Originally Posted by scmasaru
For those who cannot get AGPS or My Location to work please check the Google Mobile Maps About page. If the second from the last line shows "myl: N/A", add the following reg keys:
supports_extended_ril=1 (String Value)
supports_extended_wifi=1 (String Value)
Later Google maps versions fail to create the two items so myl stopped working. Before we did not have this problem because OMJ cooked in the GMM 3.2 which creates teh reg values. So for later versions we should always cook in the two reg keys to work around the problem.
Phenomenal work! Google Maps 4 seems to be neglecting to build the entire googlemaps regkey folder, not just the two keys. Talk about WinMo being the red-headed step child. As soon as I added supports_extended_ril=1 my location worked. I also added the wifi one because I figured why not, but it doesn't seem to be strictly necessary.