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  #921 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2009, 08:20 PM
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Re: [8-3-09] eRice New Style TP Kitchen [Build 23016.5.3.0]

WTF, I definitely didn't remove it. So far I'm not liking this forum change. I'll try and get it back up here.

EDIT - I dunno what happened but it's back now. Have at it.
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Last edited by electronicrice; 08-04-2009 at 08:27 PM.
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  #922 (permalink)  
Old 08-05-2009, 03:08 AM
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Re: [8-3-09] eRice New Style TP Kitchen [Build 23016.5.3.0]

Thanks guys. I'll def try it when I make a new rom with the new build.

Rice, so far the rom has run flawless. I've been using the phone more with your kitchen setup and love it. And I think thats one of the only issues I have with it. Ha, not much of an issue huh.

I would kinda like a full phone keypad for onscreen keyboard but I don't know what exactly to copy over from ppcgeeks buildos to do that.

I'm gonna upgrade to the newer build now and try those fixes...

Other then that, the cash stuff someone else mentioned, well I don't know what your talking about. However everything of mine is on SD Card, and I tried a few video's and had no issue. What I've been doing with music, is converting all my music from high quality MP3 to 96kbps wma using WMA Workshop. Just for file size since you never notice quality deterioration like you would on MP3, with WMA and over headphones... yeah.

I'm gonna try those fixes first. If that doesn't work I'm gonna try a new road on lowering the file size of music. See if normal sized files work fine.

***edit*** No those files didn't work. I'll try a different Audio Manager. and then if that doesn't work, move onto playing with the files themselves to see if its a problem with running WMA's. No need to really worry about it to much cause it doesn't skip that much, only a couple times per song.
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Last edited by nFiniti; 08-05-2009 at 04:05 AM.
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  #923 (permalink)  
Old 08-06-2009, 01:42 PM
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Re: [8-3-09] eRice New Style TP Kitchen [Build 23016.5.3.0]

I've been using your ROM for several days now and I love it. WM6.5 is a great upgrade over 6.1. I just wanted to thank you for your work on this.
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  #924 (permalink)  
Old 08-06-2009, 08:58 PM
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Re: [8-3-09] eRice New Style TP Kitchen [Build 23016.5.3.0]

Very friendly, and easy to use. Must say I enjoy wm6.5 far more then 6.1. The rom is smooth, and very fast coming from the stock rom.

I do have a question though. Really would like to start building a rom with oem's I enjoy, and I just can't seem to get them to work. Is there a tutorial out there that explains it a bit better. I've read the ones at ppckitchen, but can't seem to get it down.

I enjoy the automation, but with it is the lack of explanation as to what is being done. Trying to fish around and find the right tutorials, but seems they all differ slightly. Hopefully I'm not making an arse of myself here. Just at wits end.

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  #925 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2009, 01:29 AM
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Re: [8-3-09] eRice New Style TP Kitchen [Build 23016.5.3.0]

Okay Houston I have found a problem 23016.5.3 will not let me add a phone number to contacts
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  #926 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2009, 04:12 AM
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Re: [8-3-09] eRice New Style TP Kitchen [Build 23016.5.3.0]

Originally Posted by tiburon2006 View Post
Okay Houston I have found a problem 23016.5.3 will not let me add a phone number to contacts
right you are. Thanks, I'll get on that
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  #927 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2009, 12:12 PM
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Re: [8-3-09] eRice New Style TP Kitchen [Build 23016.5.3.0]

Great ROM, I love it, there's only one difference I noticed from another 6.5 ROM that I've used... This uses more memory... a lot more. I notice on startup that the task manager stops around 29% and then everything locks up for a few second, the screen dims down a tad and the memory usage shoots up to 39%.. Is this a service or process that I don't need using all that RAM? I already installed MemMaid and saw there is an opera process running, an albumsearcher process running and an audiomanager process running, all of which i dont need but Im not sure how to stop them indefinitely.. any help would be great, i like running around 30% mem usage it seems to be optimal for everything to run smoothly.. thanks
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  #928 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2009, 08:11 PM
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Re: [8-3-09] eRice New Style TP Kitchen [Build 23016.5.3.0]

callmesaul8889, At first startup this happens? Have you setup the Task Manager program inside Start>Settings>System>Task Manager to turn off the programs when you click X? If not, go to that area, click the Button Tab and click "shut off when I click X", automatically its set to only close the program when you click and hold X. So you might have tasks constantly staying on.

