Originally Posted by TKG26
differences between 23451 and 25006?
i just installed the 25006 last nite, over nite while locked and charged i woke up to it frozen and vibrating. had to remove the battery..
One cool thing i noticed was that the included opera in 25006 will actually open youtube app if you click on a video on the youtube web site!! Very nice... PRoblem is when i installed opera 10 v3 beta that feature went away.. is it a rom build option that allows this or the browser.. with opera10beta it opens streaming media and fails to play
the included Opera in my WMPU ROM is Opera 9.7
Originally Posted by eval-
This is precisely why I never went past 6.5. I can't stand that useless dropdown thing either, I just want to be able to switch out my apps. There are a dozen ways to make it more 'finger friendly' (playing with XDAndroid reveals there are indeed) without stealing more screen real-estate or making it harder to switch between apps.
my 6.5.x ROMs do have a task manager, so if you have multiple programs running, when you tap the upper right corner, you will see your list of running apps & can easily switch
Originally Posted by iggy
Well I am not sure how you are doing this, I tried from the calibrate screen, the password screen, the copy/paste screen, the time/date screen and the screen at the blank screen at the end before customization, after flashing to stock, it never connects to ActiveSync until after customization 
what he's saying is.....flash the stock rom, when you get to the calibrate screen, go back into bootloader mode & flash the custom rom.
Originally Posted by iggy
Thanks OMJ, just testing, 1 quick thing would be to leave out the slide to unlock....wow this is very slow to load (almost 6 seconds).
I personally use mysoftreset (no warning) just touch the icon and you're soft reseting, their is one with a warning as well.
i agree, it's too slow....I'd rather use pxshutxp