added to his 4.1 ROM, and dude, no ROM is 100% perfect, but this ROM is very close to it, yeah...

Last edited by Technology1; 04-02-2009 at 11:02 AM.
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  #2469 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2009, 10:57 AM
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Talking Re: (March 29, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.1*Manila 2* CE OS 5.2.21042(Build 21042 MerdinH

Originally Posted by Mr_Sinister View Post
Has anyone gotten TCPMP to work with this Rom?

I'm using version TCPMP-5HD.

Do I also need to install the flashbundle??

All my products works like a charm, the TCPMP 5HDBR TP2 version works best with the 2 player TCPMP set up, go here for the details and complete instructions in post #1 http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=59820 ...

You find also the ultimate Stock YouTube TP2 Vga Version in post #2, highly enhanced...

In post #3, there you will find the ultimate "TCPMP 5HDBR TP2 Version" with higher enhanced video resolution quality, you also find other goodie in the first 3 post of the thread, enjoy....
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  #2470 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2009, 11:02 AM
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Re: (March 29, 2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 4.1*Manila 2* CE OS 5.2.21042(Build 21042 MerdinH

Originally Posted by Technology1 View Post
Dude, why I'm not having the problems that you are having, their is something strange about what you are saying... Maybe my TP's were made by HTC and your was made by Samsung... To me on my devices, this 4.1 ROM is almost perfect... I had to fix few things, but nothing major... Speaking of the weather, the weather works like a charm on my TP's...

What I like most about this 4.1 ROM, I have a "TON Multi Media Video Apps" on my TP's as you all might know, still the speed is beyond UFO fast, you know what I mean...{lol}... If you have found bugs, why you did not say what the bugs are, so that Merdinh can fix them... This is what is so very strange to me, you did not mention what the bugs are...

Maybe it just me, but I'm thinking that you are player hating this ROM... Let me say this, don't hate the player, hate game, hate the referee, but don't hate the player... I just love all of those new next generation features that Merdinh has added to his 4.1 ROM, and dude, no ROM is 100% perfect, but this ROM is very close to it, yeah...
first of all, it's not my posting but i couldn't stand by and allow this nonsense to continue.

many of us have had some issues with Merdin's roms. read my posts for example. i've been pulling my hair out trying to figure out what the problems are. and it seems that many of us are having keyboad problems. and i've been have intermittend alarm problems. i guess it just depends on what's loaded and what phone. it's a mystery.

so. i'm thinking that you should probably take a deep breath here and stop starting issues where they're not needed. noone is hating Merdin's roms.

now can we get back on topic and stop corrupting this thread with unwanted posts like yours and mine?
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