Re: Manila HD Hybrid 1.4 - Updated Jan.27
So it's not just me who is not able to update the weather!! I have been going nuts trying to fix it all afternoon!!!
Re: Manila HD Hybrid 1.4 - Updated Jan.27
hkcu\software\htc\manila\Weather.ServerURLOverride = http://weather.not2advanced.com/htc I just renamed the ServerURLOverride to ServerURLOverrid (to have it use the HTC Proxy) and things look to be having problems updating. Maybe the htc proxy site is having some problems? Thanks, Daryel
Sprint Android Epic 4g. Luvvin it too!
Re: Manila HD Hybrid 1.4 - Updated Jan.27
I was wondering if you could post cabs (or OEMs) for just TAB 9 and 12 (i.e stock and Settings - Including the Manila HD "Customize Tabs"). I really love the idea of leaving the rest of the tabs on original VGA (like you did). thanks Last edited by iago_00; 01-28-2009 at 10:31 AM. |
Re: Manila HD Hybrid 1.4 - Updated Jan.27
Hey I'm running mighty 4.2 here on telus and I cannot change anything in the comm manager tab.No error message I just cant change anything!
Re: Manila HD Hybrid 1.4 - Updated Jan.27
mighty 4.2? or mighty 4.4? I am getting errors on mighty 4.4 like that but I thought it might be because he cooked in more than one comm manager
Re: Manila HD Hybrid 1.3
Wow, I'm impressed, but with the clock, is there any bug or issue in using Calcu's white flip or black flip that comes with his kitchen?
Re: Manila HD Hybrid 1.4 - Updated Jan.27
http://weather.not2advanced.com/htcw...ice=innovation Daryel |
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Re: Manila HD Hybrid 1.4 - Updated Jan.27
Great release man. Been testing it cooked into the current mighty rom and there isn't much left to make this manila perfect! Here are the few problems I have experienced so far.
1. Text messaging menu doesn't have the "forward" option. mun rus says this can be added by editing hte 26948339_manila file and changing hte sms menu section to this; <SimpleDialog Name="MessagesGizmoResponse.dialog" PackageName="HTC"> <ComponentReference Name="dialogItem" Mode9Path="HTC\simpledialog.mode9" Component="SimpleDialog" SmartComponent="true"/> <DialogItem Name="Menu"> <DialogItem Name="New" Title="[[IDS_MESSAGING_NEW]]"/> <DialogItem Name="Reply" Title="[[IDS_MESSAGING_REPLY]]"/> <DialogItem Name="Delete" Title="[[IDS_MESSAGING_DELETE]]"/> <DialogItem Name="Forward" Title="[[IDS_MESSAGING_FORWARD]]"/> [EDIT]<- this appears to be the line that is missing (I added it and it worked) </DialogItem> </SimpleDialog> <SimpleDialog Name="MessagesGizmoResponse_Forward.dialog" PackageName="HTC"> <ComponentReference Name="dialogItem" Mode9Path="HTC\simpledialog.mode9" Component="SimpleDialog" SmartComponent="true"/> <DialogItem Name="Menu"> <DialogItem Name="New" Title="[[IDS_MESSAGING_NEW]]"/> <DialogItem Name="Reply" Title="[[IDS_MESSAGING_REPLY]]"/> <DialogItem Name="Forward" Title="[[IDS_MESSAGING_FORWARD]]"/> <DialogItem Name="Delete" Title="[[IDS_MESSAGING_DELETE]]"/> </DialogItem> </SimpleDialog> I have also found that installing this cab with the sms font size zoomers will add the option to the menu. (See attached) 2. Comm manager tab won;t work - but I think this is because the rom I had cooked up has multiple comm manager applications cooked into it. I can still use the d-pad to move the selector up, but touching the buttons/using the center key doesn;t work. Once again, I don't think that this is part of your manila.[EDIT] I guess it's part of the manila. When I added it manually last time before it was included I had no problem with it... I think I found how to fix it. In the 26948339_manila this line needs fixing; It currently reads; <Page Order="XX" Name="communications.page" PackageName="HTC" Title="[[Comm-Manager]]" > It needs to be changed to; <Page Order="XX" Name="communications.page" PackageName="HTC" Title="[[IDS_COMMUNICATIONS]]" > 3. BG4all tabs problem - Having this installed by default causes a problem. I install a custom clock (pamas digital) and I wind up having just the main page bg changing and then having the corner white square issue on all the other tabs. I tried reinstalling a cab for bg for all pages but it brought up the flip clock but still had my digits. I tired just installing three of the files in the bg4allpages as per a recomendation in the mun rus thread here; http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...ght=mun+manila but still no luck. I also tried installing the default sprint background file that you had earlier in the thread but nothing happened either. This is really the only bug of any consequence through out this wicked manila. 4. I still am noticing that I have an app in my task manager called "Start" that is the touchflo exe. Not sure how to make this disapear, I keep accidently closing touchflo, haha. 5. On the manila soft key menus that have sub menus, the arrow that symbolizes a sub menu is available is white, so you don't see it until you click the option where hte sub menu is located. Not sure what manila file this one is though. Last edited by briggs; 01-28-2009 at 01:05 PM. |
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