Originally Posted by gbm85
I noticed you conveniently changed my comma to a period.
A business user has no problem paying $60 a month and probably isn't going to go anywhere past 5GB.
Depends on what type of business you do.
Originally Posted by gbm85
5GB is 170MB a day, every single day, of the month. It would be extremely rare for a common user to surpass that cap.
Unlimited users

they have a plan for common users already.
Streaming media can easily run this up.
In my line of work I pass alot of files on the go, mostly PDFs & disc content, images, etc.
Voice/video skype conferencing also uses up alot of data.
You'd be suprised at how much data you can use in a billing period.
Originally Posted by gbm85
And as far as torrenting over WiFi... not doable most of the time. Most hot-spots don't allow torrenting or at least severely throttle it.
It depends on who is providing what, this varies so I would not say most of the time. I can do so from any of my common WiFi (free) points in my city except the Old City area.
Originally Posted by gbm85
Why pay two or three bills for the same Internet? I'll tell you why. My home connection is 20Mb down/5Mb up. Even higher plans are becoming commonplace. So I would gladly pay two separate bills. Mobile broadband is about mobility. Home Internet is about speed.
You would, I would & we do; most would not (a growing number cannot) & do not & this number will continue to grow.
Keep in mind 3G Mobility + Cable/Fios Speed are luxuries afforded by the cost of multiple bills to satisfy those preferences for their purpose.
An easy analysis would be looking at the current economy, buying trends & budget strategy. On another Look at the growth of the laptop market in comparison to the desktop.
When its the lat time you've seen a desktop commercial?
You can also factor in the use of PAM and of course mobile broadband.
Time of use also comes into play when you tally the cost of service and compare, which do you use more & how often are you able to use it.
Mobile Broadband has the advantage.
Now recall my earlier post & Sprint's action with this in mind.
Again its about milking the gain. Unless you witness a price drop when announcemnets like this are made when there is a reduction in service, its not the users you should be upset with.
Sprint is taking advantage of the trend.

Not even 30 days, never used a torrent via this card & I did not email any disc content this month or records (thank goodness

I'm 700MB+ over 5GB according to the summary here. Very easy to trip this cap. Whats funny is that the majority of this months was moreso personal than business, my business use tends to near 6.8GB.
150MB of that toatl from this site alone (indagroove's fault lol). its good to know I get no penalty for my usage.