Originally Posted by Vancer
If ur referring to the toast notification popping up all the time just bring up the wimax app goto advanced settings and uncheck always show notifications and it goes away ... if ur talking about the occasional force close msg I got nothing for ya! Hehe ... but I have just hit the force close when it pops up and it obviously starts itself again when a text comes through and seems to work just fine ... don't care one way or the other though if u ditch it, I only use it cause its there but was fine w/o it
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
both the notifications & FC's....after playing with it, I just see very little purpose
Originally Posted by Vancer
Don't remember, did u pm Cyan or Calk about the UA thing? I sent Calk a pm about a week or so ago but hasn't responded ... thought he might respond to you though since you are well ... OMJ and all  Hehe
... oh and what was ur take on 4.0 vs 4.0x on battery after you ran .x for a few days? Any difference?
Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
I pm'd someone, can't remember who, and got no response.....I did not pm Calk...yet....I have been in communication w/ Myn, and he said he would try to modify the browser.apk to support IE.
umm, I really didn't see much difference until I unchecked the always on data option. The downside was my emails were not being checked when I wanted them to. I was also seeing occasional FC's w/ the browser till I got sick of it. I went back to 3.30 yesterday but removed wimax notified & updated wifi tether, and left always on checked....Oh & I wiped completely & started from scratch, so we'll see.