OK, here is my custom HTC Sense kitchen. First things first. This kitchen began as a Calkulin kitchen, so thank you Calkulin for the nice base!
Keep in mind, this kitchen is setup for OMJ roms, it is completely customized to my likes. When you load a rom there are several saved templates which are saved from my current ROM's.
Here are the included ROM templates:
-Added Sense 2.1 mods
-Rebuilt Kitchen, OEM not recmodded, now more stable
-Added taskbaricons for BT fix
-Fixed Incall recorder for 2way recording
12/25 Updatev1.6
-Added 28014 SYS
-Added 21887 SYS
-Added Sense 2.1
-Restored most of the packages from Calkulins kitchen
-Added Amarullz Messaging Mod 2.0
-Added Manila Locker RC2.1
12/5 Updatev1.4
-Added 28005 SYS
-Added 28008 SYS
-Added 21882 SYS
-Updated 1921 VGA port for Core & Stock
-Added Custom 3 column Internet Tab
-Added Amarullz Messaging Mod for native WM Messaging v1.50
-Added Opera 10 EXT Beta 2
-Added latest 12 Quicklinks EXT w/ BG4ALL
-Added SetVolume EXT
-Added X2 Task Manager for 6.5.x
-Added Winter Animation wallpaper
-Added No Clock Flip EXT
-Added Still Wallpaper EXT
-Added Total Commander 2.52b2 EXT
11/26 Updatev1.3
-Added 28002 SYS
-Added Opera 10 EXT
-Added 12 Quicklinks EXT
-Added new Interceptor (position fix) now pix & music bottom bar hides
-Added lastest MyPhone
-Added eNatives Showcase, modified by Omnicronix, thx bro!
-Added Amarullz Messaging Mod for native WM Messaging
-Replaced Sunny Day animation w/ yozgatg patched version