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  #6101 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 12:25 AM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.8 [20771] [UC] [24MB

Originally Posted by Spearoid View Post
The 6kb was the partly the reason for my skepticism too.....but more so, one of two scenarios would have to be true if Ehbob's testimony is accurate.
If opera9.exe does, in fact, start up with a soft reset but then close after opening and subsequently exiting the application, maybe those affected by it just don't use Opera Mobile very often. I know I rarely ever do, and I do occasionally have battery issues. I'm not saying it's positively related, but it's worth investigating, I suppose.

I'm debating doing a clear storage even though I just set everything back up today. After flash to Sprint Stock->Clear Storage->Flash to 4.8->Clear Storage, I was unable to install Opera Mini (java gave me a strange file access error, I think). I installed another java build over the top (with an ugly blue E icon) and I was able to install Opera Mini, but when I exit, I have to quit the java app as well (I used to be able to exit Opera and java would close automatically with it). Blarg.
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  #6102 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 12:36 AM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.8 [20771] [UC] [24MB

Originally Posted by rileyd5 View Post
so true my friend, problem is he he a tpro release coming as well so 3 is company!!! maybe 4.9 will get the axe, truthfully, Mike could just rename 4.8... i wouldn't know the difference cause it's running just fine
Shhhh...don't tell anyone, but I am still running 4.7 (flawlessly, I might add). But I had forgotten about Mike's TPro work. So he will do FOUR simulateous releases--two for the Touch (WM6.1 and WM6.5) AND two for the TPro (WM6.1 and WM6.5). It shouldn't be long before the mouse flies himself in a circle fast enough to reverse time and we will all be back to 3.9 and happy as can be! LOL
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  #6103 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 12:50 AM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.8 [20771] [UC] [24MB

Originally Posted by brc64 View Post
If opera9.exe does, in fact, start up with a soft reset but then close after opening and subsequently exiting the application, maybe those affected by it just don't use Opera Mobile very often. I know I rarely ever do, and I do occasionally have battery issues. I'm not saying it's positively related, but it's worth investigating, I suppose.

I think you might have the answer to my skepticism! I didn't really pay attention to those who posted about the process ending when they exited Opera....but you are right about that part...I just tried it out....that would certainly solve my logical dilemma.

But I still would like to know what I can do to make that process stop loading automatically.....and I think everyone should know this and understand that it could affect their battery life, even if they have generally experienced long life.
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  #6104 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 12:56 AM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.8 [20771] [UC] [24MB

Originally Posted by brc64 View Post
If opera9.exe does, in fact, start up with a soft reset but then close after opening and subsequently exiting the application, maybe those affected by it just don't use Opera Mobile very often. I know I rarely ever do, and I do occasionally have battery issues. I'm not saying it's positively related, but it's worth investigating, I suppose.

I'm debating doing a clear storage even though I just set everything back up today. After flash to Sprint Stock->Clear Storage->Flash to 4.8->Clear Storage, I was unable to install Opera Mini (java gave me a strange file access error, I think). I installed another java build over the top (with an ugly blue E icon) and I was able to install Opera Mini, but when I exit, I have to quit the java app as well (I used to be able to exit Opera and java would close automatically with it). Blarg.
Maybe clear your Internal Storage?
Disclaimer: The truth is obvious.
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  #6105 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 01:10 AM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.8 [20771] [UC] [24MB

Originally Posted by pixelpop View Post
Shhhh...don't tell anyone, but I am still running 4.7 (flawlessly, I might add). But I had forgotten about Mike's TPro work. So he will do FOUR simulateous releases--two for the Touch (WM6.1 and WM6.5) AND two for the TPro (WM6.1 and WM6.5). It shouldn't be long before the mouse flies himself in a circle fast enough to reverse time and we will all be back to 3.9 and happy as can be! LOL
LOL, it will bring us back to the glory days of 3.9, plus he can save Louis Lane.. it's a win win
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  #6106 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 01:30 AM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.8 [20771] [UC] [24MB

Originally Posted by rileyd5 View Post
LOL, it will bring us back to the glory days of 3.9, plus he can save Louis Lane.. it's a win win
Actually, "Mighty Mouse had two mouse girlfriends named Pearl Pureheart (in the cartoons) and Mitzi (in the comics during the 50s and 60s), and his arch-enemy is an evil villain cat named Oil Can Harry." So maybe we should nickname the ringer problem "Oil Can" (as in "I Oil Canned today.) and as far as the two girfriends...well, we are talking about Mighty Mike, right?

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  #6107 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 01:31 AM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.8 [20771] [UC] [24MB

please release soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thank you!
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  #6108 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 01:33 AM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.8 [20771] [UC] [24MB

Originally Posted by rileyd5 View Post
party pooper!! just kidding, but seriously I would love to know how to increase data speeds. never heard of this before.
Here is the link to the reg edits.. I tried these on my old Mogul(6800) and my Touch(6900), and they did seem to make a pretty big difference.. So I will be doing these to my diamond in the morning when I get home..

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  #6109 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 02:05 AM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.8 [20771] [UC] [24MB

Originally Posted by rawdog805 View Post
Here is the link to the reg edits.. I tried these on my old Mogul(6800) and my Touch(6900), and they did seem to make a pretty big difference.. So I will be doing these to my diamond in the morning when I get home..

thanks for this. You question earlier got me thinking about this and did a little searching. Found this thread in the tp upgrade forum. There is a cab listed and it claims to increase your evdo speeds as well. Here it is in case anyone wants to give it a try:


*i tried this and not sure if it works or not being that it's late and I usually get a bump anyway. I kept the first number (tcp receive window size)the same under cellular line since some of the guys mentioned that it's not necessary to change this. but who knows. good luck.
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  #6110 (permalink)  
Old 04-08-2009, 03:59 AM
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Re: [March 25th, 2009] "One Rom To Rule Them All..." MIGHTYROM 4.8 [20771] [UC] [24MB

my touchpal just stopped making spaces after each word. cant be rom related. especially since I went back to 4.4.5. errr. thing Im gonna try out 3.9 again since all this talk about it bring me back to the good ole days....
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