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  #1561 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2009, 02:45 PM
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Re: [ Jan 19 \ OS 5.2.21109 v4.2 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.4, ROMs & Cabs

v4.2 is up

Based on leaked Sprint ROM
Rearranged Start Menu
Fixed some OEM issues
Fixed phone not ringing sometimes
Fixed disappearing first letter using T9
Disabled turning off phone display during call
Changed some of the scripts in kitchen (v1.4)

Conflippers Custom Manila Weather
Slide to Answer from leaked ROM
Slide to Answer with curtain
Manila Calendar Fix
JetCet Print (v5.2.990.4)

Album (v2.5.18201831.1)
BTFTP (v1.2.33309.91)
Camera (v6.02.32964.00)
Concurrence Manager (v1.2.181928.6.0000)
DShow (v2.00.081111.0)
Full Screen Player (v1.05.081015.2)
PhoneCanvas (v3.40.33475.0)
QuickMenu (v2.8.410)
Random Access (v4.1.18222125.0)
RSS Hub (v2.1.1.1077)
S2U2 (v1.41)
Social Networks Engine (v1.0.18203021.00)
Streaming Media (v3.0.18221528.00)
Sprint TV (v1.6.4.76665)
Touch Response (v0.3.1)
YouTube (v1.6.1822.2028)
Thanks Conflipper for making some of the OEMs
And Jakdillard for the leaked S2A OEM
If you like my work, donate to buy me a beer or 2

Last edited by Calkulin; 01-19-2009 at 04:39 PM.
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  #1562 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2009, 02:50 PM
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Re: [ Jan 19 \ OS 5.2.21109 v4.2 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.4, ROMs & Cabs

Yay! aw, just for my birthday! your so nice!!

Last edited by Brock1909; 01-19-2009 at 03:22 PM.
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  #1563 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2009, 02:51 PM
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Re: [ Jan 19 \ OS 5.2.21109 v4.2 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.4, ROMs & Cabs

Is the final much different from preview 3? Enought that I should recook and flash?
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  #1564 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2009, 03:00 PM
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Re: [ Jan 19 \ OS 5.2.21109 v4.2 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.4, ROMs & Cabs

I really like 4.1 (or was it 4.0 can't remember) I had been running it for a week, no problems, fast, stable, functional.

Been waiting for 4.2, nice work!

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  #1565 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2009, 03:01 PM
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Re: [ Jan 19 \ OS 5.2.21109 v4.2 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.4, ROMs & Cabs

There were some changes to the OEMdrivers folder to fix a issue I had with S2U2(keypad lights would not go off until I hit the power button), a different Voice Command and some other minor changes but if what you have now is running fine, then just download the new one and when your ready to flash again, use the new kitchen
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  #1566 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2009, 03:04 PM
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Re: [ Jan 19 \ OS 5.2.21109 v4.2 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.4, ROMs & Cabs

Calc, you posted these previously:

Change the time interval when the screen turns off


Or disable that feature without disabling the light sensor completely


Is this what you are using in 4.2 to disable the screen turning off during a call?

I would like to apply this tweak to 4.1... just wondering if it is the same.

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  #1567 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2009, 03:07 PM
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Re: [ Jan 19 \ OS 5.2.21109 v4.2 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.4, ROMs & Cabs

Yes, I just changed the EnableFastDormantDisplayDuringCall to 0
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  #1568 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2009, 03:18 PM
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Re: [ Jan 19 \ OS 5.2.21109 v4.2 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.4, ROMs & Cabs

Is the new YouTube version cab-able?

I tried to bring the OEM over to the 4.1 kitchen but I got conflicts.
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  #1569 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2009, 03:22 PM
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Re: [ Jan 19 \ OS 5.2.21109 v4.2 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.4, ROMs & Cabs

how would i go about taking the picture mail cab, and just having it install in customizations? ( also get rid of the folder CABS, in the program list)

also, where does the file go for the startup animation?

thanks for the help!
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  #1570 (permalink)  
Old 01-19-2009, 03:42 PM
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Re: [ Jan 19 \ OS 5.2.21109 v4.2 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.4, ROMs & Cabs

Hey Calcu what do I need to change in the kitchen and where to change the start vista orb.
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