On a fresh startup, my phone is around 45% Memory Used. I no longer use Windows Media Player because its a huge memory hog, after each song it will kill memory about 10% and end up crashing the phone. Its like this with every rom I've seen. HTC Audio Manager doesn't use anything compared to this. During Music Playback, my phone might see 50% of memory usage. MAX Memory usage I've seen has been 55% and thats while jammin music and browsing the web using the bulky Opera Mobile 9.5. Opera Mini doesn't use any resources like Mobile does, and is alot faster and cleaner for browsing web pages, but is harder to integrate into the phone.

I have my Task Manager program to show me Memory being used. Not Free Memory.

LMK if you need any help with something. I flash about 3 roms a day on my phone because I'm testing things out. This kitchen/rom setup is just almost virtually flawless. I too have kinda noticed the adding contacts thing. But it was when I was receiving an email, I wanted to save the email address into my contacts, and everytime I'd click save, nothing would happen.

RICE, I have a question. I'm trying to setup the kitchen to hold my Ringtones so I don't have to have them on The SD Card. Because once HTC Audio Manger see's them, they are permanently there. its a PITA. Now I got the sounds integrated properly. But the area that held the oem ring tones, I deleted them and replaced them with my ring tones. Burnt a rom and they weren't there. They were on the phone, but inside the Windows Directory with the rest of the sounds. What am I doing wrong? Where can I put the ring tones so that they will be burnt onto the rom automatically in the "Rings" folder?

Last edited by nFiniti; 08-07-2009 at 08:14 PM.
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  #929 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2009, 08:27 PM
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Re: [8-3-09] eRice New Style TP Kitchen [Build 23016.5.3.0]

Originally Posted by nFiniti View Post
callmesaul8889, At first startup this happens? Have you setup the Task Manager program inside Start>Settings>System>Task Manager to turn off the programs when you click X? If not, go to that area, click the Button Tab and click "shut off when I click X", automatically its set to only close the program when you click and hold X. So you might have tasks constantly staying on.

On a fresh startup, my phone is around 45% Memory Used. I no longer use Windows Media Player because its a huge memory hog, after each song it will kill memory about 10% and end up crashing the phone. Its like this with every rom I've seen. HTC Audio Manager doesn't use anything compared to this. During Music Playback, my phone might see 50% of memory usage. MAX Memory usage I've seen has been 55% and thats while jammin music and browsing the web using the bulky Opera Mobile 9.5. Opera Mini doesn't use any resources like Mobile does, and is alot faster and cleaner for browsing web pages, but is harder to integrate into the phone.

I have my Task Manager program to show me Memory being used. Not Free Memory.

LMK if you need any help with something. I flash about 3 roms a day on my phone because I'm testing things out. This kitchen/rom setup is just almost virtually flawless. I too have kinda noticed the adding contacts thing. But it was when I was receiving an email, I wanted to save the email address into my contacts, and everytime I'd click save, nothing would happen.

RICE, I have a question. I'm trying to setup the kitchen to hold my Ringtones so I don't have to have them on The SD Card. Because once HTC Audio Manger see's them, they are permanently there. its a PITA. Now I got the sounds integrated properly. But the area that held the oem ring tones, I deleted them and replaced them with my ring tones. Burnt a rom and they weren't there. They were on the phone, but inside the Windows Directory with the rest of the sounds. What am I doing wrong? Where can I put the ring tones so that they will be burnt onto the rom automatically in the "Rings" folder?
check out your initflashfiles.txt in your oem package. it should look something like this if you want to move files on a hard reset...

if a file named MyRingTone03.mp3 exists in another OEM package, BuildOS will fail. You can remove the other duplicate or do something like this...

Rename YOUR MyRingTone03.mp3 to zzz-MyRingTone03.mp3 in the OEM package, and change your initflashfiles.txt to look like this...

So, the syntax of this line is
Hope this makes sense.
Attached Files
File Type: zip mxip_HtcApps_HTC_Ringtone_2008.zip (1.0 KB, 3 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by shad0w77; 08-07-2009 at 08:43 PM.
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  #930 (permalink)  
Old 08-07-2009, 08:29 PM
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Re: [8-3-09] eRice New Style TP Kitchen [Build 23016.5.3.0]

I'm PM'ing you right now! lol A little confused but I'm going to open that up and see.
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