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  #4581 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2009, 03:50 PM
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Re: [ROM](August 3,2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 5.1 CE OS 5.2.230(Build 230 MerdinH)

I did a search for "two battery" and this reg edit should fix your problem.

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  #4582 (permalink)  
Old 08-21-2009, 08:56 PM
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Re: [ROM](August 3,2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 5.1 CE OS 5.2.230(Build 230 MerdinH)

can anyone recommend me a rss reader?
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  #4583 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2009, 08:34 PM
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Re: [ROM](August 3,2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 5.1 CE OS 5.2.230(Build 230 MerdinH)

Originally Posted by grunt View Post
can anyone recommend me a rss reader?
I've never used this before, but i did do some googling, and i found this...
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  #4584 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2009, 09:14 PM
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Re: [ROM](August 3,2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 5.1 CE OS 5.2.230(Build 230 MerdinH)

hey people...i downloaded Merdin's Windows Mobile 6.5 V5.1 rom, and it looks nice and everything, but for some reason, my battery life has dramatically decreased. i recently bought a new battery, so i know its not the battery. my battery went from 100 to 90 in 17 minutes with no activity (only the phone radio was on and the data connection). no programs were running at all. my fone went from 100% to 5% in 9 hours. i've seen only good comments about this rom (especially about battery life), so i wanted to make it my final choice. but for some reason, it appears to me that im not getting all the advantages everyone else gets from this rom. currently, its worse than the stock rom. I was wondering if it may be the NuePower/Backlight program or the rapid charge drivers. I did have some bad experience with the NueBattery on the stock sprint rom a few months ago. so the Nue programs came first to my mind...i also have all power management settings in Advanced Config enabled. I also have the Battery Saver Settings cab installed. before this rom, i had the ATR rom for about a day from smartphonejunkie.com...then i flashed this one on...

Another problem is that sometimes TF3D freezes on me or the screen stays black, then i have to soft reset.

i am new to flashing...so any tips would be great. also, would i have to be in Bootloader mode before i run the rom upgrade?

i tried to make myself as clear as possible, but if u have anymore questions, please ask.
BTW, i have a Sprint Touch Pro.


Last edited by djlilmikeny; 08-22-2009 at 09:47 PM. Reason: had another question
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  #4585 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2009, 09:46 PM
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Re: [ROM](August 3,2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 5.1 CE OS 5.2.230(Build 230 MerdinH)

Originally Posted by djlilmikeny View Post
hey people...i downloaded Merdin's Windows Mobile 6.5 V5.1 rom, and it looks nice and everything, but for some reason, my battery life has dramatically decreased. i recently bought a new battery, so i know its not the battery. my battery went from 100 to 90 in 17 minutes with no activity (only the phone radio was on and the data connection). no programs were running at all. my fone went from 100% to 5% in 9 hours. i've seen only good comments about this rom (especially about battery life), so i wanted to make it my final choice. but for some reason, it appears to me that im not getting all the advantages everyone else gets from this rom. currently, its worse than the stock rom. I was wondering if it may be the NuePower/Backlight program or the rapid charge drivers. I did have some bad experience with the NueBattery on the stock sprint rom a few months ago. so the Nue programs came first to my mind...i also have all power management settings in Advanced Config enabled. I also have the Battery Saver Settings cab installed. before this rom, i had the ATR rom for about a day from smartphonejunkie.com...then i flashed this one on...

i tried to make myself as clear as possible, but if u have anymore questions, please ask.
BTW, i have a Sprint Touch Pro.


