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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2012, 04:37 PM
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Re: Is T-Mobile and AT&T better than Sprint Service?

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
I used to get more than that on my original TP back in 2009. now that I'm with Tmo that's the lowest my speeds go and this is with one bar. KC is sprint's home territory so of course they would work to get things straight there.
Edge speeds are much below 1mb down (1/4 the speed). So when you reach your limit you are in edge and you confirmed this correct? I'm glad you are happy with your service but let's be realistic here. 1mb down is not the lowest you see.

To sum up this question. Yes. Tmobile and ATT has much faster 3g speeds because they are using networks which are essentially 3.5g with theoretical speeds on 42mbs (tmobile) and 21mbs (ATT). Question you have to ask yourself is how is the coverage in your area and decide accordingly. For example if you have good sprint 3g coverage, unlimited data and wifi then you're good. If not, then look around. LOL.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2012, 05:30 PM
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Re: Is T-Mobile and AT&T better than Sprint Service?

Originally Posted by Riley View Post
Edge speeds are much below 1mb down (1/4 the speed). So when you reach your limit you are in edge and you confirmed this correct? I'm glad you are happy with your service but let's be realistic here. 1mb down is not the lowest you see.

To sum up this question. Yes. Tmobile and ATT has much faster 3g speeds because they are using networks which are essentially 3.5g with theoretical speeds on 42mbs (tmobile) and 21mbs (ATT). Question you have to ask yourself is how is the coverage in your area and decide accordingly. For example if you have good sprint 3g coverage, unlimited data and wifi then you're good. If not, then look around. LOL.
I get up to 250k when on EDGE, and between 65 and 128 when tethering which is faster than what I was getting with sprint during the day from early 2011 on.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2012, 10:46 PM
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Re: Is T-Mobile and AT&T better than Sprint Service?

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
I get up to 250k when on EDGE, and between 65 and 128 when tethering which is faster than what I was getting with sprint during the day from early 2011 on.
Yes I know the story. Well good thing is your are all set for now. I'm actually considering picking up an unlocked Galaxy nexus from the Play Store and activating it on Tmobile. It's selling for 349.00 and has Jelly Bean already. Pretty cool. But then I realize it would just add to my flashing sickness and I don't really need it. lol.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2012, 01:17 AM
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Re: Is T-Mobile and AT&T better than Sprint Service?

Originally Posted by Riley View Post
Yes I know the story. Well good thing is your are all set for now. I'm actually considering picking up an unlocked Galaxy nexus from the Play Store and activating it on Tmobile. It's selling for 349.00 and has Jelly Bean already. Pretty cool. But then I realize it would just add to my flashing sickness and I don't really need it. lol.
dont fight the sickness

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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2012, 10:05 AM
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Re: Is T-Mobile and AT&T better than Sprint Service?

Originally Posted by Riley View Post
Yes I know the story. Well good thing is your are all set for now. I'm actually considering picking up an unlocked Galaxy nexus from the Play Store and activating it on Tmobile. It's selling for 349.00 and has Jelly Bean already. Pretty cool. But then I realize it would just add to my flashing sickness and I don't really need it. lol.
I am on a GNex on T-Mobile and I have been flash happy since yesterday switching between AOKP build 40 and Jelly Belly 4.1 ROM (which is FAST as hell).

Get it, I like it way more than the SGS3 or any other phone on the market, and my up/down speeds are fast as hell.
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