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View Poll Results: What rom are you running
RootRom Standard Sense 2.5 81 23.55%
RootRom Sense 2.1 46 13.37%
DarkRoot Sense 2.5 32 9.30%
MaxDarkRoot Sense 2.5 33 9.59%
MaxDarkRootCombo Sense 2.5 117 34.01%
Titanuim Root 38 11.05%
Ninja Rom TF3D 2.1 13 3.78%
Multiple Choice Poll. Voters: 344. You may not vote on this poll

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  #1921 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 01:36 AM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - ALL Carriers inc USCC - Jan 13 09

Originally Posted by 1eyebandit View Post
I havnt change from default. Running maxcombo0117
Did you run Palringo at all?
If so it defaults to start with device start up.
Open it and change the settings to not allow that.

That is the only app I know of that is installed that will drain that much power.
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  #1922 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 01:48 AM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - ALL Carriers inc USCC - Jan 13 09

Someone sent me a donation yesterday but I do not know your user name.
If you read this please send me a PM with your user name and I will give you thanks and recognition on first post and on the download page.

Thanks to everyone that has donated.
It means a lot and keeps me motivated as well.

Thanks again.
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  #1923 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 02:26 AM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - ALL Carriers inc USCC - Jan 13 09

I'm using MaxrootromcomboGV0117

I've noticed 4 things
1. my keypad and end call buttons are off the bottom of the screen

2. my text messages don't show up in the sense window. i need to hit all messages to see new texts

3. if i launch excel, i am able to pichk and launch an existing file but if i hit "new" button, nothing happens

4. i really like the purple wallpaper option. i would like to have this file for future roms- does anyone have this and is there any way to make it static or does it have to be dynamic?

Is anyone else experiencing the problems i listed in 1-3 above and or have a fix for any of the above issues

thanks in advance
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  #1924 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 02:48 AM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - ALL Carriers inc USCC - Jan 13 09

Originally Posted by chirodj5 View Post
I'm using MaxrootromcomboGV0117

I've noticed 4 things
1. my keypad and end call buttons are off the bottom of the screen

2. my text messages don't show up in the sense window. i need to hit all messages to see new texts

3. if i launch excel, i am able to pichk and launch an existing file but if i hit "new" button, nothing happens

4. i really like the purple wallpaper option. i would like to have this file for future roms- does anyone have this and is there any way to make it static or does it have to be dynamic?

Is anyone else experiencing the problems i listed in 1-3 above and or have a fix for any of the above issues

thanks in advance
I will check into the text issue.
Maybe the bubble add on is causing issues that I did not expect.

Did not have any dialer issues while testing here.
Will check it.

Not sure about Excel as I just made sure it opened and ran.
Will look into it.
Maybe I need to port something else over for it to work correctly.
May try a new build here soon as well and that may fix it.

Not sure what purple wallpaper you are referring to.
Max Manila animated wall?
If so it is a Manila file and can be extracted.

Thanks for the feedback my friend.
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  #1925 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 04:25 AM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - ALL Carriers inc USCC - Jan 13 09

Originally Posted by rootlinux View Post
I will check into the text issue.
Maybe the bubble add on is causing issues that I did not expect.

Did not have any dialer issues while testing here.
Will check it.

Not sure about Excel as I just made sure it opened and ran.
Will look into it.
Maybe I need to port something else over for it to work correctly.
May try a new build here soon as well and that may fix it.

Not sure what purple wallpaper you are referring to.
Max Manila animated wall?
If so it is a Manila file and can be extracted.

