Originally Posted by rootlinux
I will check into the text issue.
Maybe the bubble add on is causing issues that I did not expect.
Did not have any dialer issues while testing here.
Will check it.
Not sure about Excel as I just made sure it opened and ran.
Will look into it.
Maybe I need to port something else over for it to work correctly.
May try a new build here soon as well and that may fix it.
Not sure what purple wallpaper you are referring to.
Max Manila animated wall?
If so it is a Manila file and can be extracted.
Thanks for the feedback my friend.
texts from my previous rom show up in sense after i restore them with myphone, but the new text i got only shows in the all messages area. my old messages still show in the sense screen- odd
I noticed in the last few days, people are expressing the same problem with the dialer i am having over on energys thread
i tried excel in both sense and windows default - neither of them will open a new instance of excel - prob a microsoft issue
the wallpaper is listed under Menu >home wallpaper>animated wallpaper> the purple one. my eyes tend to get distracted by backgrounds like your orange clock. too much detail. i tend to like non-descript backgrounds better. just my personal preference
I am enjoying this new rom. thank you Root