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  #3601 (permalink)  
Old 03-04-2010, 10:01 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense 2.5 & 2.1 ROMs | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 23541 | 2/26

Originally Posted by gadgetcrazy View Post
So is the GPS issue sorted out in the latest build?
I havent updated for about a month now.
Actual GPS and aGPS were always working fine for me in the latest build. The only "gps-esq" issue that I noticed was with google maps not doing "my location" without wifi being turned on.

But that problem is now resolved with those 2 registry entries scmasaru posted above. Of course, you will need to manually apply them (takes 2 mins), until OMJ cooks up a new ROM with them incorporated.
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  #3602 (permalink)  
Old 03-04-2010, 10:21 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense 2.5 & 2.1 ROMs | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 23541 | 2/26

Originally Posted by bobram View Post
Well, I'll be damned, this is the answer! I added the reg edits, rebooted, and I now get my location without wifi being turned on.

Thank you very much for posting this info!

On a different note, I see you are a Bell user, what Radio are you using?
I am using the stock Bell Radio. I am experiencing some problem with EVDO dropping to 1X occationally. YouTube app also does not work with regkey EnableMDP=1 (Changed since OMJ 1.8 and has to be set back to 0). StreamingMedia app does not work and I have not found the solution yet. Will other RADIOs like the Telus one solve at least the EVDO dropping problem?
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  #3603 (permalink)  
Old 03-04-2010, 10:40 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense 2.5 & 2.1 ROMs | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 23541 | 2/26

Originally Posted by scmasaru View Post
I am using the stock Bell Radio. I am experiencing some problem with EVDO dropping to 1X occationally. YouTube app also does not work with regkey EnableMDP=1 (Changed since OMJ 1.8 and has to be set back to 0). StreamingMedia app does not work and I have not found the solution yet. Will other RADIOs like the Telus one solve at least the EVDO dropping problem?
I'm also on Bell stock but I haven't noticed my phone dropping to 1x very often and the odd time that it did it was in a low signal area, and it wouldn't go back to EV until I turned the radio off and on again. My friend who was beside me who had a HTC Touch, stayed in EV mode the whole time.

I've wanted to flash the telus radio because I've heard reports that it runs cooler when in use, but I'm weary of doing so because there's no way to flash back to the Bell radio.
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  #3604 (permalink)  
Old 03-04-2010, 11:12 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense 2.5 & 2.1 ROMs | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 23541 | 2/26

im on telus.... i just noticed that googlemaps can find my location within 20meters now! Yeh! And 8 sats found!
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  #3605 (permalink)  
Old 03-04-2010, 11:14 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense 2.5 & 2.1 ROMs | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 23541 | 2/26

OMJ, I signed up just to tell you thanks a million for all your time doing this. It's enabled me to have a usable phone, because frankly, the only word to describe the WM 6.1 that came with this phone is "painful." After playing with your ROMs, I finally gave up my trusty flip phone, but I'm going to hang onto my $30 SERO plan til they pry it from my cold dead hands.

So again, many thanks. This latest version addresses the annoying text input problem, and has a lot of little neat fixes. Keep it up.
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  #3606 (permalink)  
Old 03-05-2010, 06:59 AM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense 2.5 & 2.1 ROMs | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 23541 | 2/26

I'm using Sense 2.5 | 6.5 | 21887 | v1.4 and with PowerSMS I try to send a scheduled SMS. A full screen calender pops up and when I tap the date I want nothing happens. There is no OK or anything at the bottom (no soft keys). just wanted to mention that I guess this is a bug report so I'm sure my response will be to try a newer version but if anyone uses http://www.trinketsoftware.com/powersms/ then can you try it and see if I'm crazy or if this truly is a problem with this calender on this ROM. Thanks!

Edit: ok, I figured out if I push the drop down arrow to open the calender then I get the problem I spoke about above. however,,,,,,,if I pull the stylus and tap the numbers (month, date, year, hour, minutes, AM/PM) then it works and I can make it happen.

So to summarize, PowerSMS still works with this ROM but there is a problem with the Calender.
either way, Thanks OMJ for an awesome ROM. I don't wh0re around to much. Since I got the phone when it came out I've gone straight to Juicy, then Mighty Mike, then Calkulin, and now you which is where I plan to stay.

Last edited by Curb71; 03-05-2010 at 07:10 AM.
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  #3607 (permalink)  
Old 03-05-2010, 10:34 AM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense 2.5 & 2.1 ROMs | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 23541 | 2/26

I just upgraded from MightyROM 4 to OMJ_Diamond_SENSE_2.5_28014_v1.6
So far pretty good, although a bit slower.
Is there a way to make selection boxes smaller (selections in Regional Settings for example)? The boxes seem VERY tall.
The other question is the SprintTV. I installed a version of SprintTV, but it doesn't actually load videos and Calkulin's SprintTV fix can't seem to install on this build.

Went to Sense_2.5_2012_23541_v1.1, which seems faster, but I don't see RSSHUB in it.

Last edited by Nhawk; 03-05-2010 at 03:54 PM.
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  #3608 (permalink)  
Old 03-05-2010, 10:49 AM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense 2.5 & 2.1 ROMs | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 23541 | 2/26

I just upgraded from an older 6.5 OMJ rom to the latest 6.5.3 and after a restart the phone wont finish booting up. It shows the word start in the top left corner and just sits there. The only thing I did was install opera 10, add my aol account and sync with MS my phone. Any help out there guys. It happened once so I reflashed but the same exact thing happened.
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  #3609 (permalink)  
Old 03-05-2010, 12:32 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense 2.5 & 2.1 ROMs | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 23541 | 2/26

I have never done the registry editing thing. Can anyone please tell me what exactly to do in order to get the my location working?
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  #3610 (permalink)  
Old 03-05-2010, 12:41 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC Sense 2.5 & 2.1 ROMs | WM 6.5 / WM 6.5.x | 21055 / 21887 / 23541 | 2/26

Originally Posted by scmasaru View Post
For those who cannot get AGPS or My Location to work please check the Google Mobile Maps About page. If the second from the last line shows "myl: N/A", add the following reg keys:

supports_extended_ril=1  (String Value)
supports_extended_wifi=1 (String Value)
Later Google maps versions fail to create the two items so myl stopped working. Before we did not have this problem because OMJ cooked in the GMM 3.2 which creates teh reg values. So for later versions we should always cook in the two reg keys to work around the problem.
Phenomenal work! Google Maps 4 seems to be neglecting to build the entire googlemaps regkey folder, not just the two keys. Talk about WinMo being the red-headed step child. As soon as I added supports_extended_ril=1 my location worked. I also added the wifi one because I figured why not, but it doesn't seem to be strictly necessary.
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