Originally Posted by jroyalty7
this rom is gonna make you famous my friend, this is just a visual and functional work of art, as someone who has been hooked on nfsfan roms for almost a year i now have a new favorite, i really thought no one could top his roms but youve done it man props on this its f***ing amazing!!!!!!
First let me say I told you so 30 something pages later, lol!!!
Originally Posted by jroyalty7
hey guys im hoping you can help me out with an incompatibility issue, I use cricket mobile sevice and I use the ryan mogul cricket wap and arcsoft cab to set up all my mms etc... but when I install his cab it causes the battery and speaker icons to revert to original icons from stock??? I tried just instaliing dusk evolution taskbar cab over the top but then the evdo icon reverts to stock, I guess I can just change the dll file but I was wondering if you guys ran into any issues like this or know how to fix it,? and if you know if dusk theme icons are available? thanks for any help u guys, been looking around all night to fix this
I just wanted to let you know, since its really inconsiderate of me not to update you for this long, thaty when you made the rom version before this newest one(1/25/10), I updated and tried to run that ryan mogul cab again, and guess what... the evdo icon was there perfect, dont know what you did different but problem was fixed in that regard, but then my signal icon was reverted to stock(*sigh*) I have not updated to latest and greatest version yet since I have joined the masses and ordered a tp2, anxiously waiting for ups guy every freaking day, lol!!!! but I will give this new update a shot before changing over and post what happens so as maybe it can be of help to anyone else!!!
One last thing, please,please,please start making roms for tp2 after searching around awhile the tp2 needs your assistance, lol. No disrespect to any of the chefs as u know I will be rnning thru everyone of your roms till we convert ahuskins!!!