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  #411 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 11:03 AM
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Re: [ Dec 15 \ OS 5.2.19974 v3.4 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.0, ROMs & Cabs

Originally Posted by mightymike View Post
edit--- totally losing my mind, posted in the wrong topic!!! neeeed sleep!

Yes you need to sleep more I see..............
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  #412 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 11:33 AM
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Re: [ Dec 15 \ OS 5.2.19974 v3.4 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.0, ROMs & Cabs

Originally Posted by wondabwoy View Post
QuickMenu causes the X button issue since it controls how the x button works but it won't be included in the final version, so that won't happen with it. As for Flip It, I currently don't use it but when I was testing the manilas, it worked just fine, so I'll have to install it again to see
Cal, I think it's the landscape manila cab you've posted in the first page, when I have flip it installed by itself, the landscape mode of TF3D stays with manual too, but when the cab is installed is when it happens. Thx for looking into this![/QUOTE]

Also when that same sprint manila landscape cab is installed, the today screen clock does not flip anymore to show the rest of the today screen!
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  #413 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 12:21 PM
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Re: [ Dec 15 \ OS 5.2.19974 v3.4 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.0, ROMs & Cabs

First, thanks for the great and somewhat easy kitchen. It is great.

So, after 2 days of messing with this, I have my phone the way I want it ... but I can't get the profile or prl to update. If I click on the icons in settings, nothing happens. What did I miss? What can I do to fix this?

Thanks again for all of your time!=D>

Sprint Evo 3D! ...

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  #414 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 02:00 PM
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Re: [ Dec 15 \ OS 5.2.19974 v3.4 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.0, ROMs & Cabs

Originally Posted by Calcu View Post
Yes you need to sleep more I see..............
After flashing my phone the other night 6 or 7 times to finally find out my problem was in a CAB loading from my SDConfig.txt, I spent another hour or so playing around with 20764. I know what you mean by lack of sleep some nights when getting into some customizations.

I've also made a few more tweaks to improve battery life... (I'm showing 91% right now after being off the charger for 5 hours, doing some surfing, two calls, and reading email). I'll export the Reg Settings once I do more testing to see how much of an impact they make.

I have to say that I really like the kitchen+ you've put together. It really is a kitchen+ (kitchen plus) with all the goodies you include for porting XIP's, extracting ROM's, etc.

Have you played with 20940 much? I've heard on XDA that it's a slow dog. I ran 20931 for a couple weeks without issues and just started playing with 20764 for the past 3 days (no issues outside of my own problems with a cab file- doh!).

Thanks again for the kitchen and tools you've put together, I even credit you on my splash screen "built with Calcu RC4".

Sprint Android Epic 4g. Luvvin it too!
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  #415 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 03:26 PM
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Re: [ Dec 15 \ OS 5.2.19974 v3.4 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.0, ROMs & Cabs

Calcu the Blackstone keyboard is the one with the arrows right? Can you post the cab for it? I didn't see it on the first page. Thanks
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  #416 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 04:00 PM
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Re: [ Dec 15 \ OS 5.2.19974 v3.4 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.0, ROMs & Cabs

Originally Posted by meatgel View Post
First, thanks for the great and somewhat easy kitchen. It is great.

So, after 2 days of messing with this, I have my phone the way I want it ... but I can't get the profile or prl to update. If I click on the icons in settings, nothing happens. What did I miss? What can I do to fix this?

Thanks again for all of your time!=D>

As long as your not changing anything in Sprint carrier folder and using a Sprint radio, it should work. I just tested mine again even after redoing my OEM folder and it worked fine. Are you restoring your settings/contacts with a backup program by any chance?
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  #417 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 04:08 PM
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Re: [ Dec 15 \ OS 5.2.19974 v3.4 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.0, ROMs & Cabs

Originally Posted by daryelv View Post
Have you played with 20940 much? I've heard on XDA that it's a slow dog. I ran 20931 for a couple weeks without issues and just started playing with 20764 for the past 3 days (no issues outside of my own problems with a cab file- doh!).

Thanks again for the kitchen and tools you've put together, I even credit you on my splash screen "built with Calcu RC4".


Compared to 19974, 20940/20931 is slightly slower in almost everyway I could tell, so that's why I use 19974 in my ROMs. I have yet to play with 20764 but since people are saying its still like 20757/20759, I'll keep tweaking 19974 until I find another one that feels as fast & stable as 19974

Originally Posted by king_tee View Post
Calcu the Blackstone keyboard is the one with the arrows right? Can you post the cab for it? I didn't see it on the first page. Thanks

I'll create one on shortly and post it on the first page for you
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  #418 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 04:31 PM
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Re: [ Dec 15 \ OS 5.2.19974 v3.4 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.0, ROMs & Cabs

Originally Posted by Calcu View Post
As long as your not changing anything in Sprint carrier folder and using a Sprint radio, it should work. I just tested mine again even after redoing my OEM folder and it worked fine. Are you restoring your settings/contacts with a backup program by any chance?
No, no backup program. I really use my phone ultra-plain. I have no manilla, no enterprise; I do use sprint tv and nav. I put in the sprint carrier and don't really change anything in the folders. I am soooooo new to this. I rebuilt it 4 or 5 times because I was first having volume button issues. Even then, the profile/prl update wouldn't work.

Coult it be because I don't put the enterprise stuff in?
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  #419 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 04:48 PM
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Re: [ Dec 15 \ OS 5.2.19974 v3.4 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.0, ROMs & Cabs

Originally Posted by meatgel View Post
No, no backup program. I really use my phone ultra-plain. I have no manilla, no enterprise; I do use sprint tv and nav. I put in the sprint carrier and don't really change anything in the folders. I am soooooo new to this. I rebuilt it 4 or 5 times because I was first having volume button issues. Even then, the profile/prl update wouldn't work.

Coult it be because I don't put the enterprise stuff in?
I notice you didn't say which radio you were using. It must be a Sprint radio.
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  #420 (permalink)  
Old 12-16-2008, 04:58 PM
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Re: [ Dec 15 \ OS 5.2.19974 v3.4 ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.0, ROMs & Cabs

Touch HD & updated Diamond EzInput cabs are posted on the first page. Also, Test 3 with a completely redone OEM folder to fix some weird issues I was noticing should be up shortly

Originally Posted by meatgel View Post
No, no backup program. I really use my phone ultra-plain. I have no manilla, no enterprise; I do use sprint tv and nav. I put in the sprint carrier and don't really change anything in the folders. I am soooooo new to this. I rebuilt it 4 or 5 times because I was first having volume button issues. Even then, the profile/prl update wouldn't work.

Coult it be because I don't put the enterprise stuff in?

And like Opuscroakus said, what radio are you using? Also, have you tried any of the ROMs to see if it works on there?
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