Thanks for the feedback my friend.

texts from my previous rom show up in sense after i restore them with myphone, but the new text i got only shows in the all messages area. my old messages still show in the sense screen- odd

I noticed in the last few days, people are expressing the same problem with the dialer i am having over on energys thread

i tried excel in both sense and windows default - neither of them will open a new instance of excel - prob a microsoft issue

the wallpaper is listed under Menu >home wallpaper>animated wallpaper> the purple one. my eyes tend to get distracted by backgrounds like your orange clock. too much detail. i tend to like non-descript backgrounds better. just my personal preference

I am enjoying this new rom. thank you Root

Last edited by chirodj5; 01-20-2010 at 04:30 AM.
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  #1926 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 06:59 AM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - ALL Carriers inc USCC - Jan 13 09

Originally Posted by kernel610 View Post
One other 2.5 related question. Is there a way to organize the honeycomb layout of the start menu as far as what icon shows up in what order?
Push and hold down on the icon, in a second it will seem to float at the tip of the stylus. Just move them to where you want and let it go.
Oditius...(Samsung Mesmerize) US Cellular
The wife says I send too much time on the computer. But I am not on it when I sleep? So that can't be true!

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  #1927 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 08:07 AM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - ALL Carriers inc USCC - Jan 13 09

Originally Posted by chirodj5 View Post
texts from my previous rom show up in sense after i restore them with myphone, but the new text i got only shows in the all messages area. my old messages still show in the sense screen- odd

I noticed in the last few days, people are expressing the same problem with the dialer i am having over on energys thread

i tried excel in both sense and windows default - neither of them will open a new instance of excel - prob a microsoft issue

the wallpaper is listed under Menu >home wallpaper>animated wallpaper> the purple one. my eyes tend to get distracted by backgrounds like your orange clock. too much detail. i tend to like non-descript backgrounds better. just my personal preference

I am enjoying this new rom. thank you Root
I am running MaxRootRomComboGV0117_28011 and I have had none of the issues you describe. I flash back and forth between Root and Ski Roms, depending on who has the newest release. Both ROMS are tits. They are both as close to perfect as you can get OTB.

1) My dialer fits the screen perfectly. My only issue with the phone is that when you make answer an in coming call, the phone keeps vibrating for about 2 seconds after the call is answered and the other party does not appear to hear me until the vibrating stops. If you choose to slide the slider to "Ignore" the phone continues its vibrate/ring for about 2 seconds and then the volume controls open. A little annoying, but I can certainly live with that. (This happens on both SKI (ahuskins) and Root (Rootlinux) ROMS.

2) My text messages show up in Sense just fine. You can click on "All Messages" and it will show your messages what looks like WM and you have different sort options like on Outlook. (I believe that the messaging client is a modded version of HTC Messaging skinned to look like WM. Could be vice versa) Sending and receiving from either place works great. BTW, the bubble messsaging only shows up when you choose "All Messages" and then choose a text message recipient.

3) Have had no issues with Excel.

4) Not sure about the wallpaper you refer to.

Hope this helps you and any potential flashers!

Keep up the great cookin' chef!
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Last edited by RyanMayo; 01-20-2010 at 08:10 AM.
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  #1928 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 09:15 AM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - ALL Carriers inc USCC - Jan 13 09

Thanks Ryan my friend.
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  #1929 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 09:25 AM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - ALL Carriers inc USCC - Jan 13 09

hey root have you been able to silence the ringer or vibrator on a incoming call? nothing happens when i press the volume down button it just keeps ringing or vibrating.

also i ignored a call while i was on a call and the phone hung up have you experienced this?

running maxdarkroot combo 0117

your help is greatly appreciated!

Last edited by money711; 01-20-2010 at 09:30 AM.
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  #1930 (permalink)  
Old 01-20-2010, 10:30 AM
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Re: [ROM] ROOTROM - SMS/MMS - Sashimi Compliant - ALL Carriers inc USCC - Jan 13 09

Originally Posted by money711 View Post
hey root have you been able to silence the ringer or vibrator on a incoming call? nothing happens when i press the volume down button it just keeps ringing or vibrating.

also i ignored a call while i was on a call and the phone hung up have you experienced this?

running maxdarkroot combo 0117

your help is greatly appreciated!
I am not Root, but I'm sure he will answer you as well. The new volume control does not support using the HW buttons to silence the ringer. I remember reading something that says the new volume control is broken by something else in these ROMs. I'm sure Root can clarify. You can, however, still slide to ignore with the same effect until there is a fix.
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