Originally Posted by nFiniti
callmesaul8889, At first startup this happens? Have you setup the Task Manager program inside Start>Settings>System>Task Manager to turn off the programs when you click X? If not, go to that area, click the Button Tab and click "shut off when I click X", automatically its set to only close the program when you click and hold X. So you might have tasks constantly staying on.
On a fresh startup, my phone is around 45% Memory Used. I no longer use Windows Media Player because its a huge memory hog, after each song it will kill memory about 10% and end up crashing the phone. Its like this with every rom I've seen. HTC Audio Manager doesn't use anything compared to this. During Music Playback, my phone might see 50% of memory usage. MAX Memory usage I've seen has been 55% and thats while jammin music and browsing the web using the bulky Opera Mobile 9.5. Opera Mini doesn't use any resources like Mobile does, and is alot faster and cleaner for browsing web pages, but is harder to integrate into the phone.
I have my Task Manager program to show me Memory being used. Not Free Memory.
LMK if you need any help with something. I flash about 3 roms a day on my phone because I'm testing things out. This kitchen/rom setup is just almost virtually flawless. I too have kinda noticed the adding contacts thing. But it was when I was receiving an email, I wanted to save the email address into my contacts, and everytime I'd click save, nothing would happen.
RICE, I have a question. I'm trying to setup the kitchen to hold my Ringtones so I don't have to have them on The SD Card. Because once HTC Audio Manger see's them, they are permanently there. its a PITA. Now I got the sounds integrated properly. But the area that held the oem ring tones, I deleted them and replaced them with my ring tones. Burnt a rom and they weren't there. They were on the phone, but inside the Windows Directory with the rest of the sounds. What am I doing wrong? Where can I put the ring tones so that they will be burnt onto the rom automatically in the "Rings" folder?
check out your initflashfiles.txt in your oem package. it should look something like this if you want to move files on a hard reset...
if a file named MyRingTone03.mp3 exists in another OEM package, BuildOS will fail. You can remove the other duplicate or do something like this...
Rename YOUR MyRingTone03.mp3 to zzz-MyRingTone03.mp3 in the OEM package, and change your initflashfiles.txt to look like this...
So, the syntax of this line is
Hope this makes sense.