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  #5881 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2011, 06:46 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.5 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 1/23/10*

Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
weird, should work just fine....

that's odd, either your sd card is acting up/going bad or something w/ the TB restore is hosing it up.

sometimes I'll start clean, and only restore call logs, txts & HTC Home
So you suggest using Titanium Backup between flashes? are there any alternatives?
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  #5882 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2011, 09:17 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.5 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 1/23/10*

Originally Posted by Vancer View Post
Any idea why copying these removed apks to the /system/app folder with a file mgr that mounts the system as r/w doesn't seem to work? ... They will copy over but won't install nor show up as installed after a re-boot? ? Tried it with Sprint Nav to no avail. hmmmm
My tried and true method is a hybrid-little bit of adb and a little bit of a file explorer.
I use adb to mount system as writable then copy/paste into System/app with Android Mate. Very rarely have issues.
Worked fine for Sprint Nav.

Originally Posted by evousr1205 View Post
Exit gallery and started to restore apps +system data. I check gallery again and it shows 0.

I dont think the restore of apps and system did this but what else could it be. On the SD images(DCIM folder empty) are the only things missing. I have other files on here that are fine.
Acutally I WOULD blame the system restore. The more changes OMJ makes the less you want to bring in the old systems files. He made big changes for 4.5 so I'm willing to bet if you do the same setup and restore only apps you'll be good.
Like OMJ said-I only restore a select few things besides apps-bookmarks and non-gmail email. That's it.

Originally Posted by hindjew View Post
So you suggest using Titanium Backup between flashes? are there any alternatives?
Lotsa peeps like MyBackup Pro.
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  #5883 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2011, 09:59 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.5 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 1/23/10*

I know this may be lame... I loved the magic smoke wallpaper ALOT. I try to reinstall it but it always say "application not installed" any hope of install or do I just need to RUU then install v4.4?
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  #5884 (permalink)  
Old 02-01-2011, 06:07 AM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.5 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 1/23/10*

Originally Posted by benfreak View Post
I know this may be lame... I loved the magic smoke wallpaper ALOT. I try to reinstall it but it always say "application not installed" any hope of install or do I just need to RUU then install v4.4?
this wallpaper?

or are u trying to install the sapphire theme?
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  #5885 (permalink)  
Old 02-01-2011, 12:54 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.5 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 1/23/10*

No its the magic smoke live wallpaper
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  #5886 (permalink)  
Old 02-01-2011, 08:32 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.5 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 1/23/10*

Originally Posted by evousr1205 View Post
Well I tried again. This time I factory reset, wipe cache and wipped dalvic. Installed 4.5. Booted just fine. Took a few secound for the home screen to appear BUT it did. I checked gallery and it showed 300 images. Correct. Exit gallery and started to restore apps +system data. I check gallery again and it shows 0.

I dont think the restore of apps and system did this but what else could it be. On the SD images(DCIM folder empty) are the only things missing. I have other files on here that are fine.

Just mentioning this incase anyone knows a fix. I of course copied the whole SDcard before i wiped just incase, so i didnt loose anything. Could this be a SD going bad?

Like IKS said... I would think that it was the batch "restore missing apps + all system data" option that you used... more specifically the system data portion of that batch run.

I have used TB since jumping to Android and never had any problems with it, but you do have to be careful. Anytime you are going from one rom to the next you can run into problems with restoring the sys data stuff that is highlighted in green. Different bases and various things from rom to rom may be slightly different in the way they store sys data so when you run the backup on one rom and then try to restore that same data on a different rom to the same place it was on the previous rom... bork! Just as you saw when your images were showing up and obviously on your sd card but were no longer "accessable" once you restored the old sys data from the previous rom.

I've never had any problem restoring any programs and had to kinda learn by trial and error what sys data you can restore from one rom to the next. Here's what I can tell you...

Accounts - never resotred it from rom to rom

Application Widgets - never restored

Bluetooth pairings - never used as I don't have a bluetooth, but would venture to guess so long as you are going from one sense rom to the next you might be pretty safe in restoring this

Calendar Storage - never used, just let google handle this one

[Alarms] Clock - use this one every time, restores the times I had set in my three alarms and what days of the week but for some reason doesn't re-set the ring tone so I have to go back in and do that part manually after a restore and re-boot (saves a little time at least)

[User Dict] ... I skip this one and restore the HTC one ...[User Dict HTC] Touch Input

[Voicemail] Dialer - seems to always work (omj rom to omj rom)

[SMS/MMS/APN] Dialer Storage - seems to always work (omj rom to omj rom)

[Desktop] HTC Sense - always works (omj to omj rom)

[Bookmarks] Internet - seems to always work

[E-mail Account...] Mail - I let google handle this as it is the only account I set up on my phone (my guess would be so long as it's sense to sense rom and if you have other pop3 or imap accounts set up it would probably work fine)

[Playlists] - don't have any set up and have not used

[SMS/MMS Prefs] - not absolutely sure if it catches all the settings but I run it everytime and it seems to work perfeclty... I use handcent and there are a few settings you need to tweak in the stock messaging to play nice with handcent and once I restore this and restore handcent I never have to go back and re-tweak anything

[Wallpaper/set...gs] Settings - never use it?? ... and would be leary to (IMO)

[Settings/Bluet...tings Storeage - never use it and would be leary to (IMO)

[User Dict HTC] Touch Input - like i said earlier, works every time for me

Wi-Fi Acess Points - works everytime for me which is awesome b/c I travel a lot and would hate to set each of these up again everytime

Hope that helps!
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Last edited by Vancer; 02-01-2011 at 08:35 PM.
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  #5887 (permalink)  
Old 02-01-2011, 08:44 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.5 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 1/23/10*

I realize I'm showing my sdk tools ignorance here but...

What the hell does this mean???

Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
any apk removed from \System must be pushed back to system

adb push <local> <remote> - copy file/dir to device

This part I understand...

Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
what I would do is, copy the footprints apks to my c drive, then in my case run this command

cd c:\sdk\tools
adb push footprints.apk /system/app

Is the first one something that can be done on the phone with an adb terminal? hmmmm
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  #5888 (permalink)  
Old 02-01-2011, 11:22 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.5 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 1/23/10*

I'm now on OMJ....and things like facebook and maps refuse to update in market. Any ideas?
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  #5889 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2011, 01:04 AM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.5 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 1/23/10*

Just flashed this rom.......and Google Maps is still lagging and stopping in mid navigation..........any fix for this.....or do I have to use this garbage TeleNav that I am paying? Any GPS's out there better than Google Maps?!

Last edited by radar369; 02-02-2011 at 01:06 AM.
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  #5890 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2011, 02:56 AM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v4.5 | FroYo 3.70.651.1 | *Updated 1/23/10*

Originally Posted by stlbadger View Post
I'm now on OMJ....and things like facebook and maps refuse to update in market. Any ideas?
Can you be more specific? It doesnt dl at all? It wont finish dl-ing? It dl's but won install?
If I ever have an app "get stuck" downloading (across ROMs) I just tap on it, cancel it and then restart it. Almost always goes through on the second try.

Originally Posted by radar369 View Post
Just flashed this rom.......and Google Maps is still lagging and stopping in mid navigation..........any fix for this.....or do I have to use this garbage TeleNav that I am paying? Any GPS's out there better than Google Maps?!
If you "just flashed" you may need an update. There is a new Google Maps out. Go to the Market and see if the update fixes your issue.
GMaps is all I use.
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