Thast the problem you are having, you have changed alot of my power settings just by installing your own power cabs, and drivers. My rom comes with all my custimized tweaks, and drivers, and changing those drivers will either cause you to have less battery life or some other bugs on the rom. I reccomend Hardware resetting your phone, and do not install any of the power managements cabs or power tweaks.
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  #4586 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2009, 09:52 PM
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Re: [ROM](August 3,2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 5.1 CE OS 5.2.230(Build 230 MerdinH)

Originally Posted by Merdinh View Post
Thast the problem you are having, you have changed alot of my power settings just by installing your own power cabs, and drivers. My rom comes with all my custimized tweaks, and drivers, and changing those drivers will either cause you to have less battery life or some other bugs on the rom. I reccomend Hardware resetting your phone, and do not install any of the power managements cabs or power tweaks.
thanks for the quick reply, but i didn't change any drivers or install any cabs (other than Advanced Config). the Battery Saving cabs were already on the phone. Start > Tools > Battery > Battery Saver Settings.cab
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  #4587 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2009, 11:41 PM
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Re: [ROM](August 3,2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 5.1 CE OS 5.2.230(Build 230 MerdinH)

Originally Posted by djlilmikeny View Post
thanks for the quick reply, but i didn't change any drivers or install any cabs (other than Advanced Config). the Battery Saving cabs were already on the phone. Start > Tools > Battery > Battery Saver Settings.cab

I was having the same problem when I started using the 5.1 ROM too but after reading through this thread, I came across the comment from Merdin about hard resetting your phone before you flash his ROM. My battery has been great after I did that. This is what I did, I pressed and hold the power and the volume down buttons then used the stylus to push the reset button. A colorful screen will show up and that's when I connected my phone to my computer and started the flashing process. My battery last over two days now even when I'm texting and watching youtube videos and surfing the net on wifi. Hope this helps.
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  #4588 (permalink)  
Old 08-22-2009, 11:44 PM
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Re: [ROM](August 3,2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 5.1 CE OS 5.2.230(Build 230 MerdinH)

Originally Posted by Xartist1 View Post
I was having the same problem when I started using the 5.1 ROM too but after reading through this thread, I came across the comment from Merdin about hard resetting your phone before you flash his ROM. My battery has been great after I did that. This is what I did, I pressed and hold the power and the volume down buttons then used the stylus to push the reset button. A colorful screen will show up and that's when I connected my phone to my computer and started the flashing process. My battery last over two days now even when I'm texting and watching youtube videos and surfing the net on wifi. Hope this helps.
thanks for the reply, im doing the hard reset right now..i just had a conversation with Merdin about this... =)
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  #4589 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 01:56 PM
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Re: [ROM](August 3,2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 5.1 CE OS 5.2.230(Build 230 MerdinH)

Has anyone figured out the problem with titanium radar yet? Ive searched and scrolled and Im not even hearing of anyone else having issues. But Ive hard reset at least 8 times, working on something else, and it has never worked. Am i missing something.

I did get it detatching though.
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  #4590 (permalink)  
Old 08-23-2009, 02:58 PM
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Re: [ROM](August 3,2009) MERDIN'S WMPro 5.1 CE OS 5.2.230(Build 230 MerdinH)

hey ppl, yesterday i did a hard reset and just restored contacts and some programs (palringo, sprint TV, sprint nav...). today, i took the fone off the charger at around 11:30am...for the whole time, i only had palringo running (i only sent about 8 messages with it), and had 3 phone calls about 1 minute each. right now it is 2:42pm and im down to 30%. does this seem normal battery life? i feel that i am not getting the proper battery life as people say they get with this rom...
Keep in mind that i had palringo running (minimized) the whole time....
Edit: it is now 2:59pm and the phone went down to 20% (i didnt even touch it and palringo is the only thing still running)

My second problem:
Before I did the hard reset, the screen was working fine. For some reason, the touch screen doesn't work at times (or i would have to press really hard)...the phone vibrates on touch, but it doesn't actually select. i think everything else works good like TF3D and when i scroll using the side scroll bars in programs. the start menue also works fine. i noticed this in the File Browser and Palringo (for example: i tried to select the storage card in the File Browser, the phone vibrated when touched, but it did not select it)...

should i re-flash or something?
will it matter if i flash back to stock rom, then flash back to Merdin Windows Mobile 6.5 V5.1 rom?

Last edited by djlilmikeny; 08-23-2009 at 03:03 PM. Reason: Battery wet down to 20% at 2:59
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