!!ATTENTION!! - You MUST have your device unlocked via HardSPL before you can use this kitchen.
Check out the HardSPL thread on PPCGeeks for more information. Also, you understand that you are flashing at your own risk, and I thereby will not be held liable for any damage you may cause.
-23009 Build Pack
Updated to CE OS 23009.5.3.0
Updated XIP to 2.01
ROM uses 16MB PP
Fixed default ringtone
Fixed blurred contacts in Dialer when scrolling down
Expanded landscape Start menu to 4 columns
-Kitchen pack 1.1
Added Manila TF3D
Added HTC Scroll
Fixed battery icon disappearing after screen redraw (thanks to Superevilllama)
Enabled install of widgets
Fixed phone not creating My Ringtones folder
Bing fixed and reincorporated as OEM
Added Wallpapers to OEM (thanks to Juicy)
Fixed Teeter
-2.0 to 3.0
Updated CE OS to 23008.5.3.0
Split new kitchen into two modules (Build Pack and Kitchen Pack for easier distribution)
Many internal changes and build tryouts
Updated OEMDrivers to 2.01
Updated various system and app OEMs to latest versions
Consolidated registry entries and streamlined kitchen
Added Wi-Fi Internet Sharing (thanks to Calk)
Updated WM6.5 to build 21234
Updated SYS and DPI192 files to most current available
Updated a few OEMs and included several new HTC to choose from
Probably fastest build of 6.5 yet
Here you go! This is a pretty much CLEAN kitchen for the HTC Touch Pro. The kitchen includes a lot of the programs that shipped with the phone turned into OEM packages and gives users the ability to add their own custom OEMs to cook in so they stick after a hard reset.
Also, if you find any bugs, PLEASE post in here so I am aware of them and can try to fix them. I'll continue working on porting newer builds.
Known Issues:
*PIE shows different device names for Sprint Powerdeck
Thanks to Da_Reeseboy/JooJooBee for ported SYS files and Calkulin for help
Hey! I'm trying to buy a house..
If I've helped you out in any way, please feel free to
It's definitely not expected, but always appreciated!!